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  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview
  • In the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Trust document preview


81-CV-23-104 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 4/4/2023 3:32 PM STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF WASECA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT In Re the Matter of the Ronald E. Roehrs Court File No. 81-CV-23-104 Trust dated August 9, 1999. Case Type: Trust Judge Carol M. Hanks AFFIDAVIT OF ERVIN ABRAHAM STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY 0F STEELE ) I, Ervin Abraham, state as follows: 1. I am the son of Marvel B. Roehrs. 2. I visit with my mother frequently, and I am familiar with her medical diagnoses and general health. 3. My mother has not been diagnosed with any form of dementia, hereditary or otherwise. 4. From conversations with my mother and her sister, I do not believe that any form of dementia runs in our family. Nor do I believe that my mother is sufiering from any form of dementia. 5. I understand that my stepbrother, Michael Roehrs, has stated that I told him my mother has a hereditary form of dementia. I deny making this statement to Michael. Minn. Stat.§ 358.116 I declare under' penalty of perjury that everything I have stated in this document is true and correct. Signed this 4'" day of April, 2023 In Steele County, Minnesota , MM Ervin Abraharn