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  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview


81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM STATE OF MINNESOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF WASECA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Trust In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Court File No. Trust Dated August 9,1999. Judge: PETITION FOR REMOVAL OF TRUSTEE,APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE,ACCOUNTING,AND OTHER RELIEF Petitioner Michael Roehrs states and alleges as follows: JURISDICTION AND VENUE 1. This Petition is brought pursuant to Minnesota Statute section 501C.0202 to remove a trustee as provided in section 501C.0706; to require a trustee to account; to appoint a successor trustee; to redress a breach of trust; and to construe or interpret the terms of a trust. 2. I am an interested person pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 501C.0201(b) as a beneficiary of the Trust. 3. The Court has in rem jurisdiction in this matter. 4. Venue in this county is proper because Trust assets include real estate which is located in this County. 5. No court proceedings relative to this Trust have been filed in any other county in Minnesota. 6. The Petitioner is not seeking court supervision ofthe Trust by this Petition. GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 7. On August 9, 1999, Ronald E. Roehrs, as Grantor, created the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust Declaration dated August 9, 1999,(the “Declaration”) naming himself as its initial Trustee. {B178J073.3} 1 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM Shortly thereafter, on September 13, 1999, Ronald E. Roehrs, as Grantor, executed the First Amendment to Ronald E. Roehrs Trust Dated August 9, 1999, dated September 13, 1999 (the Amendment”). Copies of the Declaration and the Amendment (collectively, the “Trust”) are attached hereto as Exhibit A. 8. The original Declaration established, upon the death of Ronald E. Roehrs, a life estate in favor of Marvel B. Roehrs in the farm lands owned by the Trust, with the remainder interest in favor of Ronald E. Roehrs’ children. 9. The Amendment executed shortly after the Declaration revoked the life estate in favor of Marvel B. Roehrs and instead required the land to continue to be held in Trust on the following terms: 1) If my wife. Marvel B. Roehrs, shall survive me, she shall have the right to occupy our residence at 13903 275th Ave., New Richland, Minnesota for so long as she wishes to occupy it as her principal residence. This shall include the house and acreage occupied as the building site. The trust famr land rent shall be made available to her during such period to pay real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance and necessary improvement costs. 2) Upon the death of Marvel B. Roehrs or at such time as she elects to no longer reside in said residence, the Trustee shall distribute said building site and trust fami land to the six children of Ronald E. Roehrs as named in this trust. 10. The Amendment made no other changes to the Trust and did not incorporate any terms that would favor any one of the children beneficiaries over another. 11. Ronald E. Roehrs died on December 19, 2000, at which point the trust became irrevocable. 12. Marvel B. Roehrs is the surviving spouse of Ronald E. Roehrs and is the current Trustee of the Trust, being named as successor Trustee in Section VII.B of the Trust, to act as Trustee upon the death of Ronald E. Roehrs. {B178I073.3} 2 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM 13. Marvel B. Roehrs’ appointment as Trustee has not been confirmed by the Court. 14. Upon information and belief, Marvel B. Roehrs has not executed any documentation formally accepting the trusteeship, but she has assumed the role of Trustee since the death of Ronald E. Roehrs. 15. The qualified beneficiaries of the Trust are the surviving spouse of Ronald E. Roehrs: Marvel B. Roehrs; and the children of Ronald E. Roehrs: Janet Tharp, Rhonda Conrath, Michael Roehrs, Daniel Roehrs, Sandra Walstrom, and Steven Roehrs. The children of Ronald E. Roehrs are not the children of Marvel B. Roehrs. COUNT I—REMOVAL OF TRUSTEE 16. Under Minnesota Statute section 501C.0706, the court may remove a Trustee if the Trustee has committed a serious breach of trust or if the court determines that removal of the Trustee best serves the interests of the beneficiaries because of unfitness, unwillingness, or persistent failure of the Trustee to administer the Trust effectively. 17. Upon information and belief, Marvel B. Roehrs lacks the ability to understand to a reasonable extent the nature and effect of what she is doing. 18. Upon information and belief, Marvel B. Roehrs is susceptible to suggestion to the extent that the influence of third parties may overcome her own intent. 19. Upon information and belief. Marvel B. Roehrs does not clearly understand the rights and duties of the role of Trustee nor the financial transactions associated with administration of the Trust. 20. Upon information and belief. Marvel B. Roehrs is incapable of managing her personal financial affairs and is accordingly incapable of managing the financial affairs of the Trust. {BI781073.3) 3 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM 21. The personal finances of Marvel B. Roehrs are being managed by Sandra Walstrom and Ervin Abraham as attorneys-in-fact pursuant to that certain Power of Attorney dated March 5, 2021, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 22. On or around December 9, 2022, Marvel B. Roehrs’ attorney-in-fact and son. Ervin Abraham, indicated to the Waseca County Sheriffs Office that Marvel B. Roehrs has memory issues, as documented by the Incident Report dated January 6, 2023, attached hereto as Exhibit C. 23. Upon information and belief. Marvel B. Roehrs has persistently failed to administer the Trust according to its terms. 24. The Petitioner desires that the Court remove the Trustee because the Trustee is unfit, or there is an unwillingness or persistent failure of the Trustee to administer the Trust effectively. 25. Alternatively, the Petitioner desires that the Court remove the Trustee because the Trustee has committed a serious breach of Trust by failing to provide annual accounts to the qualified beneficiaries (see Count III below), by failing to maximize the assets of the trust (see Count IV below), and by failing to administer the Trust according to its terms. 26. In the opinion of the Petitioner, it is in the best interest of the Beneficiaries of the Trust that Marvel B. Roehrs be removed as Trustee of the Trust. COUNT II—APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE 27. Under Minnesota Statutes section 501C.0704(c), a person designated in the terms ofthe Trust to act as successor trustee has the highest priority to be appointed successor trustee. 28. Article VII.B names Steven Roehrs as alternate successor Trustee if Marvel B. Roehrs is unable or unwilling to serve. {B1781073.3} 4 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM 29. Upon the removal of Marvel B. Roehrs as Trustee, there will be a vacancy in the trusteeship that must be filled. 30. Petitioner requests an order appointing Steven Roehrs as the successor Trustee of the Trust and requiring that Marvel B. Roelirs expeditiously deliver the Trust property within her possession to Steven Roehrs. COUNT III—ACCOUNTING AND EXPENDITURE OF TRUST ASSETS 31. Mimresota Statutes Section 501C.0813 requires the Trustee to keep the qualified beneficiaries reasonably informed about the administration and of the material facts necessary to protect their interests. Section 501C.0813 further requires the Trustee to promptly respond to a beneficiary’s request for information related to the administration of the trust. 32. Marvel B. Roehrs has failed to keep all qualified beneficiaries reasonably informed about the administration of the Trust. 33. Section VILE of the Trust requires the Trustee to provide an annual accounting to the beneficiaries of the Trust. 34. Marvel B. Roehrs has failed to provide to the qualified beneficiaries any accounting for the entire period from December 19, 2000, to February 9, 2023. 35. On December 20, 2022, the Petitioner, through counsel, requested in writing that Marvel B. Roehrs provide information related to the administration of the trust. 36. On February 9, 2022, Marvel B. Roehrs provided an accounting (the “Preliminary Accounting”) for the years 2017-2022 in response to Petitioner’s request, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit D, but has not produced any supporting documentation or a finalized accounting. 37. Except for the Preliminary Accounting, Marvel B. Roehrs has not provided to the {B1781073.3} 5 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM beneficiaries any accounting for the entire period from December 19, 2000, to present. 38. Marvel B. Roehrs has not provided a finalized account for that period, any supporting documentation for the account, or an accounting of any period of time prior to 2017. 39. Section V.A.l of the Trust, as amended, allows for the trust to pay only for “real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance and necessary improvement costs” for the land. 40. The Preliminary Accounting includes expenditures that are not for real estate taxes. insurance, maintenance and necessary improvement costs. 41. On information and belief, for periods prior to 2017, Marvel B. Roehrs made similar improper expenditures of trust assets. 42. Petitioner requests that the Court enter an order requiring the Successor Trustee to conduct a detailed audit of the trust records of Marvel B. Roehrs, including but not limited to. trust bank accounts, and trust tax filings, and to report Successor Trustee’s findings to the qualified beneficiaries and the Court. COUNT IV—INVESTMENT OF TRUST ASSETS AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF 43. Section VI.C of the Trust requires the Trustee to exercise the judgment and care. under the circumstances then prevailing, that persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs. 44. Minnesota Statutes section 501C.0901 requires the Trustee to invest and manage trust assets as a prudent investor would, by considering the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the trust. Section 501C.0901 further provides that in satisfying this standard, the Trustee shall exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution. 45. During the entire period of the Trust, the major asset of the Trust was 120 acres of real property located in Waseca County, Minnesota, described as follows: {BI781073.3} 6 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM The East Half (El/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township One Hundred Six (106) North, Range Twenty-two (22) West, Waseca County, Minnesota(PID 08.029.0300—80 acres) AND The Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4), Section Twenty-eight (28), Township One Hundred Six (106) North, Range Twenty-two (22) West(PID 08.028.1500—40 acres) (the “Farmland”). 46. On information and belief, from December 19, 2000, to present, the Trustee has rented the Farmland to Garry Walstrom and Sandra Walstrom for $11,880.00 per year and has collected no other revenue from the Farmland. 47. Sandra Walstrom is a qualified beneficiary of the Trust, and no provision of the Trust instrument entitles her to rent the Farmland at below market rate. 48. From 2007 to 2011, the average rental rate for Waseca County, Minnesota, has been at least $126/acre per year, as evidenced by the Cropland Rental Rates for Miimesota Counties publication prepared by the University of Minnesota Extension attached as Exhibit E. 49. From 2013 to present, the average rental rate for Waseca County, Minnesota, has been at least $208/acre per year, as evidenced by the Cropland Rental Rates Spreadsheet prepared by the University of Minnesota Extension attached as Exhibit F. 50. Upon information and belief, the fair rental rate of the Farmland exceeded $11,880.00 per year from 2007 to present. 51. By renting the Farmland well below market rate to Garry Walstrom and Sandra Walstrom, Marvel B. Roehrs has persistently failed to act as a prudent investor, failed to maximize the assets of the Trust, and improperly benefitted one beneficiary over all others. 52. Petitioner requests that the Court enter an order immediately enjoining Marvel B. {B1781073.3) 7 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM Roehrs from renting the Farmland for crop year 2023-24 or future crop years except (i) at fair market value as determined by open bids; or (ii) through a contract with a professional farm management company familiar with the Waseca County market; or (iii) an amount approved by the written consent of all qualified beneficiaries, or (iv) upon an order from this Court, pending resolution of this Petition. COUNT V—INTERPRETATION OF TRUST LANGUAGE 53. Section IV of the Trust provides in part: During the Grantor’s life, the Trustee shall distribute all of the net income of this Trust to or for the benefit of the Grantor, or as the Grantor may designate. . . . Any excess income shall be added to the principal at the discretion of the Trustee. 54. Section V.A.l of the Trust, as amended, provides: If my wife. Marvel B. Roehrs, shall survive me, she shall have the right to occupy our residence at 13903 275th Ave., New Richland, Minnesota for so long as she wishes to occupy it as her principal residence. This shall include the house and acreage occupied as the building site. The trust farm land rent shall be made available to her during such period to pay real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance and necessary improvement costs. 55. Petitioner requests the Court to construe or interpret the language of the Trust because the language is ambiguous. Petitioner believes that Section V.A.l of the Trust should be construed or interpreted so as to require that any excess income, after payment of any real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance and necessary improvement costs, shall be added to the principal of the Trust and not distributed to Marvel B. Roehrs or any other beneficiary for any other purpose. WHEREFORE,the Petitioner requests the Court enter an Order: 1. Immediately enjoining Marvel B. Roehrs from renting the Farmland for crop year 2023-24 or future crop years except (i) at fair market value as determined by open bids; or (ii) {BI781073.3} 8 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM through a contract with a professional farm management company familiar with the Waseca County market; or (iii) an amount approved by the written consent of all qualified beneficiaries, or (iv) upon an order from this Court, pending resolution of this Petition; 2, Removing Marvel B. Roehrs as Trustee; 3. Appointing Steven Roehrs as Successor Trustee of the Trust and requiring that Marvel B. Roehrs expeditiously deliver the Trust property within her possession to Steven Roehrs; 4. Ordering the Successor Trustee to conduct a detailed audit of the trust records of Mar\el B. Roehrs. including but not limited to, trust bank accounts and trust tax filings, records and to report Successor Trustee’s findings to the qualified beneficiaries and the Court; 5. Interpreting Section V.A.l of the Trust to require that any excess income, after payment of any real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance and necessary' improvement costs, shall be added to the principal ofthe Trust; 6. Awarding attorney fees and costs to Petitioner pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 501C.1004; and 7. Granting such other relief as may be proper. L'nder penalties for perjury, 1 declare or affirm that I have read this document and I know or believe its representations are true and complete. Date; !B:?«i075 31 9 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REQUIRED BY MINN. STAT.§ 549.211 I, the attorney for the Petitioner, acknowledge that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 549.211 costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded to the opposing party or parties in this matter if the Court should find that the attorney for the Petitioner acted in bad faith, asserted a claim or defense that is frivolous and that is costly to the other party, asserted an unfounded position solely to delay the ordinary course of the proceedings or to harass; or committed a fraud upon the Court. Kanfiberly A. Literovich, #0347632 Jared M. Koch,#0400147 Blethen Berens Attorneys for Petitioner 100 Warren Street, Suite 400 Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 345-1166 kliterovich@, ikoch@, {B1781073.3} 10 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM FIRST AMEIVDMENT TO RONALD E.ROEHRS TRUST DATED AUGUST 9,1999 Page two(2)Paragraphs V. A. 1) and 2)ofsaid trust are amended to read; 1)If my wife, Marvel B. Roehrs, shall survive me, she shall have the right to occupy our residence at 13903 215^ Ave., New Richland, Minnesota for so long as she wishes to occupy it as her principal' residence. This shall include the house and acreage occupied as the building site. The trust farm land rent shall be made available to her during such period to pay real estate taxes, insurance, mamtenance and necessary improvement costs. 2)Upon the death of Marvel B. Roehrs or at such time as she elects to no longer reside in said residence, the Trustee shall distribute said building site and trust farm land to the six children ofRonald E. Roehrs as named in this trust. All other provisions ofthe Trust as executed on August 9, 1999, to which this First Amentoent shall be attached and made part thereof shall remain L stated and in full force and eflfect. Dated: 1999 by 6^"^^ ^ Ronald E. Roehrs State of Minnesota ) County of Waseca ) The pr^mg Trust Amendment was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me by Ronald E. Roehrs. as Grantor, this /^/< .day of 1999. as the voluntary act ofsuch person. // . ~/~ ROLF E. IVER5EN NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA My Commlcsion Expires 1/31/2000 A 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM RONALD E. ROEHRS TRUST DECLARATION This Declaration establishes the RONALD E. ROEHRS TRUST, a revocable tmst, by RONALD E. ROEHRS as Grantor and Trustee this 9th "8"" 1999. Day of I. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Declaration is to establish a Trust to receive and manage assets for the benefit of the Grantor dun'ng the Grantor's lifetime, and to further manage and disuibute the assets of the Trust upon the death of the Grantor. II. FUNDING OF TRUST. This Trust shall be funded with assets transf erred to this Trust by the Grantor at the time of creating this Trust, or at any later fime. This Trust may also receive property fiom any person or entity who is acting under the authority granted to that person or entity by the Grantor. It is also expected that this Trust may receive assets pursuant to the terms of the Grantor's Last Will and Testament. III. MANAGEMENT OF TRUST ASSETS. The Truste e shall manage and distribute the trust assets for the benefit of the in Beneficiary accordance with the terms of this Trust Declarafion. IV. DISTRIBUTIONS DURING THE GRANTOR'S LIFE . During the Grantor's life, the Trustee shall distribute all of the net income of this Trust to or for the benefit of the Grantor, or as the Grantor Such distributions may design ate. shall be made at least quarterly. The Grantor may change the amount of distribution at any time by providing notice to the Trustee. Any excess income shall be added to the discretion of the Trustee. principal at the A. Payments During a "Disability" of the Grantor. During any period that the Grantor has a "disability", the Trustee may pay to or for the benefit of the Grantor such amounts of income and principal as the Trustee believes in the Trustee's sole discretion to be requir for ed (i) the Grantor's support, comfort and welfare, (ii) the Grantor's accustomed manner of living, or (iii) any purpose that the Trustee believes to be in the best interest of the Grantor. B. Disability Defined. For the purposes of this Trust, "disability" shall mean a legal disability or the inability to provide prompt and intelli gent consideration to financial matters by reason of illness or mental or physical disability. The determination of whether the Grantor has a disability shall be made by the Grantor's most recent attending physi cian. The Trustee shall be entitled to rely 1 flaw/r0 631w 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM on written notice of that determination. V. DEATH 0F THE GRANTOR. Upon the death of the Grantor, the following disuibufions shall be made: A. The Trustee (successor Trustee) shall pay the expenses of my last illness and funeral, valid debts and expenses of admin istering my estate, including non- my probate assets; provided that no such debts and expen ses shall be paid fiom the proceeds of any insurance, retirement plan or other asset which but for this paragraph, would be exempt fiom liability for such debts and expenses; and any estate taxes imposed upon my estate to the extent except paid fi'om other sources. The trustees shall make the follow ing special disuibutions: l) lfmy wife, Marve l B. Roehrs, shall survive me, she shall have the right to occupy our residence at 13903 275'" Ave., New Richland, Minnesota for so long as she wishes to occupy it as her principal residence. This shall include the house and acreage occupied as the building site. 2) Ifmy wife, Marvel B. Roehrs, shall survive me, she shall have a Life Estate in the farmlands owned by the trust. My six children: Janet Tharp, Rhonda Conrath, Michael Roehrs, Daniel Roehrs, Sandra Walstrom and Steven Roehrs shall be the Remaindermen in equal share. ' If 3) my wife, Marvel B. Roehr, shall survive me, she shall be distributed fiom the Trust all personal property, household goods, vehicles, equipment and personal efl'ects formerly owned by me and which I hereby declare to be assets of the Trust. B. The residue of trust assets, including all property that becomes distributable to the nustees at my death, not effect ively distributed under the preceding provisions of this agreement shall be allocated and distributed as follows: l) To my wife, Marvel B. Roehrs, if she shall survive me. 2) To my children, above named, if my wife shall not survive me. 2 (flaw? g. (est/5w-' 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM C If any of the above named children do not survive to receive their disuibution, their share shall be distributed in equal shares to the children of such deceased beneficiary then living , by right of representation. If a named child dies without leaving children who surviv said share shall be e, distributed in equal shares to the remai ning named residuary beneficiaries if any, or to their respective children by right of representation. The share of any beneficiary under the age of 25 shall remain supervised by the Trust as follow s: Said trust to be held and invested by the tustee and payments made fiom the interest and principal thereof at the discretion of my trustee for the support, maintenance, health care and education of flie beneficiary. Each trust shall terminate on the occurrence of the earlies t of the following events: 1) The beneficiary reaching the age of 25 years; or 2) The death of the beneficiary; or 3) Complete distribution of the trust assets. If no such trust beneficiary survives to receive the Trust distribution, the residuary assets shall be distributed to the heirs-at—law of the Grantor as determined under the laws of the State of Minne sota. V1. TRUSTEE POWERS. The Trustee, in addition to other power and s authority granted by law or necessary or appropriate for property administration of the Trust, shall have the following rights, powers, and authority without order of court and without notice to anyone. A. Receive Assets. To receive, hold, maint ain, administer, collect, invest and reinvest the trust assets, and collect and apply the income, profits, and principal of the Trust in accordance with the terms of this instrument. Jflzceqwezué.' figs/w 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM B. Receive Additional Assets. To receive additional assets fiom other sources, including assets received by bequest. C. Standard of Care. To acquire, invest , reinvest, exchange, retain, sell, and manage estate and trust assets, exercising the judgnent and care, under the circumstances then prevailing, that persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own afl'ajrs, not in regard to speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of their capital. Within the limitations of that standard, the Trustee is authorized to acquire and retain every kind of property, real, personal or mixed, and every kind of invesnnent, specifically includ ing, but not by a way of limitation, bonds, debentures and other corporate obligations, and stocks , preferred or common, that persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence acquire or retain for their own account, even though not otherwise a legal investment for trust funds under the laws and statutes of the United States or the state under which this instrument is administered. D. Retain Assets. To retain any asset, including tin-invested cash or original investments, regardless of whether it is of the kind authorized by this instrument for investment and whether it leaves a disproportionately large part of the estate or trust invested in one type of property, for as long as the Trustee deems advisable. E. Dispose of or Encumber Assets. To sell, option , mortgage, pledge, lease or convey real or personal property, publicly or privately, upon such terms and conditions as may appear to be pr0per, and to execute all instruments necessary to efi'ect such authority. F. Settle Claims. To compromise, settle, or abandon claims in favor of or against the Trust. G. Manage Property. To manage real estate and personal property, borrow money, exercise options, buy insurance, and register securities as may appear to be proper. H. Allocate Between Principal and Income. To make allocations of charges and credits as between principal and income as in the sole discretion of the Trustee may appear to be proper. l. Employ Professional Assistance. To employ and compensate counsel and 4 flea/6g 5' flux/ca»— 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM other persons deemed necessary for proper administration and to delegate authority when such delegation is advantageous to the u'ust. J. Distribute Property. To make division or distribution in money or kind, or partly in either, at values to be determined by the Trustee, and the Trustee's judgment shall be binding upon all interested parties. K. Enter Contracts. To bind the Trust by contracts or agreements without assuming individual liability for such contracts. L. Exercise Stock Ownership Rights. To vote, execute proxies to vote, join in or oppose any plans for reorganizatio and exercise n, any other rights incidental to the ownership of any stocks, bonds or other properties of the Trust. M. Duration of Powers. To continue to exercise the powers provided in this Agreement afier the termination of the Trust until all the assets of the Trust have been distributed. N. Hold Trust Assets as a Single Fund. To hold the assets of the Trust, shares, or portions of the Trust created by this instrument as a single fimd for joint invesnnent and management, without the need for physical segregation, dividing the income proportionately among them. Segreg ation of the various trust shares need only be made on the books of the Truste e for accounting purposes. O. Compensation. To receive reasonable compensation for the Trustee's services under this Agreement and be exonerated fiom and to pay all reasonable expenses and charges of the trust. P. Loans to Beneficiaries are not authorized. Q. Methods of Distribution. To make payments to or for the benefit of any beneficiary (specifically including any beneficiary under any legal disability) in any of the following ways: (a) directly to the beneficiary; (b) directly for the maintenance, welfare and education of the beneficiary; (c) to the legal or natural guardian of the beneficiary; or (d) to anyone who at the time shall have custody and care of the person of the beneficiary. The Trustee shall not be obliged to see the applic ation of the funds so paid, but the receipt of the person to whom the funds were paid shall be full acquittance of the Trustee. R Continue Operation of Business. To cany on any business owned by the 5 flag fl/H 5'." 81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2023 3:17 PM Trust or in which the Tmst may have an interest for such period of fime as the Trustee deems advisable, or to sell or liquidate such business interest. VII. ADDITIONAL TRUSTEE PROVISIONS. These additional shall apply regarding the Trustee. provisions A Grantor as Trustee. If at any time the Grantor is the Trustee, the Grantor may appoint a successor Trustee by making such designation in wrin'n g. Such designee shall become the successor Trustee upon accept of the terms ance and conditions of this Agreem ent. B. Death or Disability of the Grantor as Trustee. If at any time the Grantor has a disability (as previously defined), or the death of the Grantor, Marvel upon B. Roehrs, is designated as the successor Trustee. Such designee shall become the successor Trustee upon acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Trust. Ifthe successor Trustee is unable or unwilling to serve, Steven Roehrs is designated as alternate successor Trustee. C. Resignation of Trustee. The Trustee, or any successor may resign at any time by giving 10 days written notice to the Grantor. If the Grantor is deceased, such notice shall be given to all adult benefi cian'es, and to a parent or guardian, if any, of each minor beneficiary. D. Successor Trustee. The beneficiaries to whom such notice of resignation is given shall designate a successor Trustee by written notice to the resigning Trustee within 20 days afier receip of the notice of t resignation. If a successor Trustee is not so designated, the resigiing Trustee shall have the right to secure the appointment of a successor Trustee by a court of competent jurisdiction, at the expense of the tmst. If a successor Trustee is appointed, such Trustee shall be bound by,