On September 5, 2023 a case was filed by The Lcf Group, Inc.,, represented by Feldman, Adam J, against Angela Patterson, and Angela Patterson D B A Angela Patterson D B A Faires Cleaning Crew, in the jurisdiction of Nassau County. Judge Christopher G Quinn presiding.

FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 09/05/2023 11:46 AM INDEX NO. 614358/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/05/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU ---------------------------------------X Index No. THE LCF GROUP, INC., Petitioner, VERIFIED PETITION -against- ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A ANGELA PATTERSON D/B/A FAIRES CLEANING CREW AND ANGELA PATTERSON, Respondent(s). ---------------------------------------X Petitioner THE LCF GROUP, INC., (“Petitioner" or “LCF"), by and through its attorneys, The Feldman Law Firm, P.C., as and for LCF's Petition herein, alleges as follows: NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING 1. This is a Special Proceeding, brought pursuant to Section 75…

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