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  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Sonyma v. Elizabeth M. Kiernan, Pinpoint Technologies, Llc, Michael J. Reilly, Capital One Bank, Annabella J. Reilly, Meenan Oil Co., Inc., The People Of The State Of New York, New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Liz KiernanReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 Nassau Eounty C l e v k Knrtgage Hamberi HEOfRDS OFFICE CK 035295 RECOHDING PAGE Type a t I n s t r i i o i e n t : Kortga^ Hecorded: 10/21/1993 m'-M at; 2J55:52 P M A- <2 C o n t r o l Kot 1 9 9 3 1 0 2 1 1 6 2 0 • i n Oibex: 1562S Of; Mortgage Book (tt) EI.IEABEIH F t g a Paget 0S33 KIEEHaH « I Chisjngh P a g e : 0947 R e f e r s t o U b e r ; OOOOO DALE KTG BBKXSiiS COKP Of; Page: 0000 Locatlont Section: Slffck: tot: Oftit: Long Beach (2810] 0OOOO0E8 0OOS9-OC 00010 EXAKIRED M q CKAHGED a S FOLLOWS J Mort fiaotust $ 122,500.00 t R e c e i v e d F o l l o w i n g Feee F o r ijbove Instrument Esempt Exempt Recording f £0.00 HO • B a s i c Town ? 612.50 HO S t a t e Fee S 4.75 HO add'l Hia S 281.25 BO St.Fee/Cty S .25 BO Spec/asst S 306.25 HO affidavit spec add'l Pees Paid: 1,265.00 Mortgage Kcnnber: ca: 039255 'anas 'PAGE IS a'pas^ OF •KIE rNSTRBtiKNT Ooreea Banks 50S001 County c l e r k , a a s s a u County •,»."'r:rp;i 5 I . 1 i FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 MORTGAGE |. r TOKDS USED OFTEN IN T H S DOCUMENT '"Sccnrity Insuumcnt.* Tins dtxtmieai, wbicfe is vmiA O c t o b e r X 3 , 1SS3 WiU Ns caHad IJK y Iraanimtai' EESIDraC NT: 4473 SSStS BCniStai PKSCr tax, RtVERDiJiB, S I 10471 ) "Bffltcnwx," Cf\ s KiU be calicil "Btioojfck sad somcttmcs siraply T or "mk" P'Lcodcr." D i i a EORvsRSE EamcHiS COKP. I 1 be Cilia! "LMate." Lender is a cotpooSon or aisocidiari wlucii Kiaj. iiiidcr fiit tows oT *BE 9 n T B OP Hisw y o s s .ijBider's address is vS'so STSriJiRT i c t e r a s OIiEOEH OCrv. S . I . 11S30 D) "Noie" Tlie sale signed by Bmower and daisd Octtibsir 13, X9S3 , , wiS be callaS liic *Nntt." Tha NotodiDwstbECloweLcndcr cais HDNOSED s w E i m trwo TUPOSASD p r v p , iniSDEED c e o / l o o Do»acsrt}-." UK prapeny thai is described, below b die sccC-on bOnt "Dcscriponn of toe Prepaiy." wffl be csBad ibs ."Property.' (F) "Sores Sceored." Tie anoanls dcKxIbed bdow b (hcseaion titled "EcnowK 'sTransfer » Leader o f Ri£lits b the Propeny" ' samelimcc wiB be caJleii 11)5 "Sums Senirod.' -ORROIVER'S TSUNSFER TO LENDER OF RICBTS IN T H E PROPERTY . .noDsajE. frant and ropyey tiie Propany in Lcodcr sUbies to iho !mr.s of iiis Security InsmimoiL Thisracansthai, by signltig S&s Stojrity Insmment, I are giKbs Lender Iboso ligbts liial are saicd ia litis Sacuriiy hesnremciii and afca those tigliB dsn ihs .• givBS a, iradors wbo boldromtgnsason real prepcny. i a.i> giwng Leader Bu^e rijiris lo protca Lender from p o s ^ e losiss smigiUiesallifTraato: . ) Pay all tboajnouiusihil I owe Leader as Slated b the Note; R) Pay, wilh iiunresi. Jay awoanis Uia Leader spends twdcr Patajiaphs J and 7 of this Scetirily Insininieiii to pioua ilic vabe t Ua Properly and Lender's rgha in IhePiopeny. and I Keijj aS of my oibcr promises and agrccmcws under diis Security Inclrtimeni. I f YORK - Sinslle Psni3y - PamBto UnalFraddla Mae UNIFORM MSIKUMEKT Farm 3033 lOtgt S,.«H(NI)tc> VMP Meniorcc foays -fjiejeeejieD. rraostt-nrer ' asi I ot 10 onlali; „ 1 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 W-SCHIPTION OF 7UE PROrEItTV J e i » U n f a ilglits in i-e Proi'aty ifcscrilicil in fA) throsgli (O) bslimc i A J i M Pnipiiiy which h tacawl ai ISlren) XtO^R EJCACE .NewYodt 11361 .ThisRrepertybin" • •. MfCoJc) KXSShC C o f a y j l has fa foDmvdsij legal facripfttn: SSS iSSSSED SESOlIFsion h\?i S h i s K2BSXSSS ASS IKfhOVSO SY h 1 PhKISY BnEhhlSi; QHSY ••'.'•••iorT ' ''"ir. p ^ (B) AE buildmgsreado i f a itnpmwiniJitts Hut ore locaKd oo fa Pjopeiy ilesiribal i n subparaiisph (A) of diis saaion; (C5 AE r ^ h a ij) oihct propmy ihat S tm. as owner o{ fa Pojifay dcsccfaiS b snhparapiph (A) of ilss sscfan Those n j l i E are y m teoMi as "cascracrits ind nppiKliaiaDCCi Madia! m thcPropar^-"; (P) AS RgSss iho!-1 hove ill fa. land whk* lies in die sneois or reads ia iionl o£, or noii ffl, ilie Property described k suhparagisph (A> otttis seciron; (E) Ah rcourcsiiuiiarc-onirorai fafutiwe will boon faPropcny described ic sitlfasagegibs (A) and CH)of misscciion; faough (F) of !hb saahm. -•O-,,-'-CK:. ;^ EORROWER'S RIGHT TO MORTGAGE THE PROPERTV AND BOKROHTCR'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND OWNERSHIP OF T H E PHOFElCTi' ' j- 3 pramise fac'(A)-l jawdoliy p f a pie Property; IB) I Jrayc .faright lo morfgago, gnpiE and convey fa Properly la Lcrjler; and • . ( Q liiiafpfajsb>!jiasdcimej ! ^ ^ foc'ihcisewififcliiraof pubTic raartt, • r ^ i w sgcftWiwBfaty or'tiils ip Icndnr. This pocaiis fat I nrai he BiBy tesponsibic for any lossis which LendB'SolIcis boausc '. sisacoae otor'-Uiai tisyself Eias sofa'of fa itghts in the Ptoparej which (pioreisc *ot I- bavA ! pronfa Ufa I win defend'my owpcrsbbi i • S i a*5,2«i to ( ^ • i FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 4 »|'i"'t»m\A»wvuvia»^vu,wi I m.v'A»iwawcniW**WAi-^n^4Sft.uL.iii.wiwiiii, ..p.i Mil ,1.,,.,^^ A L L t h a t c e r t a i n p l o t , p i e c e o r p a r c e l cj£ l e n l w i t h t h e b u l K l l n g a and improvements t h e r e o n e r e c t e d , situated, I j i i n g and b e i n g i n •che C i t y o f L o n g B e e c h , C o u n t y o f N a s s a u a n d ) S t a t e o f h o w Y o r k , known and designated as and b V L o t N o . io' i n B l o c k 19 o n a c e r t a i n a a p e n t i t l e d " M a p o f W e s t E n d L o n g S e a c h , L o n g I s l a n d New York, West End Seashore B u n g a l o w s , Inc. i05 Lexington Avenue, c o r n e r i Z n d S t r e e t New Y o r k C i t y , G.S. VairferWestltao, C.E. Long Beach*, and f i l e d I n the Office o f the Clerk o f t h e County o f N a s s a u o n C a n a a r y 1 6 , 1P17 a s Msp N o . 3 5 , Case N o . 2 5 4 w h i c h s a i d l o t i s b o u n d e d and d e s c r i b e d a c c o r d i n g t o s a i d map as follows: BEGINNING a t e point on t h e easterly side o f Michigan Street d i s t e n t 270 feet southerly firom the corner, formed by the intersection of t-ha e a s t e r l y side o f K i c h i f e n . S t r e e t - . a n * ".the s o u t h e r l y s i d e o f P a r k •Str.e'st; .. ' t"" • ".••TTr 'l'"'--' R A N K I N G THENCE e a s t e r l y " a h d p a r a l l e l , w i t h iae s o u t h e r l y sldo--of Park Street 6C f e e t to the center line o f .the" b l o b k between M i c h i g a n S t r e e t and M i n n e s o t a A v e n u e ; f H U K N I N C THENCE s o u t h e r l y a n d a l o n g t h e c e n t e r line of the block and p a r a l l e l w i t h Michigan S t r e e t , 30 feat; RUKK1N3 T E E N C E w e s t e r l y a n d p a r a l l e l w l t . h t h e s o u t h e r l y s i d e of Perk Street, 60 f e e t t o t h e e a s t e r l y s i d e o f M i c h i g a n Street; RUNNING THENCE n o r t h e r l y alcna t h e s a i d s i d e of l)b.chigan Street, 30 feet t o the point or place o f SSGINMING. I j I ( EASLE ABSmCT CORP.. Lliffij 5 b 2 8 PG R 3 b i FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 SON'VTVIA I l I D E R T O F > T V L \ . T f r L M C 2 v f O R T G A G E so^fY^tA it . s8-ois34ii Borrowct NiuteCs). .EmsaSElH M. KISStgN _ „ _ _ This SONYMA Vj'der is made Ibis dsy of 1«M MMK I i FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 }• ;j AdjnsnocBis m the Funds i liiifcr dio law, tore k a Ikniion the aainuiii fif Fuurls Unilcf may huiil If the amuuni of f imds'lttU! by lutKicrcxctttls ihk lirois, tht taw rcqmres Lotder to atamnl torot in a spciial wimticr for dii cjcrss snountof Funds, There wSI bs an ciccss amount , any time, the nmmoi of Fundi which Usnifcf ts holiiSiig Or keeping fe greater than the amount t^Fimds londci is ntlowKl nx under liis last. iiany time. Lender has not locciviai eaoai;h Raids lo jiii&ctotpeyntcnB oT Escrow Jtems wheh the jraymsoe a.-c due, Lenfe ^ tetf OS in. writing that an additiena! amount is ncccssayy. 1 wQ pay to Lcnilcr sAjtevs/ oSdiiioaal amoanl is oeesasary to pay iyEscrmv Hems in fall. Lender wiS! detconine die nnKber of monihiy payments 1 have in ivhich to pay dint addiiioaal auiounL 'iilbcttttmberof payments will itol be ntore than twelve. Sntl have all Of toe Sums Sectwiei, Lciiifcr will pranipl))' refnnd to me any Fimds ihatfec then btdng held By Leotier. if, • . ^ui-Paatgroph 21 borow, Lcndw eiificr arpiiiis It'eiificr arpiins or.-aJls or .sells thcPropetiy, lien Beftite too the Propetiy, linn the rficipiiSiioB — v t L - tm-rolc,Lphd«vwiS-ii^ : — • _ • •.ej_. L.,n-.:.". .; ' which Leniler is holding 01iiiKOttisof tits time G thcacquismoaor.salttorodtuxrth&SijiQsgcctifcd'V.--- •.' " > t S ' • \'y - f'ti • • - . . - . . . . ••'Trry- s\,yytJyfl-Aiy_i.---:. JCA'ni3N OF BOSROWER'K.PAYMENTS tWER'h'.PAYMENTS-' ' V ' • • ; I w retjuiics oUiarwist, Ltader vAli apply iscli of my payinenis under the Note and I and 2 above m g order antl for the rollmvipg porposoe | i > pay a i ^ ptepaymsni ihtcgos due tiiiilcr iltcNanri 3 pay the amounts due to LeotJarnndcr Paeagmph 2 above; 3 pa; intcjostdue; Lio pay printSpaJ one; and [, 10 pay any Uttecharges due mitiir the Nni/i ROWER'S O B U G A T I O N T O I ' A V CHARGES. ASSESSMENTS A K O CLAiMS H-pay ail laiia. rssossmsnts, waur fimstagc tAatges and other simDar charges, sovrer rents,- and nny odier charges aoil fines ' |r be inposed t a the Property and thsu mry be saprier to this Security inilrunienl. i y i l ! also make payracats due mrfcr effjantntenan! on the Propajy and l%m pay gmimd setjis (if any) itoc oti the Pioplrt;-. I will tie this either by mahiiB s to Lender that arc described in Faiagropit 2aboyc-or,if I ant not requited ts tnake paymtuiis under Ruagraph 2, By I the paymous on title to the pctson owtxl ilicm. (In ifiit Security Tnstranieni, the word 'ponoc" mans any petsoii, jBosiUoe, govommsial atttoority or other panyO I f 1 ntidx diceeipayraants.thcspairapliy after tnahingaoy oTtoosc payments Bijsive Lender a receipt which Aowr. that i havo done so. If 1 mdlw payintKii to LetHfer taoder Psragiaph 2,1 will give Lcailer — ' - s c r bSfe that l ncolve for the nmoonis ii«e trader tois Paiagrafto 4. if D promptly pay or satisfy hll feas t^anst the Propis^ (hat may be supetior to this Socntiiy Inatmiaeni, Kowtwer, Otis Security CDt docs not require me to sadsfy a supatior Ijtsn if: (A) 1 agree, hi wrhing, lo pay the obhgatioi] which gaveri.ecto the T lien and Lender appiovcsdic way in vflildi I agree to pay that obBgnnon; or (B) i t good faith, I argue or dcftnd againa qsupcrror itcn in a lawsuit ro that, dtitng ihe lawsott, the supcrJar lien mdy not be crifcrtxd: or (C) I secure Bora the holdsr of giOthcr iica at agreement, apprnvid b wriiiag by Lender, lite: the Sicr, o l this Sseurhy iniButneat is supetior io the fiea held by 11, tr Leirier tdtacrrnbiri that air/ pan of the Propaiy is subject to a stqwrior iien, Lender-may giveBomwor a notice J the superior iioi, Btattower shaH pay ipr satisry die sepeiior Em or tate one cs- more 6f the aaioas set forth ttoovc h.IC itoys of the giving of a o f e . p l E O W E R ' S oaLIGATJON IV iHAltfTAW HASLARD I N S U R A N C E OR r R 0 p 4 s T r I N S U R A N C E " I p b a b hcznrtl or property uisu.e«ice io cover aiJ boiidings end mJ-er unprovcinotiis that now am m- in the futiue will be 1 lite Property. The inmiuat» mnst cover loss.or danago eatissd by Bee, hiEzttis notmaSiy coveted by "mlaidcd ;e" bawtrd msurantx. policies am! tiihcr h.-vaank for which Lentlri requires covcntge, iacludbg floods and nocding. The i latsl be in Ibc n-nounis and for the pcrioife of time rcqutred by Lcnticr, 1 may eiitisc die msu.-ancc cunlpatiy, bit! my » e ' i ss!sobjctn to Lender's npiitnvaL Uuider nray not rufus-a In approve toy choice unless the mitcsal is retLsouablc i f t do nol 1 l i e iusn.-ancc coverage ilesctibct! above. Lender may obtain oisuiance coverage lo prrKcci Leader's rights in Ihe. Property iccc widi Pamgnph " BCIDW, f the insurauct ptriicics aati tcaewais of those poBcies iimst rnciode what is hrwrwn as a "seanUartl mengtigc cbuse" to pnnscr th. Tlic farm tiT sn pahcics attii renewals must be acecpuifalc to Lcrvlcr. Lcnthm vvih have the right in bold Ihe po]icis& antl r Lcnticr requires. I wiB promptly give Lenifcr ail reetapis of paid prcrmumsajid mncw-ni nothms thai I teceive. Form a i m t a s t •itniNriiBiu.e UiJ5b28PCq{{0i FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 1 . irilKTO !s a loss m cSaitKigctolire Proptoiy. 1 wBl JimmpSly aiiiiry ih« insuRinffi comptiny aiul Lcotfct. I f I (Jo nol pJcmpily pmre Hi I)K instittntc company ihM tlic iosc or daraast occumd, A o i Lcoiicr mny do . n . Tlic anioum pihil by ihe msuiaaso company is cdted "proceeds^ .The priKccUs be used la lojalf a< to restore tire damped Pioperty anloss: {A> it is nol ctooamlczlly fcasibfc to mate Ihc rcpnirs ot resleraiion; oi (B) Die use of (he proceeds Jor that parpose would lessen file prtiicclioa given to Lcmlcr by tins Sectitiiy bisnuRuw, or ( Q ixnder and I hevc ngrecd in VThlag oat lo IHC the pioccedi for that porposc, If Bw repair or rcstonuios is not ccnnotBtcdJy fesibic or i f it wuajd iesaui Lender's pmlccfeB onder thb Sccuriv InsStititcru, ditm iho ptooeeds wiE bo used to reduce die ainaial that! owe to Leoifcr Kndcr the Kao and under this Socuriiy IitslnuntaiL i f any of dm pmcccdt rdiuain ahcr the anionitt thai I owe to Lender iics been prad in f u l l the rcnuining prtKBcris will be pnklto TiK.' If ] obenden the Piopcny, or i f I do nol nnswcrjwithin 30 days; a notice &oi» Lciuief sacfos thai the insiunrjcc compcny hns oOeted to seiik a daim. lender may coEcei the proceeds. Lender may us* the prooeciJs to repair or rtsioic Ihe Property or in pay .,:(t:iiis Ihc SiJttis SMainat The SiLilay period wBi b ^ i n wpen the noiicc Ls giveii. If any proceeds ore used to reduce Bio amonni of brindpal which I owe ic Leader under (he Note, ihai nse wifl nol dslay Ibc due iSate orclHpje the aamtinl of ncy so. Lender may not rtJose lo agoK aniess the Tefinal is reasonable. I also wBtpttt 'uuve to occupy the Ptopcjty laid nse the Property as rity printaptd rcadencc wiflun the rime Irajnes sci fonii above i f euciitiaiing ciiaanaanccs csist which a,x boyuarl my cjmuoi- £B) aenrowcr's QbHgstiriiis toMaSntain and Protect Ibc Property I wEl icecp Ibc Propeny in good repair. T Wil! hot destroy, damagi; or hsrei the Property, end ! will not tillow the Property to deteriorate. 1 wiD be *in tlefaoh" under this Sccorisy instiunterK i f f frol to keep any pratnsc or agreement made in this Sccmuy insirutnoia. I also wia be in default tmtler ibis Sctatrity instrument if any cb-U or crhninal octinn or proaxdiag for "forrtaturo" (that Is. a Icgnl -r-r- acSoa Or prooecdQg to require da Propeny, or cny part of the ftoptity, lo be f ivcn up) is bcgtuj ami Lcetlri dcicrmaKffi, in good faith, Dial iWs aciion or pibcciillbg could icsalLin a corin ni!u!g,-CiVJli3i would requite ftirfcilBiti of lie Property or (a) ihai would yk maicriaiiy uaptdr Ihc iien'tyf this.iccutiiy Insmifcent or Ltuider's rights in Utc profwrty. i may correct the ricdauii by obininlng a couit-.-n)Iing,-ib(!l disroiEscs thclcgal scfion or p.-occctlinEf-if Lcmlor tioienuincs, in gooil faith, Ilua this cmirt nriicg prevent -• -ff-''rvhP rihl-l {Q-BttrrmTCr's.ObBq.tUiMB W Fultia Any Lease OMigaCons ir.I do nt>l own but tun e Icnnsf on the Proptny, I rvBl fuiruj nfl my ublig.ttinns uotta- my lease 1 also agree Smt, if 1 ecqoue l i e fee title to a o Prt^icrty, my lease taitresi and the fee tiUc wM not merge nnhtss Lender .tgrers totticmrsger in wribng. (0) llorrownr's Loan Appficaiioii If, during the spplieruitin ptuoess fcrthc loan Out I pmraisc to pay onder the Note, I made frfse ottaacontaiestalcnicnls to Lender aimol iaTonnaiion hnponsnt to Lenider in dctcnniiimg my cligibifiiy for the tiien, Lender will treat my actintrs ns a tiefanlt trtidcr »l5b28fB<)iHi FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 ! Sccwiy Insminrait. Falsa ur itsccurate ssKissnis about litfonnalloo iiDpottant» Leodbr wouW raclado a Basrepsescntaiioa' ( i r y wttatioos lO ocmpy ibc Fropcrty as a principal -osititnct. This k j o a one caajtipic W B raise ur Iriacamiii.- stawmoat of ,1 Worareiion. Abo, i f resane, ijtcltjding me, begins a tcsai ; that may signincamly affecl Lender's rights bi to Propeny (aieh as a losal procecdinj in bardatipicy, in Jirotoffi, for dcmasIiDD or forfeiture, or to enforce fows or rcgeitnitmsX Lento ntay tie ami pay for'lwhatercr is necessary to ptoieri the r of the Pii^crty and Lender's rights in the Rropcrty. Lendetds tattintts may trtclade mjpearing in court paymg'icastjrihbic sjs' fias a.v! tajtcring.oa the Proptaiy to make iqiaiis. Alihoash leader nay.take etfen antic.- this P a i a g r ^ T . U i d t r . .•• " ' h i . 1 ••'-'••''M sSolhavtiodaso. • • - . i ' - ' ' 1 Tay at Lender any ajnouto whh iniertaa, whltdi ^lender spentb «n tioy this .PeragrapH -T. I sriii •pry ihcise aioiirnsio Loider'' --"eiider cratfe mc a nofcc ici'uraikg drat i do stji i will also pay fotnrssi ori those ajntnnils at the PSoErate.liKtost ch eai t will begin on the date Oat ihe amount is spcni.b>* Lontter- However, Lento anc'T toy agree in icmis'of m thai arc tlincreui from Ihost in this paragraph. This Starority trrsiamraiti was protect Leotier in case I do not keejf.lhis 0 i!i pay tJioK cmotmis •with interest OfnrCAGE INSURANCE r rcqidred nioitgage insutance as a coatSaiDn of nsaldng the loan Ihei I promise to pay under the Note, I •will jay to .liotns for the mortgage insurance. If, for any reason, to jaongtrgsfcisaraaceatretage lapses or toasts uj bs ia idfcL I wiil jg'ife picmiaoi! for .sobsinntiall)' Kjuivaleni moagrtge iaauaacc covejagtt. Ktawevcr. the cost of thb rotrngase iastsance : ratist bo SBbstanlially eqiirvakat in to cost to rat of the previous oioitgagc insaiaBCc eoYeiasc, and to alieaDain c instner must beapprovcd by Lender. >)y eoitiraleni mortgage instirato coveinje is sot availSjlc. Lctidef •KBI eslahlifli a *ioss tesnve' as a suhsUtaie Cor ngagc insurance coverage, i vriil pay to Lcnrler cash month 3.0 anroaiti etjtnd to,.one"twc]fih of the yearly mnrtgage c pnanitim (as of to tine the eoveoige iapiiod ot ceased to be in effect). Lender wSl Kjlain these paymians, and will ase ^•payoiciiis lo pay for iesses lha to mongage iiEurence tuould have coveted. Lender way (inxse lo ao iongtr leqinte inss *'; paytncnis, i f rnongngc rtacriincc coverage agaic becerocs avaiable nnd is obtaiR$|L Tite mortgage insurance ccvnage ui Ire in to amount and for topcriod of lime required by Lender. The Leodorraustapprove tfce insuiancc couqraoy pionding i l l pay to mongnge fcisuranet prtamoros, or the loss rcssrro payOEnts, until foe requirement for mongige losuraKS ends 5 to tuy writtsa agreeitrent with Lender or acctrrding to iati'. Lender may reqiiiie mc to pay the pruiiiiuuts. or the loss epaymeats, in to raanncrdsscribcd in Paragraph Lebove. DEE'S laGHT TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY iier, and othccs Buihoriare by Lender, may enter on and Inspect the Propeny. The)- musi do se in «tcasanabie tramner and at i times. Before or at the time an inspection israade,Lcoder raust give me nnbrm 'eiruing a reasonstdc purpose for to iGREElHENTS ABOUT CONDEMNATION OF THE PROPERTY g uTproperty try any govmiiaeoiai atuhoriiy by cmincot dOKtain is hrtowit as "coitdtunnatitui,' 1 give to Lcntiar my righC to prnceerb of aU awards or claims for damages resuliing from conifenimilioa or other govctnmaiwt taJsng of the PtrrpMy; | B ) to proceeds from a sale of the Propcaytbaiis iimdc ir) avoid eonihunnatfoil. Ad rdthcimprocctrrk will be paid loLovdcr. B-of to Propeny is taken, the proaeds will bo need to reduce the Stuns Soauirl. i f aay of to proceotls remaio after the ni Itetti ototoLrtoarhasbiCTprid to fulLttoitoaitMitgp.roeeKiSTi'iiibepaidirjIi«. Ltador and 1 agree olhcrwkc in twiling, i f oiily apart of the Property is talctm. ami ike lair matte valite af to Propeny ly bofom the tafcing either is cqcal to, or greater ihan. flic aaioutti of the Sums Sceisci! inunajiitay teJoro die taliig. that I owe to Lender wSt be reduced only by the omoinn of pniccsds ronltiplkd by a fra!aiDn.Unt Cractinn is as (A) the total lunonm of the Senjs Socured iuiitiediulely before the' i*"atg, tiivitW by {(1 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 I 20, CONTtNUATION OF BORROWER'S o J u t i A T l O N S TO MAINTAIN AND PROTECT THF, PnOFFJlTY The foUoral fciws nad ihc lows tif ihs jnrissricuoB «1icw ilic Priipcny is hvcuod ilui rolfflc Ip tasdih. safey or onvannisaHal p r o K a i o i arc caliol "EnvL-aroiianlal haws." l y i l ! ooldn iinyt.i.iii\ ollociiog the Propeny ihsi violaBs Eoviramncntal Laws, and ! wiHnnlcltew.inyoiKolstiodoso. . ' • . EnviroiMuralai Laws ctessify ccraia subsiaoais-as iratlc cr laraKio'js. Tlwre arc olhc; subsiancss iJai arc ransiosretl hasordons lor purposes of iirs Praagoph 20. TlKsc Kc gasoiiiK, kcnaoio oihor naiooiablE or mslc poroteum pradoas, loa'rc pcotiddcs and iMiladdes. vobiitc sohrcnK, rraicriaij cpntainirig adffistos tiffemaaldctiyds.snd radloaclirB raacrials. The subsanos dermed as loxic or hazardoa by ScViioiuncttiid Laws end, Ihe substances considered harcrotms Ihc purposes of Ihis Paragraph 20 are crdkd "HareidOBsSubsiattees," ' 1 will not pcrmtt HasardDus Sabsiarrros to he prcaatt on the Pnrpcny. 1 will i H i use or aorc Haardous SubsirKices on the . Propeny, m d 1 will nol aSow anytmc else to do so. I also wilt not dLsposo of Haaardnus Snbsuarces o.-r the Praparty. or-reJcaseany Hasantotis Suhsiaace on the Propeny, and t nfm nat attow anyone else u> do se. Howevw, 1 may permit Ihe prcseneo on the 'y Propeny of anrafl puaniiiici o f Hszardnos Substances that are gcircrrhly recogntacd as appropriate for notinat rtaiicnijal tise nnd f-.Ttrr rosinteimivco of Ihe Property, and 3 may use o | laorc these smidl qoartitiw; on Itic Proper^- to addition, unless, the law lequins .Thr ccmcvrol or other aeticn, the buildings, the iroiurovaosnls aad tlic natorcs on Ere Prrjptny sre perroillcd^to cotitsin asbestos and- asbeatos-coiitsiilog rnaiciials i f the asbestos and BSbeslos-cooiainatE maerials are undistisbial and 'noB-'friablc" (thai is. not oa^y crumbled by baud pressure). . " i f ! taiow of any Inveaigsttoa, claim. deamniL bwsoit or other aciion by the govenuneitt of by a private party involving ibc Property and any Hazardous Substauce or ErrvlroirmetiiE] laws, I will prompriy ocrtify the Irendcr' in writing. If tire govensotent nofifies ae (or I atlitrwise learn) iftrc it is mccsssry to remove a HazarrlcUB Subsisucc affsiing toe Propeny or to late other rmajiai aetiotis. 1 will prompily lain: all ncecssaiy remedial actions at leqaued by Ensrooniaeiua! Laws. 2L LENDER'SRIGHTS I F BOKROIVER PAILS TO KEEP PROMISES AND AGREEMEbfTS Except as provbied ID Patngraph 17 nbmp, i f all ot Ihc csmditions slated io subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C) o f IhJr. Paragrapb 21 arc met. Lender may rcqtibc thai 1 pay ituroedtotely Ute eiitcT.c amouot then remaining tmpatd treder Ihc , Note and under this Security iDstmment. "Lender may de Ibis withmit making any further demrrnd fur payment. This ';""fpi^ rcquiremait is called "Iscmcillaic payment in tulL" If Lentler requires imraediate paytmnrt in fLli, Leudcr roay bring a lavrsait to sake away all of my remafarirrg rights In lire Property ansi have ibc, Froperry sokL .At this .sale Lender er auother peruira may acquire the Prtrperty. This b khovrn as "foreclosure and strk," b i ony lawsuit for rcreclosure smd salA Uendn- win liave the rigbi to collect ail costs and !fi.*orsetatnis and addUional allrwantesallpwel by law and will have the tight to add all reascnaWe afctnmeys' fees tc the aouKint I owe Lender, which fees shatt faccoiijt part of the Suras Secartd. Lvfidar may require Itumediate payment taTu 11 under this rnragrapb 21 only i f all of the rottc" rnditto rareineU .(A) I keep any proroist or agrecinenl made ia this Security Inslrainent, incladinj the promises to pay when due the SuBSSKurerd. (BLLeadcr sends to mc, inrbe ntanner described in i'arugrapb U.abuve, a notice lb at states: '(il-Tht-prcrDiseoragrcementdbatllBUsdlokeafj; . fil) The action that I must t a * io correct that default? • (ia)!A;iiateby;Whtth I I n r o l W r e r t the dcftulLThat d m luttst bea! leesi 30(to.rt "' IheTiotloE'ls glycn; . '-y • - {><•) .Th2t;ird do not correct the detaalt by the date .st««I irvrbe notice. Lender may require imiriedlale, ' piymcnt in fttli, and Lcridcr i r another pctaire may aoiaire the Ptoperl)" by means of fortdosure and sale; ; (T) That i f I 'lBuM ifie contfitinns slater! lo Parograph 1« above, 1 wai have the right to b.yve Lender'^ ciifDrcemrnt of this SccwrHy luslnitnenr detcautinQed and ta have the Nnte and Ihis Security Instrument'- remain folly cnective as if iramtiJiate pajntent i n Cull had never been vcquired; and (viy That I have the right iri any lawsuit for fnreclosiire and sols lo argue thai I did beep my promises and agreements under Ihe Nulc and under this Seeoriiy instrument, and to pnrsroi any other defenses that 1 mny have. ! (CT) I do aot correct Ihe dtfauH staled lo the notice from Lender by the dale stated in that notict. Forniaosa tost <3? -5f?!Ny)0iri!l.« ^ UU.DBI 10 I U'l«i5t28Kqi}5i FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 t -"iZ, LENDER'S OELiGATUW TO ISSCHARGETHIS SECURITY I N S m U M E N T , '•yfaoa Under, has bceo paid idl arnoKnis due uiitlcr ilii Noia and under ihis Security Iraintmtnu tender win dhchtage Uiii 5 Soctuily luanimei* by tfcrirenug n ceriTsaie aadog to. thisSectiriiy Insuuirau ba: beat saferisd. 1 wilt nts be required lo pay ; Lender for Ihe discharge bis I will fayancasisqrtceanling die discharge ie the proper oETicia) rrords. L' r ax AGREEMENTS ABOVT NEW VORK LIEN L A W ^ I will rccclue all aniouBB te is me by Uoder sidpeci o iha irusi trad pttwisitms of Saaion 13 of ihe New Y o * Lioc Law. Tbit iLijieaas Cat if, mi ibc dale Ciis Security Insmimool is reeonled, coastnroion ot o t o -watV cm any building or odict improveavcot gltxaicd on the Propeny has not bees complcad for al laisi four Biomlis, 1 wift (A) hold ali amo'dals Btieh I rtccivc ami wbicb 1 e a rfghl 10 tecervc froin Lender anda the Noie as a 'Vua fiaC"; and (B) use ittoso aawums a p ^ for ihaijcoimn!eaoii.or : before 1 use ihao fiir any ofirer purpose. The Eai ibffl ! am hoMing (hose amourrtaas a ' l a i n fund" rnhais firai ftit "aiy [BtEng or oihor EinpooyeOTiaii located on the Propctpr! have a spedd lesponabiliiy umfcr. ihe law" lb use ibc a i r a W iii die • > described ie disPruagsaph. 13. i' ' • , ; •. • '•]!'• ' "• . .-•••'hi ,\»Psr , IlKIDEESTOraiSSECURmtNStRUMENT f. | b n c or more riders are signed by Borrower and ncorded togcatcr whh Bits Sodirily UisfeiliKm, the prcrnises and ogreoaMUs of nridra-aieltttoqxrjatixlasapaSDfdisSroiriT InsnmeriLlChttkrpp^ i 0 AdjBSlabfc Rate Rid« • CorrdoiiuiriiKuiytiei •l-dFamilyRider 1 I GraduMcd Payment Rider • Piarmcd Una Durclopnient Rinw O Biweddy PaymentRider O Balloon P.ider DRnebnprovenreat Eider D Second Home Rider • V A , Rider Sm3& H O i h e r f s ) [specify! SCEflMR TD ENMA/EViLMC: KSfTGSlS • BY SICNJNG B a O T . ! aeo^t aod agree is ihe promises and agteeraenE eontainedhn pages J ihiougb ID of ibis Secariiy BCwncni arid in any tidsrtsjslgecil by nieand recorded wiihii, . ' nr.TTOaiiTg M. ica^aiMi -(SeaS -(Seal) _.«mni 990 S I S S H t l i V E E O E GKRDSI) c m , B-Y. 11S30 >roR(RY)(luill.n ForniJOSJ im*) I FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/03/2021 HftBsau COEinty C l a c k RSCOROS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T j p e of r n s t r o r a e n t ; A s s i g o Kortgage Hecordeds 1 0 / 2 1 / 1 9 9 3 . At! |. 2 : 5 5 : 5 3 H i - C o n t r o l B o : 199310211923 I a . L l b a r i . 15628 , .- Ofi Mort#sge isoaifi iKX). --:: Frgm Pag4': .;' m ^ ' H y . f DALE KORTGASE BBKKERS CORF ' ThrOugh.'.^'age:. 0.9S0.' R a i e r s .tp Llfaari 00000 STATE OF KT MORTGAGE &GE«CT O f t Mortgage Boole ( K ) Page: 00C|0 Location: Section: Block: Lot: Unit: Long B e a c h (2810) MOOOQSB O0C99-O0 00010 EHSKIBED AND CKARSED A3 FOLLQBS; I P S Mort Amonat t .00 ' ^m 1 'im K ' - R e c e i v e d F o l l o i e i n g F e e s F o - Alrcve I n s t x u o e n t ty -.\ y •% Exempt Exaapt. Eecdrdiag ? FES S t a t e Foe t YES St/Fee Cty * FES Fees Paid: $ .00 THIS PAGE I S A PART OF THE INSTROMEKT f ••atj, Doreen Banks liooi County C l e r k , Nassau CountY FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 05/03/2021 12:06 PM INDEX NO. 002884/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 22