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  • Crown Asset Management, LLC -v- Tanneberg Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • Crown Asset Management, LLC -v- Tanneberg Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • Crown Asset Management, LLC -v- Tanneberg Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • Crown Asset Management, LLC -v- Tanneberg Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview


~1 MATTHEW J. KUMAR, ESQ. Bar No. 283521 ALI FARZIN, ESQ. Bar No. 278564 COUNTY OF SAN BER N IA FARMAR LAW GROUP. PC O SAN BERNAHDWO 14900 Magnolia Blvd. #55997 0%???le AGOM Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 MAY 0 3 2022 Attorneys for Plaintiff Internal File: CR200733 BY MHWW m .IESSIC ._ Joififé, DE; _ SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, SAN BERNARDINO JUSTICE CENTER "LIMITED CIVIL" 10 CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT. LLC; CASE NO CIVSBZ126790 . 11 Plaintiff, 12 VS. STATEMENT 0F ACCOUNT ON ACCOUNT STATED 13 KIM TANNEBERG , and DOES 1 through X, inclusive, 14 Defendant(s). 15 16 17 Attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A" please find the Statement of Account 18 to proceed pursuant to Plaintiff‘s Second Cause of Action for Account Stated. 19 APR 18 2022 20 Dated: 21 FARMAR LAW GROU , PC 22 By' ' 23 ALI FARZIN Attorneys for 24 25 26 27 28 -1- STATEMENT 0F ACCOUNT PAGE 1 OFF. Summary 0! account activity Payment infurmalinn Account no. ""-“5'-460 New balance $2,025.60 Minimum paymam due $676.00 Previous balance $1 £40.47 Payment due date 10/1 8/2019 Payments 0.00 omer credits 0'00 Lalo payment warning: - Purchases 0.00 Ifwe do not receive your mlnlmum paymsm by 10/16/2019 you may 0mm, debug 0m “have lo pay up lo a $38.00 late fee. mm Mlnlmum payment wurnhg: Ifyou make only the mlnlmum Efifegi‘zaerged :3: __________________________ payment {or each period. you wlll pay more In Interesl and will II take New balance $2925.60 you longer to pay off your balances. For example: Pu" dus “mum 57500 you mlko no lddnlonal You ll wlll ply on And you wlll Cred" "mu $155090 chnrgoo using lhls card m. balance ohown cnd up paying an Availabb cred" $0.00 and elch monlh you ply: on ma utahmen! ofllmahd kotnl Slammer“ closlng dale 09/20/2019 m “hm“: °'= Days In billing cycle 30 Only ma mlnlmum payment 7 yams $3817 For lnlon'nauon regardlng cred“ counseling servleea, call 1600-2844706. ' Delalls nl your transacllnns TRANS DATc TRANSACTION DIIGRIPTIONILocAT Ion AMOUNT Fees 09/16/2019 LATE FEE 38.00 Total fees charged tor thls perlod $38.00 ifitereat charged Interest charge on purchases $47.38 Total lntarost for Ihle period $47.83 2019 totals year to date Tolal fees charged In 2019 $304.00 Total Inierssl charged In 2019 $365.99 Interest charge cnlculnlion Your Annual Pmanage Rate (APR) ls (ha annual Inleresl r319 on your account. Sea BALANCE COMPUTATION MHHOD on page 2 for more detalls. Minimum lnierast charge may exceed lnleresl charge below. per your credll card agreemenl. TYPE OF BALANCE SUBJECT INTEREST BALANCE APR TO INTEREST HATE CHARGE Purchases 29.240096 (V) i.969.52 (DA) 47.38 Addilinnal impurlanl messages IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Account Is extremely past due and wm be written off as a bad debt at the end of thls momh. To you can pay the Mlnlmum amount shown on this avold this, statemant before the end o! thls month. If you are not able lo pay the Mlnlmum Payment amount, we will still be able to asslst you and prevent your account fmm being written o". Call us at 1-855-617-8089 (TDDn'W 1~800~695~1789) and we wlll find a suitable payment before the end of thls month. If written off, the bad debt wlll be reported to the three major cred" bureaus and our Recovery team wlll determine the appropriate steps, as permltted and avallable under appilcable law, lo protect our Interests. “oncsi 3". m“ 5"“ ’EL'I'Fm"! L"!°."I‘E‘1°."; ..................... V "lu o man’lu o uhm, ‘ ' Plonu Mar aI partomlon above EXHIBIT W Account New balance "WW Mlnimum payment a F‘u LLB EAu 1v mm- A $922,035.80 $675.00 Payment must reach ua by Y... I nave moved o: updated my [:J eumall address - ace reverse. Amount enclosed: 6 pm ET on 10/18/2019. $ I Please make check payable lo: 7 COMENITY - WOMAN WITHIN IIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII”IIIIIIIIIIlhllllllnllIIIIIIIIIII Please ralum this portlan along wlth your paymom m: KIMTANNEBERG PO BOX 2330 PO BOX 659728 PHOENIX AZ 85002-2330 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265-9728 "uI'IIII'II'IIII'IIIII"”l'"Ivh'llllhhlll'uI'I'W'HII' USSDDIIH DDUII’P’M nunnwsun nunauasau