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  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview
  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview
  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview
  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview
  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview
  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview
  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview
  • Jennifer D Milano v. Daniel A MilanoCommercial - UCC document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/19/2023 12:38 PM INDEX NO. 615191/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/19/2023 LEVIT{E SINGH, LLP 260 t{. BROADWAY, STE 2A HTGKSVILLE, NY ll80{ Tt (1471732-42E SALE CLOSING STATEMENT \ Title Company: Adiustments As Of: 9/22/2o2o Closing Date: e12212020 Closing Location Premises: 8 LINDEN COURT, HICKSVILLE, NY 11801 Sellerr DANIEL MII.ANO Purchaser: JOGINDER S BAL AND KARNVEER S BAL REPRESENTATION Attorney for Seller: LEVINE SINGH LLP by: Manjit Singh, Esq. Attorney for Purchaser: JAY SAHNI, ES Attorney for Lender: KAPLAN AND KAPLAN PC Deposit: General tax (9/22 to t2l3L) s6s7.00 Total Credits to Seller: S 510,6s7.00 Total Credits to Purchaser: S 26,s91.00 BALANCE DUE AND OWING TO SELLER AT CIOSING: S 484,066.00- Addltlonal Funds due from Seller (expenses): Levine Singh LLP Sl,2so.oo . Deed and transfer docs ACRIS prep Realtor 1 - Realty connect Usa S17,8so.oo. realtor 2 - Realty connect Usa 10,200.00. Transfer taxes S2,04o.oo. title closer pick up fee TOTAL { 3lritto- BALANCE PAID AT CTOSING TO SELTER AS FOTLOWS: FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/19/2023 12:38 PM INDEX NO. 615191/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/19/2023 wAn ru\tcl iao llrtPEltrrarxx tt rAD€ rHiT Txtl rocr_or r(x rHE lltt Arp Pt nctt.ta[ of nE L ESTATE oollrt trx SGSI|OX &rU O? n€ cExsfl.mrrrrrcr oE.crrxii LAWrnxx r.rmuearr COilSULT YOUR LATWSR 8ErOf,E gIOI{TI,IO TTIB ACREEffi{T IiOTf,: FIRf, AII.D CASUALTY LoosEs ANB COxDTuNATI0N. Thir oomrs &n dm ad Fwtdt 6t *ll.t hryrqrr ir lhr s6a oa fni or oalEr Gaddry har q o6dedorl breF fu uth ckno& urllr, eftrt'l prsvbim ii ndc ia &L wrul scue t I I t ! oa 6" aa;d oblis.rie ur wiit trtiq pcrraio of ir frrmiu ben rbr ddc chdrq. - a6y oac gir or ur rer oi&oi-n rrt*r *rrrtn&h fu &c ,rd wlty brr upoo Ror$trrlrl Cottrrql of Srh COnFaCt Of Sale mrdeuof rH BETVEE!{ DANIELAMILANO A&rf I I.&IDU{ Cf, mCX$yeIf" tdy I t$0r Sood Sn{l&y !ftSrG8Gd. IIr I{o$} trr{ilfited.[o$*re se IoGntDEe S,re!{ B4[ & KAAI'IVEm, ShCIrr BAr Ad&r,G ml X?n'lmE8tr" OLE!a OiXS, ltt Sod Sool,iy Nsd.s/f.d $t t$(r)r faiindr odlod {trrrctrrt'1 Ib prticr hcrtfoy e3rc rr &lhs: L it ldb@ tl[ ld {fr!,rr ed hrgik &ll Fn!h* h tr!*.* roa;*rr Bdrthg Mo:qrp. 1lrJrr1farfara/.| {J.*.-t -i}rt ri-$. FAat, rrlh d hr,s'!. g irpp,aic tro t*}{:Bt tu.?rukL w: @ dr.rft.d6, qrg p.r uld'SrtrddcA'.Gld hGb d d rpr Urf a'*o irtr***. rI bm.rc -- frtmt prr nnr i mrtb ir llrrrr rll af rlril Sm Adpr.* UlDer Crt, Sercl&.L8r Ny I lt0t tnt&g.D+ip.Err M{al- I. f I rlm it' r, aian a I .!rl r* rrrr a -tr,, licttlo: I Sloclc uxl Lot: f.atit* rfb SdL/r m*e oC dSh, if ry,r H tyiar u 6r tri'ild mrlrtrrrf hhr *r,rrrr* rrrm ir rrlldlilbl, El_dey ffir a hthry, qoC or Fopsr!4 !6mi!I t ptcof.. . t.T= b-thor.,.incbrtq 6r qI of Sdh; rey qrid rl+-l+mr*l!rh-trr rat -ryr r lqritr-fil rfrr rr ta tl rr- tt .lmm --li-t,ira- d ip.lcrrs of ry dta Uy aodcmr dtr ftr ay diran3a r lrltrr Frril 1(L|a. F_ hgf -tf mxn ot *.|a of tE& c( uy au ; b$;q,. rfur{dll .tr.n ta .!n.r,$.t,nh !r!r.rr rrirlrrd tI -tl Sc[r' i.Il ddtrr r D6 .d.rrhG.t colr I nmis, r C-iL (; lrrti* dChl& or trtltu, - aq.o* -y'G.m-or hcb rryrroadly nqri. &r e! c6*!d6" i'.a* ifrl u m r-f,EH, Ed oofltu or-rri. r:d or.-I.a dir-br-ralr. rra*-hi,pI] I trrbalfr! rh.-rrr a (.r fhnA mprry. Itb d. .h0 ii*dr dl ,$& rd r{drr af tdllradt athrihalr:hrr t f 'a.' I a rl a, r[ atr ,tt!1d.I69A, !E ftrh.d a.?FrEE qctufl E rh rtt@E, ,&h. a u . .aa.l.a rL lifi! ?!lHU EiU tdor. S& ryuan rd rrrnau 6a r bc FB er od orrd-by S.{rr. Gi. Ed dr d rl thdry try- ffi+.r+rr-fr+t+*t nr*r if .u.D..?GEEE1 crc6 ray orilry oaqjry o r6irt rilr rje ory fS, ftg tT * ra;u n Peffi& tE Lr; Il@ {gEt al Eqlgryq nE E. t "I lLrm d hEt ! abills. -@h 6r r fr: rrr-r'iri rr I lr r{irar aC'6 tr,ar,rj lq rll.r.ry pb d rh.r hrkc, ,codb ffidi r&&rr ftdq.-ra:o, rwrfgl *ar vb&r* rlm 6cr Y-l rJ '' I rrif r -lt fr d r bh ri'lr{ I, I llF -rt,rrr,r r-l r{irrr 11|11 e3.*t ry ry *nrb. E6or yrtcr Srgnt. FA.. otfhlr rr r!r* ' rrd nrt nrn {rr ** llrr hfio {i,rrinrr -f?-J,,4?.r"t doa rLryl Ffi *r{, dfuulr; {a6ili! - l.l lta ir6cr$o.. irttn d?od urr' lt+ o,"q"a*. rd P4:ia. ur.cch&d bch (r!,*c e rs,rpt*dt itu* ftI}rfli.'ril -n' rrlt't r {} ftlb b ftLrrrJr. frrh:rl rIb0.alDGr.rflr]ftdafi =?*s Hi tlrnlf r J rry lr irr rJ rrdfrri : jrirrl (ji) *r rr rrir I qSq et.rbrr fieirsed -r,rtr-r-a r.l nrrrr rnf r a. ir .r a b lrt lr ,ryl 8oT bo{ito&, erasnrr d d rfiP.rqt ra i!.h.ld rbG. full r r rlmlr l; r-lrr rn,trrf It rrrtrr rf tr lh r 3" rHtg-afi.*ri.|i klh*ll&r&tfrct*.*iccf & it}o'$&oo mh!&iltquii t a- I tl.r.t L.rt l. {/)*r l', r+r,aflll*l. ., rr a h t. r {r} m lic *riq of &!. cdr.( b5r purfirdr dc& cldlo ro tc ti {re Lrdrftr i*{bcli drd ro -{rc.r.c'n -;66|j lga51 secl i r.rb, of b br Lr{C ir er FE- .it E Fdilpf Ih lrrlt r*;! r.' rrl lrr[rF drll h irnr lt b 6of,rl c-r TFo-l.dDd. $b.Do'qt/!d} fr lrlu in *r fril rrh* rr ifrtt ir fu rf lJiirrr rttrq sr00m L!"rbfi.r Yrt 6nr i" ' LJr rti.. aarr,.Er-br ,- llartr{r lrl @inir! m iti !...t, tt, ffirr rrr&l i;.. f}rrrrfu\idrkrlrrrhdl rrrrm t jrinftt it ll Jrr* " hi:rF lrrr. {b} Ih. ,riir rr m.trt rai ratrrll! lrr aa{ raat !r|.. i, a * {c} -lirrr-l rrlrr'.rrr rrlllr rf r.- liif .rr rl !r. rl rlr m'-rrrrr :rCifirli r:r n?Lr urtrr r lr:rlI l: : rf h *rrilt' r i\r ,rrr:rf: r rrrrlhl-rlJrlrr iitrtrrrl-iltll tcl r|otL tm T rr: || a lial a. lr. tra-.l|l| _ !.hc. r @ b roda sfrt FclEIfi tr :rrl lrrrJ rhdl rrt rl l. mrr rf trr iFl mi! ri . fi I sBItDtIrAI^ltrIArEtr - 7: ?n4-mrn *ii.:n*.r-.a'.Fa*.fr. "f ftj. Im. FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/19/2023 12:38 PM INDEX NO. 615191/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/19/2023 p.y.6lc to &c $cllcr, or rc S.ll, mly othlrritc dirld upoil ro{ t€rs &e 3 hrim* dryr n*icc (by nbplrmc c ortrcrirl to hrehrq, (o) f. E E, dn rlr tb gtrr dt tr.r* rr !.l!l . *rEr rnoffiilrfdd$laiLrryretti*rilt*l ;la (q *r drdn m( h h nnhf ly, g*rc g{qttmqrf, C i lrq;edL-Lcrr. rxr*cg6m. p|ensir{r&c{.r 0l 0 Thr obtiguiooc of PrEcbr3lr lrreurla rre conditio*rod r4m *ro irorcc qr or Sclla's atbrrry (*Eslqrs.') drll hold thc Drnmprfnqr for bGfon! 4, DAYS ATTER. Tt{E RfCEIFT Or A fULLy IXECUTEp Stlkr'r aocoqm in escrw in r scglrgd brah lmrnt Ctte8f,, CONTRACT 8Y nf8 BUYHR'S ATTOfl}i[Y tr]c'tomnrimcnr Drte) aANIq HICrCVu.LE Chdirg or roonc. rnnirxior of rhir of r wtiun writ&ri cfflnitmmt ftom eny Instin*ioul L.cndrr Frsultl to rrhich oontr..t ud rlull pry rncr or ryply thc DoelpaynEof ui rdctrd&ca c$ch lfiritu*rnrl landa lgltcs to rn8lr a fird rmrcr$ lmn, odrcr drm r witb fu Bn!, of thir frrafrpL E*rmrw shrll (rar) {IrJr:fi Ir,ar-f,&{ @ r,o Ihr}rs{r. d -?a.d|ri toH rlrc Dowupeymrar m ra intsmsr bcrnng eccouni hrmhrs*t'r ple g std lxpcorl, of t1ff,flt0.00 r rorb kr*r for tlr bancllt of the Frti.s. If i$trr$l is hrdd for the bcmcfit of dlt llrn .r hrclrcrr rhrll willhg to rcrrgt a tln pardling 6rod nrc of be F.*& f $d'hr ridr b Firy&d o tu &wp,ulrad M6!sr d !0 Ercced or ini$.I djuobl$ r*( d idllr{fi mt S iilctad {or r tc prg' rcsdrir3 rb irwt! py ry Uc qi t'ro- ff um of ,r lat !O foar erd ou odra cuilorriry rr l6a cuilorttry cmite'nt cmite'at trm& srhi6!. ltrHtr !CHft.Lb-.{r drbputi+ b lrmryyas or not.ordited lson rny fictoh o&cr em u rpprinl rr:irky to &c *dl tc plcd h a I(I.t ms a,ii..,t p.ilil.dby hr Ilrriqlriwt tada, For pursocer of thir cotn t, 6a t rrlt .fEaaitttion l E a Fqkrt ldcrirs4r d.B of 6c i.r*r Ixadtr'*di mcan .ny bonlq rrviogr bc*lt prvt bolcr, uurt cryrny. idt rybc fuiirird tgr, lo Emno rPd r!ila Ar &.iB. Sc rrvingr rh,J lou orocic:rq errdit rurisr r similr bcrlirg illtiutioo Dorri! fis bc Fa.t b, B.;;6-ldL. rftu wtcthx or$nr#d under ibc lrwe of Uii rqfc, 6c Uaird St.rt' ot rny ch., Cti.r[ &r5 Et oE tr d c*t r Fry tivrs t*rair (! -;E; dGGEd is rutq fsrcip b{rting corporrtim }iccrual by rlrc $rpcrintardarof Brn}r of lmp$t!)oBm*,lir't++qg Ncs Yorl oc 6! CorpNrollc' of {rc Crmwy b tlsrrrr bur} Nm p.rc..t ctrt Dsre.y6, ErgE*l?rbdl $l!trqry.ltdr. E &i l'rrit Siltel irurracs eompcny duly oernizcd or ticcurod to do bqriosr rn dh lst drd d!ao4 ts Eeorpo rhr m rei}r l{*aof Nm Yorl Shrc; morrgrgc b{nbr lic.BEd tr rer,rlnt to Anictc l2-D of th oti.cde q6 ry6 otrr p.ily E ri! prqard pqod r&Lin tS Ernliog Le; rd any insrumcarrlity cl.*ratl by &. Uoikd $aur or tlg U$g -Ory1 rtu t aivil ef rch &dc.. kilp.r i b.*y srala virh poqcc ro tn*s msdglgr [o.,rr. Pwrhr6 rlllll (i) nekc prsrsr rdothcdd {rqd O a&rd fr.frc, lf Brmnrc! do.r maw tor an kiidrutic$l Lcnder fr rch mo(&rt er krrin*furul | (iii fumidt mort8ra. |, fumi*r ,|r* il& of sliidu*$bia rrfr'tb &t ridq tttr-y ct* ai.crrsta rnd cmpllta infomstio, rtgrrdi4 Pui{riiar sad mcmtcrr of rm Erm*po h 1o.d nn ell da Ea b E ], te.t ti],rd. &crnoe ctdl oeo&nc ll h.{d *r}.6qfr otit *r:*irc *il*al by in mucr *i$r t{odlt th6 ti p.rd,* 6 tlb cofrc or e r".1. iitnfi( osterrdaoo dr orn H*ecr. tho Ermoc riiA hrrc 6G tH d ary dar..O.dryo& b Duryrymal rd tr hrrir( d.rtoo *lh,ltc clo* of r drrr h thr oo*y in'*i* Uc frnafro ra loord rd *.ll $e Nodlt ofrdr tlquil'b Scnrrd tHrccr Ugoos$ dGFriq r oAs darkaa b eccordraoc ,16 b k; o( &b pqnp\ Esrruc SCt bc r$a,sd url drcfqd of .[ {brhrr *ff*raf arynd*Xlrlmdc. utlosr Rdrrncat h* rctprd r €rmirmi rb.r docr noa comply wi0l thc &) rcqairrne*r ,.* lbdl lborc, hurt iar ruay carccl tbir rmorut by $vlng Noti."c b Srlltr wirlin J h:sin*r dryl eftr &€Commirrr€oi D*e. frB Flliil r*o0r,lab! 6g rnreu* 8ryoror b lekE &. in which c$e thi! caotet ih&ll bG deirned cancollod xrd thcmnficr nor lmm &r S;furr rclos, ftr r[ tu Ddrpaor Eolwlr t Bilh.r pryry rldl hnw my finticr ridxr rfefut.Sfo!& sc obtiga$fir obtigr$mr or a.e8 nlq' i r *lpltr r 6rb rgp..a d fu e* c{r!ilifi.F li$ililicr ro, &c oaher by rcosoo of ilis rmtsact rxccrt 6rl 6.l th rh ql ttd Est*e *r[ ei bc S$h io olfui 9r1y tr ay rc * Daeopoymedt rhrll bo prornprly rc&odld !o hrrhrrr md cxc€?t r.t sLri,. o h psr o&{ *r r rfirta [ fii-h6-;A r[!U set frlh m xalrl,h Xresrlph l?, :?, lf Pureh{cr Pureh*cr fiih {.ih to dw tr\! noiic aoricr of drqrd of tir cma c inrohry 3ro rofi1e 0 lh. !f r of th. crnccll*usrt rx ii Purthm thll qccryr r coruli$l.rt &rr do.i ml F.ssc" S.rlE rd hrttucrlirly U rEt,ttsy qjrc L AeCaa hlrui& pd tdd t@or ir;lcrr i$il rrl ;rd*E a..qEbi od qqx(bhd[nernm*lirmqr. Aol) l*tr*Locirretict tlli fr pdlqrp* o# Erqwrg'r &dr llngldc" .iloopa ?t||r t!.p.., Ssilr orcijoltrn r rftrtdty Enrurcc h bra niet.i U rd[tr&N!$io6 tbbcoolrc or inoMq grr oGlbeco &6 !f&.krlo*a (cl ieh fru ghS in nfccr sf sy rUE rr&ftad &q0,urc ery.t. 0( P LTb q ft{ rd.E {c Ed ufi tu ritvhc otsard rlid aly tc dcsl by n (idr&S ry mtr of it fra) d eI bc tuI-y Frsd n r sir5 r n&rieiryG,cuim qls tL. dvi6 can.t omat {d} enuea rdcorlodga draD6rrr16a6 tf cta* r& b !G$!Fa of coho r3nud b fu FEviiq of tn ffrff rod Eroorno'r bt dFil3 ii tsCs htmdm tcrgrrr rr of trtroqirud, tal c{ry frrfiicr of hi ft{.brll ho prrnfed h rcr rr @ad Erqts'nr !ffif hqflail" tla Slmhr. rn rnlt nd Sl La.rmqrd &f &[s brydS IFacdarncmc* of tbo Dorrprpt #to{ ry ollc {,!in t ixu 60,f,{.r r&.&.( r r g*ilr* ir c;r (rl pcem*n of fu Dmpaynat sd odies b ..r D Etsilla Zmiernf {*dhiiio hrrr sd rl1lrkins. md trdnd" himbqr *(hdr *a*{fr*'{rr pwidod Ort tbcy rr nol viohod by & qirrhr 7. hitlhp md lapmvanm*r lred o[ lhr rropFiJ. a & ra$ (r, fcl* haa3. A[ o66l mrbb 113d.. &r csg1sl, ula esio +oifuC .f.[ h r.l, bry: t gr-t!ri? o(g rw q Ea.s c tsn ry {a) llilcarSttPrdr*tfri Ctd,bffio'r?I1,00q0q, *l' G) df ter .il., c&ff* Spl4$ai** frc'!.3h.F (1ry, u!trry.hAf,tlhil Gfrd cdin€d chcck rf Pnrttrru drrm on cr otfichl chccl isral by my, rrvirff b6*, rus( rorr?my {r a.yiigx enl log urociuix s hsring . binhry clfxa ur tlrc Sirra of Nr* yort" onadsrcd ard ilrairsllx;+|hil}r Xcl*i*ii(li.t!,ra!$alr r,, FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/19/2023 12:38 PM INDEX NO. 615191/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/19/2023 {r} tl. Ttc dcr lero1 if rnn irhrdiat I rurvay ?roaption, i6i futb ir . h{l I_Il, !$ rN 3l; d & ar rq. rrt dr.. qi Ri;191a;.g;; S* by a &psaHe had k€d nrint iarycctioa ooepef Arry Umsua by tm"f$aF qf Nffi, Yo*, if a ticense ir so ruqgirc& The eosrand *rytrr*d sf said i*a uoA dirr i"ry,;d;hrtr qhry ry.,Uty d cxchsivpfy by hrrfueru Sfrqrdd sucfr lead bsled patnt imeroton fi"d; 0effi&a diqcotr's t€d-qff p** in or ebout ihe Pmmirges, a urirm copy of i*t*d b.r; shsll be served by Prrchss€trs rryon the atrorncy for ihc Sclkr:s, LEVINE rylfryq _ry*t qIN$H,_LLP,?60 Mth tnosdnry, sto 2$ Hiekriltro,-HY I tmr, dttr& rtrery (ZO) daya after fudatc htrcof. 14thp crventPrseh{str$ ealleil to have&o Frmise$ in$passdforls{d b!*d (b) peiet wi&iu Eo (10) daye o{tho darc herco[ ec PurchsE€rs rhsll bG furd ro hr; fi",-.Ait rqivadltcirrr*tm $f,.ha lffid b6ed parnt inspdio!" and this Coffirct ondRi{or sha[ rtmd; in frlI forecdo&cr (c) In qf th* rny had bolcd pdnt i$ fowd u o6enviso diemvored &uigg, any ld "rery pursryot to peragapn s{qy', tb,$o-trlm s!! not $E1dmd b0sd p*Ut iropctiom fr remove c othswise rid &c Premises of srch lead paint aod &is Contract mA nilcr shal lqnsio in full forcc and effect- (O erch{$€r$ hereby *or$t fum $clltr$ of a furEca (14} psgp EPA Bernphhr onfitted dh,toct ymu Funilyrrom t&adln your ltromeo (c) $e[Grs ed Prrcbsstr$ hausby ackw@e r€ilfiffi md emcr*isa of t69 ct*chod Tisslot* of h&rmqtiou On Load-Bascd Paisad i*a,B"r"d$ i;;e- fi;*" 5d PROPERTY COND[ilON DISCLOSTIRE ACT: In the evcnt *Bt Sclttr docs not ryo:ridc frr auv reaum ulha8q€rrrcr a propefiy co*ditim Disetoswp $trr@ a* dotqlibod in ArthlE 14 of tbo New Yo* Rosl Proe#y l^elv, knovm tt tho pmp€rt$ C*ffio" Di*.6; A;; (fu *Aot') i[ affidaeoc w .ne tte tertrr$ of &e Acg Soltcr ehallghrs Fischssar! qpoo olo*i,qg of title, a crdit of $5fr).00 ag&st tte sgrced rryon p,urchase p.d* r"t f"rft i"'d"grrph .i-of thcCom* in ti€u of tIrc Sotlcr p*riaing u," n*rt.*o a" prrp"ry c*a[t.ffi.d; SAMt ad R$shsscrg q8Fe{E) to aocept euch S500.00 srsdit itr fult ind noO sdi*&ctiou of stry': obligryp unde rhe Act. seuers and Rnreharrs agroc(e), oot*it@ m pluvisim of said Act, thst this is sn ,.As Is" salc e&ject only to drc provisiono of par6{efi, 10 tGrd6 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/19/2023 12:38 PM INDEX NO. 615191/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/19/2023 "30" forth thersin, Ths Furcha$ers hereby agros(s) thnt Purchasers haye a$ $$t lmsnveive*** obrained a homc inqpection or house engineering inspcction, or have had the opportunity to obtain one, and are safisfied widr any results thereof, or have waived Purchasers right to perform such an inspcction. Furthermore, Seller and Purchasers also hereby agree(s) that the Purchasers hereby surrende(s), foregdes), release(s) and otherwise waive(s) any and all rights and obligations oi thc Sellcr and purchasers under said Act except for the abovementioned credit of $fOO.O0 at the closing of titls to the premises' Moreover, notwithstanding anything to the contmry contained in connection with the Act andlor this Contract of Sale, the Purchasers hereby surrendeds), forego(m), release(s) and otherwise waive(s) any righ(s), if any, to rescission lequitable, statutory,.u:**on lawo, legi, or otherwise ) for any reason whatsoever in connection with and/or relating to the Act. Finall!, it is understood and agreed tbat th9 three (3) year stahrte of limitation under Lpr-n Zw{z)(appiicable for actions to recov-er on.a.liability created and/or imposed by statute) shall apply-alone in connection with and/or relating to this Act, with no other statute of limitations, being'applicable io the Act' The terms and provisions of this paragraph "54" shall survive closing of tiite to the Premises. 56. SELLERS' CONCESSION 57. PRIVATE WATIR SYSTEMISUFFOLK COUNTY: Should the residential dwelling on the prernises beins sold herein be senriced by a privatg water system, the purchaser, at Purchaser's own cost and experse shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of this conhct, to obtain a water $ality tcst from a New York State approved laboratory and a certificate &at the unkeated raw water sample conforms to the water quality requirements of potable water set by the Sufiiclk County Department of Health Services for ne* residential constnrction. purchaser agrees to notiS Seller, in writing, within fifteen ( l5) days of the test, should the water rot meet the above standards" If Seller is properly and timely nitified that the water does nor meet the above standards, Seller shall have &e option of either corrccting the coudition or canceling this contract by refunding the down payment aud neither party shall hru" *y claim against t&e ither. The Purchaser shall have the option of waiving this condition by executing a waiver to have an inspection as a prccondition to transfer of title; or, in the event such a test does not mect the required standards of the Suflblk County Department of Health Services and the seller refuses to remedy or correct the condition, the Purchaser may cotrsunmate the kansaction notwithstanding such non-compliance. Nothing contained herein shall be construed a$ an a{firmativi 11 Versionl.2l.l8 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/19/2023 12:38 PM INDEX NO. 615191/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/19/2023 reprosentation by the County of Suffolk that sxeouting this waiver mefi$ that the private wat$r systems serving this residontial dwelling is providing ptable wat6that is safc for consumption. 58. TAX DIFERRBD EXCHANGE: If so elected by the Seller(s), wifiin Seuer(s) sole and absolute discretion, Seller(s) hereby re$erves &e right to include this"tansaction as part of the IRC, Section l03l tax deferred Exchange for the benefits of the Selleds), at ilo cost! sxp.nse or liability to Purchaser(s). In such eventn the Purchaser{s) further agrce(s)'to execute any and all document (subjea to the reasonable approval of Purchase(s)'-counsel) as are reasonably nscessaqr in connection therewith, providcd ttrat the Closing of this transaction for the conveyancs of Sellede) Premises shall not be contingent upon Jr subject to the completion of such exchange. Purchaser(s) understand(s) and acknowledgr(r) tt ne Sette4s) may so elect to panicipate in a Tax defened exchange progrsrr. Sette4si agree "t ro indlmnifr and hold Purchaser(s) free and hannles$ for any cost, expense or'liabil'ity, including attorney,s fees resulting frorn FurchT:(s) participation in such exchange. Pursuant to Treisury Regulation Section 1.103(k)-l(gX{v), Seller(s) hereby notifies purchlds} thar as part of Sette(i' l03l exchange, Selleds) shall assign the rights, but not the obligations, oi this Conract to the intennediary who may effectuate the l0j1 exchange on Seller'sLehalfl tf so elected by Seller(s), Buyer(s) hereby acknowlodges receipt of notice olthiqgssjggmenL 59' LITIGATION AND IVAIVER: tn the event otiany Ggal actions and/or proceeding s (iuoluding, but not- limited to, any counterclaims or .ro*r-.i"i*i) of any kind and/or naturc hereaftcr commenced! prosecuted and/or defended between any of tl. puri*r hereto arising in connection with andlor relating to this Conract and Rider for ihe Prenises, each of the paiies hereto hereby waive any right(s) to any rial by jury in such action o, pro"""diog. 60' I'R"s. CODE: Sellers and Purchasers shall comply with the real ostate reporting -Cna" requirements imposed by section 6045 of the lnternal Revenue of 1986, as amended,and aI the time of closing willprovideany nCIcessary information and execute any documents, including lnY forms required tfreqrl{er for compliance with such section. Purchasers shall be responsiblf for proceeds of this sale to thi appropriate taxing authorities (including, ryporting but not limited to, the lntenral Revenue Service a/k/a the I.R.S.) including thc submission oiForm 1096 and Form 1099-$ to tre I_R..S., if applicable. 6l' PLAIN ENGLISH: All parties are represented by thcir own individual counsel of their choosing and they each hereby waive the irovisions of section 5-702 of the General Obligations Law of the State of New york. 62' C0NSTRUCTION: This Contract and Rider is intcnded to express the rnutual intent of both parties hereto and no strict construction rule shall be applied rg"i*t ei&er party hereto. 63' ESCR0WEE: Supplementing paragraph 6 of the Conhact, Escrowee shall not be made a party defendant in any action between thi panies and if Either pafiy commcnces an action naming Escrowee as a party defendant, that party shall indemnify *O hotO trarnrtess Escrowee LL Yenion lJLtf FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/19/2023 12:38 PM INDEX NO. 615191/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/19/2023 ftur.n my M dl sodrl clsim$ rd e*pffisr iaddirg rtnsgflbh ssqrsy*, fffi irurrgd io 6{. GO}mNIltG I"AWI 1tis Ooo6E0t md ei{sr $hFll be solety ewff{cd, md interyrUd in ao $'irh &, faw *tno SmE offfis y,o*. ooosEuod ,At 13 Vcrios