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  • Bellino -v- City of Redlands et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Bellino -v- City of Redlands et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Bellino -v- City of Redlands et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Bellino -v- City of Redlands et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


38—Sep-2322 12:59 Disenhouse T-au HPC 19515434239 11.3 \V V mm. mo ADonEaa or ATrORNEYOR mewnmunrmauev; Bruce E. Disequusc, Discuhom Law Arc Mission Lake Center. awe Lime Street, Ste. 522, Riverside. CA 92501 srATE am NUMBER 078750 __ «r: 521:3 OF} L “WV; ,0}? FIFE” 3.5"? 5A” BE'?2R”"J30 ‘ W F i L E 38$ D L.‘ “f.“ m5 FRK’T PORN [A PLNO TELEPHONE N0; 951-530-3710 E.MNL ADDREssze1eccmnicsewicc@discnhom1msarrm CONFERENCE DATE: ATTORNEY FOR (Namarcny ofaedlands FAX N0.(Optiunal)z UNLIMITED CASE: Lmrraowssz DEPT: m7 g flw" w 2 AUfii—S- 2022 ° (5; SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 8v ' COURTHOUSEADDRESS: 247 West Thad sucex, San Bemmdmo, FLMNT'FF: IsubolBellino DEFENDANT‘ (:nyot‘Rchands CA 92415 8n ~ M E ’ mmdj D ep”, INmAL TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT °€§€m§$§has INSTRUCTIONS: All appficlblo boxes must be checked, Ind the specified infarmaflon mud be provided. 1. Party or parties (answerone): a. Ems siatemenus submitted by pany (name): Defendant City ofRedlands b. DThls statement ls submitted lolntly by parties (names): 2. Sarvla- or Complaim on alt parties K] has baan cornpiehd. D has not been completed. 3. Service of Cross-Complaim on all panles D has been completed. D has not been completed. 4. Description of case In Complaint: Premise liabilityldangemus mndition of‘public property 5. Description of case m Cross-Complalnl: N/A B. Has all discovery bun campluted: D NOE Yes Date discovery antldpated to be completed: m_ww 7. Do you agree to mediation? Yes E D No Please cheek type agreed to: Private: x Court-sponsored: X 8. Related cases, conaoltdaflon, and coordinallon a. D There are companion. undeflying. or related cases, (1) Name of case: (2] Name of court; (3) Case number: (4) Status: b‘ a A mouon to D consolidate D coordinate will be med by (name ofpany): 9. E nlal dates requested: Yes. No a Avallabde dates: 06mm 2023 Time estimate: 5 dflls JTE COURTD 10. Other issues: D The following addlfional mauars are requested to b3 considered by tho Court 11. Meal and Confer: a The names represent that they have met and contend on all subjects required by Califomla Rates of Goun. Rule 3.724, D Th6 partles have entered into {ha following slipulatlonmz 12. Total number of pages auuchod (i! any): 0 of ¢he party whem required. If.“ Dam: 9-30.22 .. i ~ Bmcc E. Discnhousc Ig‘l‘ (fit: (f c; , v y " (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) 1/ (SIGNATURE 0F PARTY 0R ATTORNEY If (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SOGNATURE 0F PARTY OR ATTORNEY Fonufl 13-09001-360 11w. 11-2021 Mummy INITIAL TRIAL SE'I'I‘INGCONFERENCE STATEMENT ED RE©EUV 2022 SEP 30 ORNIA ALIF RT 0F C RDINO OR COU BERNA SUPERI 0F SAN COUNTY