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ELECTRONICALLY Phuong T. Nguyen By Fax FILED 2 P.O. Box 585 Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco Brisbane, CA 94005 3 (650)228-6880 08/25/2023 Clerk of the Court 4 Plaintiff, pro se BY: EDWARD SANTOS Deputy Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA FOR THK COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO — Civil Unlimited Jurisdiction PHUONG T. NGUYEN, Case No.: CGC-21-591803 Plaintiff, PLAINTIFF PHUONG T. NGUYEN'S 10 DECLARATION TO SATISFY vs, 21-DAY SAFE HARBOR PERIOD 11 AND MEET AND CONFER RULES LONDON BREED; REGARDING PKNDIN'G 12 MAYOR OF SAN FRANCISCO; MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO; SANCTIONS AND FOR AN AWARD OF 13 PG tk E Corporation; Pacific Gas PUNITIVE DAMAGES AGAINST 14 and Electric Company, a Corporation; DEFENDANTS LONDON BREED, THK SAN RECOLOGY EAST BAY, a FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIKS 15 Corporation; Recology Sunset Scavenger, a business form unknown; COMMISSION& PAUL MIYAMOTO, 16 SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC TINA TAM& MICHAEL BOROVINA UTITLITKS'OMMISSION; PAUL AND THEIR ATTORNEY OF RECORD, 17 M. MIYAMOTO aka San Fr'ancisco NATASSIA. K%AN [and attached Exhibits] County Sheriff; Zameer Riaz Azam; 18 Abdul Azam; Jason Paul Voelker; 19 20 S~ Juan S. Ruiz aka Juan Salvador Ruiz; CRASHPADZ JAIN; CRASHPAD LLC; INC; EXCALIBUR Date: To Be Determined after 21 Davs TRADING LLC; SF CRASHPAD [after Expiration of Safe Harbor Periodl 21 LLC; SF CRASHPADZ LLC; SFC Time: 9:30AM CRA'SHPAD LLC; SFO CRASHPAD 22 LLC; DC CRASHPAD, LLC; Dept. 501 COREY A. TEAGUE; Judge: Hon. Charles Haines 23 RYAN JAMES PATTERSON; Estimated Time required; 15 minutes JENNIFER EUNJIN CHOI; 24, TINA T, TAM;WILLIAM J. Trial Date: Not yet set MICHAEL J. 25 COAXER; BOROVINA JR.; and DOES 1 26 through 100, 27 Defendants 1 PLAINTIFF'S DECLARATION RE. MEET & CONFER FOR MOT1ON FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS DECLARATION OF PHUONG T. NGUYKN I, Phuong T. Nguyen, make this declaration based on personal knowledge. I declare as follows: I make this declaration based on personal knowledge and if called to testify, I 8 could testify to the same. 9 MEET AND CONFER REQUIREMENT WAS SATISFIED 10 On August 24, 2023, I telephoned and emailed the attorney for Defendants, London Breed, The San 12 Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Paul Myamoto, Tins Tam, Michael Boravina a message to Constitute A Meet and Confer concerning possible sanctions, 14 Additionally, on August 24, 2023, I emailed them with a copy of the foregoing Proposed Motion, 16 I also admonished defendants'ttorney, Natassia Kwan by stating unless they stipulate to 16 17 ask the court to Comply with CRC Rule 3 13 1 2, as to the court' ruling of April 14 2023, Is concerning defendants'equirement to prepare a proposed Order as to the hearing on Defendants'emurrer to Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, based on defendants being the prevailing party on 20 Defendants'emurrer to Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint 21 Yet, Defendants have failed and refused to comply. 22 23 Thereafter, I requested that Defendants file a Notice of Withdrawal, and proposed Stipulation And Order for the Court to vacate the prior rulings on Defendants Demurrer as to the original Complaint, Amended Complaint and Second Amended Complaint within 21 Days. [See Part II of Declaration on Next Page] 27 28 2 PLAINTIFF'S DECIARATION RE. MEET & CONFER FOR MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS FACTS IPart II of Declarationg I, Phuong T. Nguyen further declare [as continuation of above], On September 20, 2021, the court ruled as follows on, Defendants'emurrer, but Defendants and their attorney refused and failed to prepare and submit a proposed order to the court thereafter: COURT' RULING FROM 09/20/2021 REAL PROPERTY/HOUSING MOTION 501, DE~R TO AMENDED COMPLAINT IS SUSTAINED IN PART AND OVERRULED IN PART. 9 DE~R IS'USTAINED WITH LEAVE TO AMKNly AS TO THK 14TH CAUSE OF FACTS IN SUPPORT OF EACH ELEMENT OF THIS ACTION FOR PLAINTIFF TO ALLEGE 10 CAUSE OF ACTION AND TO ALLEGE FACTS SHOWING THAT THE CITY EMPLOYEES 11 ARE NOT SUB JECT TO IMMUNITY. DEMURRER TO THE 6TH CAUSE OF ACTION IS OVERRULED. DEFENDANTS CITE NO AUTHORITY FOR THE PROPOSITION THAT 12 ,TEMPORARY RESTING ORDER/PRELIMINARY INIUNCTION IS LIMITED TO CIVIL 13 HARASSMENT CASES DESCRIBED IN THE MOVING PAPERS (" CONFIDENTIAL CLETS FORMS, PETITIO'N FOR TRO"). 14 15 DE~R TO CAUSES OF ACTION 1,5 AND 7-13 IS OVE'RRULED. 'EFENDANT CHALLENGES THE VERACITY OF PLAINTIFF'S ALLEGATIONS REGARDING CLAMS SUBMISSION AND ASKS THE COURT TO CONSIDER EVIDENCE PRESENTED IN A DECLARATION ON A DEMURRER. JUDGE: CHARLES F. HARPS, CLERK: N, WONG, NOT REPORTED, (D501) 18 On April 14, 2023, the court ruled as follows on Defendants'emurrer to the First Amended 19 complaint, but Defendants and their attorney refused and failed to prepare snd submit a proposed 20 order to the court thereafter: COURT' RULING FROM APRIL 14. 2023 Case Number: CGC21591803 Case Title: PHUONG T. NGUYEN VS. LONDON BREED ET AL 24 APR-14-2023 09.30 AM Court Date: 25 Calendar Matter': DE~R to Amended COMPLAINT Rulings: Real Properly/Housing Court Law and Motion Calendar for April 14, 2023 27 line 3. DEFENDANT LONDON BREED, THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES 28 COMMISSION, PAUL MIYAMOTO, TINA TAM, MICHAEL BOROVINA to 1ST DE~R 3 PLAINTIFF' DECLARATION RE. MEET & CONFER FOR MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS overruled in part. Amended COMPLAINT is OFF CALENDAR in part, sustained in part and and the San Demurrer to the First Amended Complaint filed by London Breed, Paul Miyamoto ruled on the merits of Francisco Utilines Commission is OFF CALENDAR. The Court has heard and notes that parties failed the demurrer brought by these defendants on September 20, 2021. The Court Court orders that to provide a proposed Order to the Court for execution after hearing. Therefore, the the prior demurrer,.must present an order in conformity with 'I these Defendants, the moving parties on 4 . 5 the tentative ruling adopted by the Court as its final ruling on September 20, 2021. The Court further notes that The San'Francisco Utilities Commission has previously generally appeared in this action, Demurrer by Tina Tam and Michael Borovina is sustained in part and overruled in part. Demurrer is sustained with leave to amend as to the 14th cause of action for Plaintiff to allege facts in support of 7 each element of this cause of action and to allege facts showing that the city employees are not 8 subject to immunity. Demurrer to the 6th cause of action is overruled. Defendants claim that this cause of action is moot because the tenants have been evicted on June 30, 2021 a month after this 9 action was filed (May 25, 2021), Defendant fails to identify where in the operative complaint an IO allegation is made regarding June 30, 2021 eviction. Defendant further claims that complaint fails to explain what wrongful conduct is to be enjoined. A careful reading of the complaint puts the defendants on notice of such wrongful conduct. Demurrer to causes of action 1,5 and 7-13 is overruled. Defendant challenges the veracity of Plaintiff s allegations regarding claims submission and asked the Court to consider evidence presented in a declaration on a demurrer. To the extent defendants seek judicial notice of such declaration, the Court grants. judicial notice of the existence of in-person, telephonically or l4 such declaration, but not of its contents. =(501(CFH) Parties may appear via Zoom (Video Webinar ID: 160 560 5023; Password: 172849; or - Phone Dial in; (551) 285-1373; Webinar ID: 160 560 5023; Password: 172849). Parties who intend to appear at the hearing must give notice to opposing parties and the court promptly, but no later than 4;00 p.m, the court day before the hearing unless the tentative ruling has specified that a hearing is required. Notice of contesting a 17 tentative ruling shall be provided by sending an email to the court to Department501Contest TR sftc. org with a copy to all other parties stating, without argument, the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. A party may not argue at the hearing if the opposing party is not so notified, and the opposing party does not appear. 20 On August 7, 2023, the following ruling was made by the court as to Defendants'emurrer 21 to Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint: 22 REAL PROPERTY/HOUSING MOTION 501, DEMURRER TO AMENDED COMPLAINT IS CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 15, 2023. 23 NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 THE MOVING PARTY TO SUBMIT A 24 SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF NOT TO EXCEED 3 PAGES PROVIDING AUTHORITY FOR THE ASSERTED "SPECIAL APPEARANCES" OF THE DE~ANTS WHO HAVE PREVIOUSLY 25 GENERALLY APPEARED (PUC FILED A DE~R TO THE ORIGINAL COMPLAINT) 26 AND WHO HAVE OBTAINED SUBSTANTIVE RELIEF ON THE MERITS AS TO THE 27 SUFFICIENCY OF PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT ON THEIR DE~R TO THE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT AND ARE SEEKING SUBSTANTIVE RELIEF ON THE MERITS AS 28 TO THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (PUC, TEAGUE, CHOI, TAM AND BOROVINA). 4 PIAINTIFF'S DEClARATION RE. MEET 4 CONFER FOR MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS MOVING PARTY IS ORDERED AGAIN TO SUBMIT A PROPOSED ORDER ON THE , DE~R TO THE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT HEARD ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2021, .MOVING PARTY SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN APRIL 18, 2023 REJECTION LETTER AND SUBMIT A DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE ALONG WITH A PROPOSED ORDER NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2023, MOVING PARTY SHALL ALSO SUBMIT A PROPOSED ORDER ON THE DEMURER TO THE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT HEARD ON APRIL 14, 2023 IN COMPLIANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN APRIL 18, 2023 REJECTION LETTER. A DECLARATION OF COMPI.IANCE AND PROPOSED ORDER MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COURT NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER I, 2023" JUDGE: CHARLES R HAnKS; CLERK: L YOUNG; NOT 7 REPORTED. (D501) 8 On Sept. 20, 2021, April 14, 2023, and August.7, 2023, Defendants sought the same relief 9 by filing multiple demurrers to the same causes of action which the court had previously 10 overruled. Defendants'emurrer as to all causes of action were overruled on the Demurrer 11 to the Original Complaint, except for as to the 14'" Cause of Action, Yet, Defendants filed a demurrers to the First Amended Complaint and to the Second Amended Complaint on the same premises as the court had already previously overruled on Sept, 20, 2021 14 And on April 14, 2023. 15 Even worse, defendants and their lawyer intentionally failed to prepare and submit a proposed 16 Order to the Court as to each demurrer, to attempt to reEle for the same relief, in which Is a VIOLATION OF CCP ii 1008[B]. 18 To repeatedly seek the same relief which was previously 19 Denied is grounds for the court to impose'sanctions under, CCP tl 1008[d]. 21 All of the referenced Rule violations are grounds for sanctions per 22 Cal. Rules of Court, Rule 2.30. 23 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the foregoing is true 24 and correct, except for statements based on information snd belief, which I believe to be true. 25 Dated: August 23, 2023 27 By P4uvnc X -h]uarAtzev 28 Phuong T. Nguyen 5 PLAINTIFF'8 DECIARATION RE. MEET & CONFER FOR MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS TABLE OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT "A" - Pending Motion for Sanctions EXHIBIT "8 - CRC, RULE 3.1312 EXHIBIT "C" - Cal. Code of Civ. Proc. g 1008th] EXHIBIT "0" - Tentative Ruling from OS/20/2021 On Demurer to Orig. Complaint E - EXHIBIT CCW &0 Court's Tentative Ruling from 04/14/2023 on Demurrer to 1" Amended Complaint EXHIBIT "A" Copy of Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Imposing Sanctions to be filed in 21 Days Phuong T. Nguyen By Fax P.O. Box 585 Brisbane, CA 94005 (650)228-6880 Plaintiff, pro se SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA FOR THK COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO — Civil Unlimited Jurisdiction PHUONG T. NGUYEN, Case No.'CGC-21-591803 Plaintiff, PLAINTIFF PHUONG T. NGUYKN'S 10 NOTICE OF MOTION AND vs. MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING 11 SANCTIONS AND FOR AN AWARD OF LONDON BREED; PUNITIVE DAMAGES AGAINST MAYOR OF SAN FRANCISCO; DEFENDANTS LONDON BREEDS THK SAN CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO; PG k E Corporation„'acific Gas FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIKS and Electric Company, a Corporation; COMMISSION, PA UL MIYAMOTO, 14 TINA TAM, MICHAEL BOROVINA RECOLOGY EAST BAY, a Is Corporation; Recology Sunset AND THEIR ATTORNEY OF RECORD, Scavenger, a business form unknown; NATASSIAKWAN; Is SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC MEMORANDUM OF UTITLITIES COMMISSION; PAUL POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; AND M. MIYAMOTO aka San Francisco DECLARATION OF PHUONG T, NGUYEN County Sheriff; Zameer Riaz Azam; Abdul Azam; Jason Paul Voelker; "Telephone Appearance" S~ Juan S. Ruiz aka Juan Salvador Ruiz; JAIN; CRASHPAD LLC; CRASHPADZ INC '„EXCALIBUR Date: To Be Determined after 21 Davs TRADING LLC; SF CRASHPAD LLC; SF CRASHPADZ LLC; SFC [after Expiration of Safe Harbor Periodj CRASHPAD LLC; SFQ CRASHPAD Time: 9:30AM 22 LLC; DC CRASHPAD, LLC; Dept. 501 COREY A. TEAGUE; Judge: Hon. Charles Haines RYANJAMESPATTERSON; Estimated Time required: 15 minutes JENNIFER EUNJIN CHOI; TINA T. TAMi WILLIAM J. Trial Date: Not yet set COAKER; MICHAEL J. BOROVINA JR.; and DOES 1 through 100, Defendants 28 1 PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD HEREIN: 6 PLEASE TAKE NOTICK THAT on TBD, 2023 |Hearing] at 9:30AM or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in Law & Motion Department, or in Denartment" 501 " at Superior Court of California, located at San Francisco Silperior Court, 8 I 9 located at 400 McAllister Street. San Francisco. California, 10 11. Plaintiff Phuong Nguyen will, and hereby moves the Court for an order IMPOSING SANCTIONS and for an Award of Punitive Damages against DEFENDANTS LONDON BREED, THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PAUL MIYAMOTO, TINA TAM, MICHAEL BOROVINA AND THEIR 15 ATTORNEY OF RECORD, NATASSIA KWAN. 16 The Motion for Sanctions will be based on the followinir arounds: 17 The motion and alternative motion are based on this notice of motion, the "concurrently filede Declaration of Phoung Nguyen and/or the affidavit of Phuong Nguyen, 20 the attached supporting memorandum, supporting declaration, the papers, records, 21 and file herein, and such evidence as may be presented at the hearing of the motion. 22 Dated: August 22, 2023 23 24 By: PAAAA9AAAb 2NctAAAtARAV Phuong T. Nguyen, Plaintiff Pro se 26 27 28 2 PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIKS 2 I. STATEMENT OF FACTS 1. Defendants London. Breed, The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Paul Myamoto, Tina Tam, Michael Boravina and lawyer of record; Natassia Kwan violated multiple CCP and CRC Rules. On September 20, 2021, the court ruled as follows on Defendants'emurrer, but Defendants and their attorney refused and failed to prepare and submit a proposed order to the court thereafter: COURT' RULING FROM 09/20/2021 10 REAL PROPERTY/HOUSING MOTION 501„DE~R TO AMENDED COMPLAINT IS 11 SUSTAINED IN PART AND OVERRULED IN PART. 12 DE~R IS SUSTAINED WITH LEAVE TO AMEND AS TO THK 14TH CAUSE OF ACTION FOR PLAINTIFF TO ALLEGE FACTS IN SUPPORT OF EACH ELEMENT OF THIS 13 CAUSE OF ACTION AND TO ALLEGE FACTS SHOWING THAT THE CITY EMPLOYEES 14 ARE NOT SUBJECT TO IMIVIUNITY. DE~R TO THE 6TH CAUSE OF ACTION IS OVERRULED. DEFENDANTS CITE NO AUTHORITY FOR THE PROPOSITION THAT 15 TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER/PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION IS LIMITED TO CIVIL HARASSMENT CASES DESCRIBED IN THE MOVING PAPERS (" CONFIDENTIAL CLETS 16 FORMS, PETITION FOR TRO"), 17 DEMIJRRER TO CAUSES OF ACTION 1,5 AND 7-13 IS OVERRULED. 18 DEFENDANT CHALLENGES THE VERACITY OF PLAINTIFF'S ALLEGATIONS 19 REGARDING CLAMS SUBMISSION AND ASKS THE COURT TO CONSIDER EVIDENCE 20 PRESENTED IN A DECLARATION ON A DE~R. JUDGE: CHARLES F. HAPKS, CLERK: N. WONG, NOT REPORTED. (D501) 21 On April 14, 2023, the court ruled as follows on Defendants'emurrer to the First Amended .22 complaint, but Defendants and their attorney refused and failed to'prepare and submit a proposed 23 order to the court thereafter: COURT' RULING FROM APRIL 14. 2023 25 Case Number: CGC21591803 26 Case Title; PHUONG T. NGIjYEN VS. LONDON BREED ET AL 27 Court Date: APR-14-2023 09:30 AM 28 Calendar Matter: DE~R to Amended COMPLAINT 3 PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS Rulings Real Property/Housing Court Law and Motion Calendar for April 14, 2023 UTILITIES line 3. DEFENDANT LONDON BREED, THE SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC COMMISSION, PAUL MIYAMOTO, TINA TAM, MICHAEL BOROVINA DE~R to I ST overruled in part. Amended COMPLAINT is OFF CALENDAR in part, sustained in part and and the San Demurrer to the First Amended Complaint filed by London Breed, Paul Miyamoto on the merits of Francisco Utilities Commission is OFF CALENDAR. The Court has heard and ruled that parties failed the demurrer brought by these defendants on September 20, 2021. The Court notes Court orders that to provide a proposed Order to the Court for execution after hearing. Therefore, the conformity with these Defendants, the moving parties on the prior demurrer, must present an order in Court further the 'tentative ruling adopted by the Court as its final ruling on September 20, 2021. The action, notes that The San Francisco Utilities Commission has previously generally appeared this in Demur'rer is Demurrer by Tins Tam and Michael Borovina is sustained in part and overruled in part. 9 sustained with leave to amend as to the 14th cause of action for Plaintiff to allege facts in support of each element of this cause of action and to allege facts showing that the city employees are not 10 that this subject to immunity. Demurrer to the 6th cause of action is overruled. Defendants claim cause of action is moot because the tenants have been evicted on June 30, 2021 a month after this action was filed (May 25, 2021). Defendant fails to identify where in the operative complaint an that complaint fails to 12 allegation is made regarding June 30, 2021 eviction. Defendant further claims explain what wrongful conduct is to be enj oined. A careful reading of the complaint puts the defendants on notice of such wrongful conduct. Demurrer to causes of action 1,5 and 7-13 is overruled. Defendant challenges the veracity of Plaintiff s allegations regarding claiins submission and asked the Court to consider evidence presented in a declaration on a demurrer, To the extent defendants seek judicial notice of such declaration, the Court grants judicial notice of the existence of or such declaration,.but not of its contents. =(501/CFH) Parties may appear in-person, telephonically 285-1 373 via Zoom (Video-Webinar ID: 1 60 560 5023; Password: 1 72849; or Phone Dial in: (55 1 ) %ebinar ID: 160 560 5023; Password: 172849), Parties who intend to appear at the hearing must give the 19 notice to opposing parties and the court promptly, but no later than 4:00 p.m. the court day before hearing unless the'entative ruling has speci6ed that a hearing is required. Notice of contesting a 19 tentative ruling shall be provided by sending an email to the court to 20 with a copy to all other parties stating, without argument, the the hearing if the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. A party may not argue at opposing party is not so notified, and the opposing party does not appear, 23 On August /, 2023, the following ruling was made by the court as to Defendants'emurrer 24 to Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint: 25 REAL PROPERTY/HOUSING MOTION 501, DE~R TO AMENDED COMPLAINT IS 26 CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 15, 2023, SUBMIT A '7 NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 THE MOVING PARTY TO SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF NOT TO EXCEED 3 PAGES PROVIDING AUTHORITY FOR THE HAVE PREVIOUSLY 28 ASSERTED "SPECIAL APPEARANCES" OF THE DEFENDANTS WHO 4 'PIAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING. SANCTIONS GENERALLY APPEARED (PUC FILED A DE~R TO THE ORIGINAL COMPLAINT) AND WHO HAVE OBTAINED SUBSTANTIVE RELIEF ON THE MERITS AS TO THE SUFFICIENCY OF PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT ON THEIR DEMURRER TO THE FIRST 3 AMENDED COMPLAINT AND ARE SEEKiNG SUBSTANTIVE RELIEF ON THE MEIUTS AS TO THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (PUC, TEAGUE, CHOI, TAM AND BOROVINA). MOVING PARTY IS ORDERED AGAIN TO'SUBMIT A PROPOSED ORDER. ON THE DE~R TO THE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT HEARD ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2021. MOVING PARTY SHALL COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED, IN APRIL 18, 2023 RE JECTIO'N LETTER AND SUBMIT A DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE ALONG WITH A PROPOSED ORDER NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2023. MOVING PARTY SHALL ALSO SUBMIT A PROPOSED ORDER ON THE DEMURRER TO THE FJRST s AMENDED COMPLAINT HEARD ON APRIL 14, 2023'IN COMPLIANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN APRIL 18, 2023 REJECTION LETTER. A DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE AND PROPOSED ORDER MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COURT NO LATER Io THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2023. JUDGE: CHARLES F, HAINES; CLERK: L, YOUNG; NOT REPORTED. (D501) 11 On Sept. 2Q, 2021, April 14, 2023, and August 7, 2023, Defendants sought the same relief 12 by filing multiple.demurrers to the same causes of action which the court had previously 13 overruled, Defendants'emurrer as to all causes of action were overruled on the Demurrer 14 to the Original Complaint, except for as to the 14+ Cause of Action. 15 Yet, Defendants filed a demurrers to the First Amended Complaint and to the Second Amended 16 C'omplaint on tlie same premises as the court had already previously overruled on Sept. 20, 2021 17 'nd on April 14, 2023. 18 Even worse, defendants and their lawyer intentionally failed to prepare and submit a proposed 19 Order,to tbe Court as to each demurrer, to attempt to refile for the same relief, in which 20 Is a VIOLATION OF CCP g 1008[Bi. 21 To repeatedly seek the same relief which was previously 22 Denied is grounds for the court to impose sanctions under, 23 CCP [l 10Q8[d[. 24'll of the below-referenced Rule violations are grounds for sanctions per 25 Cal. Rul'es of Court, Rule 2.30. 26 27 28 //////// 5 PDAINTIFFc S MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS II. CALIFORNIA RULES OF THE COURT, RULE.3.1312 STATES THAT THE PREVAILING PARTY AS TO ANY MOTION OR DE~R MUST SUBMIT A PROPOSED ORDER TO THE COURT. Rule 3.1312. Preparation and submission of proposed order (a) Prevailing party to prepare 6 Unless the parties waive notice or the court orders otherwise, the party prevailing on any motion 7 must, within five days of the ruling, serve by any means authorized by law and reasonably calculated to ensure delivery to the other party or parties no later than the close of the next. business day a proposed order for approval as conforming to the court's order. Within five days after service, the other party or parties must notify the prevailing party as to whether or not the proposed order is so 9 approved. The opposing party or parties must state any reasons for disapproval. Failure to notify the Ip prevailing party within the time required shall be deemed an approval. The extensions of time based on a method of service provided under any statute or rule do not apply to this rule. 11 (Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2011; previously amended effective July I, 2000, and January 12 1, 2007.) 13 (b) Submission of proposed order to court 14 15 The prevailing party must. unon exoiration of the five-dav oeriod provided for approval, promptly transmit the proposed order to the court together with a summary of any responses of the other parties 16 or a statement that no responses were received. (Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2007; previously amended effective July 1, 2000.) 18 19 'f (c) Submission of proposed order by electronic means a proposed order is submitted to the court electronically in a case in which the parties are electronically filing documents under rules 2.250-2.261, two versions of the proposed order must be 2'1 submitted:, 22 (1) A version of the proposed order must be attached to a completed Proposed Order (Cover Sheet) (form EFS-020), and the combined document in Portable Document Format (PDF) must be filed electronically; and 24 (2) A version of the proposed order in an editable word-processing format must also be sent 25 electronically to the court, with a copy of the e-mail and proposed order also being sent to all parties in the action. 26 27 Each court that provides for electromc tiling must provide an electronic address or addresses to which the editable versions of proposed orders are to be sent and must specify any particular requirements 28 regarding the editable word-processing format for proposed orders. 6 PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS 1 (Subd (c) adopted effective January 1, 2011.) 2 3 (d) Failure of prevailing party to prepare proposed order If the prevailing party fails to prepare and submit a proposed order as required by (a) and (b) above, any other party may do so, 5 6 (Subd (d) amended and relettered effective January 1, 2011; adopted as subd (c); previously amended effective July 1, 2000.) 7 III. ANY LITIGANT OR ATTORNEY FOR A LITIGANT WHO REFUSES AND FAILS 8 TO COMPLY WITH RULES OF THK COURT AND CODES OF CIVIL PROCEDURES IS SUBJECT TO BK SANCTIONED BY THK COURT. 8 Rule 2.30. Sanctions for rules violations in civil cases (a) Application This sanctions rule applies to the rules in the California Rules of Court relating to general civil cases, unlawful detainer cases, probate proceedings, civil proceedings in the appellate, division of the superior court, and small claims cases. (Subd (a) amended effective January 1„2004; adopted effective July 1, 2001.) 15 / 16 (b) Sanctions 17 In addition to any other sanctions permitted by law, the court may order a person, after writtett notice and an opportunity to be heard, to pay reasonable monetary sanctions to the court or an 18 aggrieved person, or both, for failure without eood cause to comnlv with the annlicable rules, For the purposes of this rule, "person 'eans 8, party, a party's attorney, a witness, and an insurer or any other individual or entity whose consent is necessary for the disposition of the case. If a failure to 20 comply with an applicable tule is the responsibility of counsel and not of the party, any penalty niust be imposed on counsel and must not adversely affect the party'. cause of action or defense thereto. 21 22 (Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2007; adopted as untitled subdivision effective January 1, . 1985; amended and relettered effective July 1, 2001; previously amended effective January 1, 1994, 23 and January 1, 2004,) (c) Notice and procedure 25 Sanctions must not be imposed under this rule except on noticed motion by the party seeking 26 sanctions or on the court's own motion after the court has provided notice and an opportunity to be heard. A party's motion for sanctions must (1) state the applicable rule that has been violated, (2) 27 describe the specific conduct that is alleged to have violated the rule, and (3) identify the attorney, '28 law firm, party, witness, or other person against whom sanctions are sought. The court on its own 7 PLAINTIFF'8 MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS 1 motion may issue an order to show cause that must (1) state the applicable rule that has been violated, (2) describe the specific conduct that appears to have violated the rule, and (3) direct the 2 attorney, law firm, party, witness, or other person to show cause why sanctions should not be imposed against them for violation of the rule. 3 4 (Subd (c) amended effective January 1, 2007, adopted effective July I, 2001; previously amended effective January 1, 2004,) 5 6 (d) Award of expenses In addition to the sanctions awardable under (b), the court may order the person who has violated an applicable rule to pay to the party aggrieved by the violation that party's reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs, incurred in connection with the motion for sanctions or the order to show cause. 10 (Subd (d) amended effective January 1, 2007, adopted effective July I, 2001; previously amended effective January 1, 2004.) 12 (e) Order 13 An order imposing sanctions must be in writing and must recite in detail the conduct or circumstances justifying the order. ]4 IV. IT'. S ILLEGAL FOR A LITIGANT TO REPEATEDLY SEEK THE SAME RELIEF 15 BY ATTEMPTING TO HAD PREVIOUSLY OVERRULED. DE~R CAUSES OF ACTION FOR WHICH THE COURT 16 See CCP lt 1008 [b] 18 1008. 19 (a) When an application for an order has been made to a judge, or to a court, and refused in whole or in part, or granted, or granted conditionally, or on terms, any party affected by the order may, within 20 10 days after service upon the party of written notice of entry of the order and based upon new or different facts, circumstances, or law, make application to the same judge or court that made the 21 order, to reconsider the matter and modify, amend, or revoke the prior order, The party making the 22 application shall state by affidavit what application was made before, when snd to what judge, what order or decisions were made, and what new or different facts, circumstances, or law're claimed to 23 be shown. (b) A party who originally made an application for an order which was refused in whole or part, or granted conditionally or on terms, may make a subsequent application for the same order upon new or different facts, circumstances, or law, in which case it shall be shown by affidavit what application 26 was made before, when and to what judge, what order or decisions were made, and what new or different facts, circumstances, or law are claimed to be shown. For a failure to comply with this 27 subdivision, any order made on a subsequent application may be revoked or set aside on ex parte 28 motion. 8 PIAINTIFF'8 MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS 1 (c) If a court at any time determines that there has been a change of law that warrants it to reconsider a prior order it entered„ it may do so on its own motion and enter a different order. r 3 (d) A violation of this section may be punished as a contempt and with sanctions as allowed by Section 128.7. In addition, an order made contrary to this section may be revoked by the judge or commissioner who made it, or vacated by a judge of the court in which the action or proceeding is pending. IV. A LITIGANT VIOLATING CCP jj 1008+] BY REPEATEDLY SEEKING THE SAME , RELIEF IS SANCTIONABLE, PER CCP 5 1008|D]. 8 1008. 9 'a) When an application for an order has been made to a judge, or to a court, and refused in whole or in part, or granted, or granted conditionally, or on terms, any party affected by the order may, within 10 10 days after service upon the party of written notice of entry of the order and based upon new or different facts, circumstances, or law, make application to the same judge or court that made the order, to reconsider the matter and modify, amend„or revoke the prior order. The party making the application shall state by affidavit what application was made before, when and to what judge, what 12 order or decisions were made, and what new or different facts, circumstances, or law are claimed to 13 be shown. (b) A party who originally made an application for an order which was refused in whole or part, or granted conditionally or on terms, may make a subsequent application for the same order upon new 15 or different facts, circumstances, or law, in which case it shall be shown by affidavit what application was made before, when and to what judge, what order or decisions were made, and what new or different facts, circumstances, or law are claimed to be shown. For a failure to comply with this subdivision, any order made on a subsequent application may be revoked or set aside on ex parte motion. 18 19 (c) If a court at any time determines that there has been a change of law that warrants it to reconsider a prior order it entered, it may do so on its own motion and enter a different order. 20 21 (d) A violation of this section may be punished as a contempt and with sanctions as allowed by Section 128.7. In addition, an order made contrary to this section may be revoked 22 by the judge or commissioner who made it, or vacated by a judge of the court in which the action or proceeding is pending. 23 V. THIS COURT SHOULD AWARD EXPENSES, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, AND PIINITIVK DAMAGES] TO "PLAINTIFF" AGAINST DEFENDANT AND HIS TTORNEY OF RECORD " UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 128.5 and 128.7 AS A SANCTION FOR BAD FAITH ACTIONS AND TACTICS 26 T'HAT WERE FRIVOLOUS AND FRAUDULENT and/or SOLELY INTENDED TO CAUSE 27 UNNECESSARY DELAY. 28 See CCP P'$128.5 & 128.7 9 PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS 1 Here, Phuong Nguyen is acting in pro per. 2 However, the work that she did in this case, is well-worth an equivalent to 7 hours of Typing 4 and research Labor A reasonable rate for her work would be $ 125 per hour 6 So, $ 125 per hour X 7 hours = $ $ 75 7 Therefore, Plaintiff should recoup at least $ 875 from defendants 8 and Defendants'ttornev. Dlus Dunitive damaaes as a deterrent to dissuade them from 10 further refusal and failure to follow rules court an Codes of Civil Procedure. VI. Statutory Authority to Award Monetary Sanctions Consisting of Reasonable Expenses, Including Attorney's Fees. Every trial court may order a party, the party's attorney, or both, to pay any reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by another party as a re'suit 15 of bad-faith actions or tactics that are frivolous or solely intended to cause unnecessary delay (Code Civ. Proc, P 128.5; 580 Folsom Associates v. Prometheus Development Co. (1990) 223 CaL App 3d 1, 19-28, 272 Cal. Rptr. 227 18 18 VH. "Actions or Tactics" Defined 20 Actions or t'actics include, but are not limited to, the making or opposing of motions 21 or the filing and service of a complaint or cross complaint, but only if the actions or 22 , tactics arise from a complaint filed, or a proceeding initiated,. on or before 23 Deceinber 31, 1994 (Code Civ. Proc. t't'128.5(b)(l); see,A/bion River 8'atershed 25 Protection Assn. v. Department ofForestrr ck Fire Protection (1993) 20 Cal. App. 4th 34, 37-38, 24 Cal. Rptr. 2d 341 27 28 10 PLAINTIFF'8 MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS VIII. "Frivolous" Defined. Frivolous means (I) totally and completely without merit, or (2) for the sole purpose of harassing an opposing party (Code Civ. Proc. g IZ8.5(b)(Z); Bank of America v, Henkin (1986) 185 Cal. App. 3d 919, 9Z2, 230 Cal. Rptr..113 ). VI. Sanctions May Be Awarded in Favor of Pro Se Litigant Sanctions.may be awarded under Code of Civil Procedure Section 128,5 in favor of both a self-representing attorney and 'a non-attorney pro se litigant ( Abandonato v. Coldren (1995) 41 Cal. App. 4th 264, 269, 48 Cal. Rptr. 2d 429). IX. Sanctions May Be Awarded in Favor of Pro Se Litigant 11 In Abandonato v. Coldren (1995) 41 Cal. App. 4th 264, 48 Cal. Rptr. 2d 429, pro se 12 attorneys demurred to a complaint and moved for an award of attorney fees pursuant to Code 13 Civ Proc. g 128.5. The plaintiff dismissed the complaint before the demurrer could be heard. The trial court proceeded with the hearing for sanctions, and made an award on the ground that the complaint was filed in bad faith and plaintiff s tactics were fiivolous. Plaintiff 17 contended that defendants could not be awarded attorney fees because they were attorneys 18 representing themselves and thus neither paid, nor incurred any liability to pay, attorney fees 19 The court of appeal reasoned that sanctions under Code Civ Proc. g 128.5 are not limited to 20 court costs and attorney fees, but include those reasonable expenses directly related to and in 22 furtherance of the litigation. Furthermore, a judgment for sanctions could be greater than the amount of attorney time actually billed since it is more like a money judgment compensating 24 a party for harmful conduct than it is like an award of fees as part of the costs of the lawsuit ( 25 41 Cal. App. 4th Z64, 268-269) . The court concluded that sanctions may be awarded under 26 27 Code Civ Proc. g 128.5 in favor of both a self-representing attorney and a non-attorney pro se 28 litigant. Accordingly, the order awarding attorney fees was affirmed. 11 PLAINTIFF' NOTION FOR ORDER INPOSING SANCTIONS X. DEFENDANT and counsel filed Presented Papers I'or Improper Purpose. 2 3 By presenting to the court a pleading, petition, written notice of motion, or other similar paper, counsel or an unrepresented party is certifying that the paper is not being presented primarily for. an improper purpose, such as to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly 6 increase the cost of litigation (Code Civ, Proc tt'128.7(h)(1)). If 8 paper is presented 7 primarily for an improper purpose in violation of Code of Civil Procedure Section 8 128. 7(b)(1), the attorney or party presenting the paper may be subject to sanctions (see Code 9 Civ. Proc. 6128.7fch ldll. Here, Plaintiff provided Defendant and Defendant' Lawyer with an opportunity to Correct their rul'e and CCP violations, 13 Defendant and Defendant's Attorney was served with a copy of the proposed Motion for Sanctions 14 and given 21 Days to correct their CRC rule and CCP violations. 15 16 XI. CONCLUSION 17 Accordingly, Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court impose Sanctions against Defendant London Breed, The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Paul Myamoto, 19 Tins Tam, Michael Boravina and their lawyer of record, Watassia Kwan for the aforesaid reasons. 20 Accordingly, it is in the best interest of justice, that the court impose sanctions on 21 Defendant London Breed, The San Firancisco Public Utilities Commission, Paul Myamoto, 23 'ina Tam, Michael Boravina and lawyer of record, Natassia Kwan 24 and awardpunitive damages iu the amount of $72,000 to P/ointtff 25 Dated: August 23, 2023 26 By P4l4~ T. NQAAttt~ Phuong T. Nguyen, Plaintiff 28 12 PLAINTIFFiS MOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS See attached Declaration of Phuong T. Nguyen 10 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 13 PIAINTIFF'S NOTION FOR ORDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS 2 DKCLARATION OF PHUONG T. NGUVKN 3 I, Phuong T. Nguyen, make this declaration based on personal, knowledge. I declare as follows: 5 I make this declaration based on personal knowledge and if called to testify, I could testify 6 to the same, 8 MKKT AND CONFER REQUIREMENT WAS SATISFIED 9 On August 23, 2023, I telephoned and emailed the attorney for Defendants, London Breed, The San 10 Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Paul Myamoto, Tins Tam, Michael Boravina a message to 11 Constitute A Meet and Confer concerning possible sanctions. 12 Additionally, on August 23, 2023, I emailed them with a copy of the foregoing Proposed Motioh, 14 I also admonished defendants'ttorney, Natassia Kwan by stating unless they stipulate to ask the court to Comply with CRC, Rule 3.1312, as to the court's ruling of April 14, 2023, 16 18. Defendants'7 concerning defendants'equirement to prepare a proposed Order as to the hearing on Demurrer to Plaintiff' First Amended Complaint, ba