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  • THE HAROLD & DORITA WEKSLER 2004 IRREVOCABLE TRUST Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • THE HAROLD & DORITA WEKSLER 2004 IRREVOCABLE TRUST Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview


FIL SuperiorED Court of 1 Justin B. Gold, State Bar No. 227648 California County of Los Angeles OLD1VIAN, COOLEY, SALLUS, 2 FEB 25 2014 BIRNBERG, & COLEMAN, L.L.P. 3 16133 Ventura Boulevard, Penthouse Suite Sherri a er E BY rive Encino, California 91436-2408 Officer/Cferk 4 Telephone: (818) 986-8080 DePurr Cynthia Piedra . Facsimile: (818) 789-0947 5 6 Fred J. Kumetz, State Bar No. 59624 LAW OFFICES OF FRED J. KUMETZ DATE OF HEARING: 7 94 Fremont Place 8 Los Angeles, California 90005 limestEL_D Dept.. Telephone: (213) 590-8888 vvt 9 Facsimile: (323) 938-5230 10 Attorneys for Dorita Weksler, an individual, and 11 Dorita Weksler and Fred Kumetz, Successor Trustees of the Weksler Revocable Trust, the Successor-in-Interest 12 of Harold Weksler 13 14 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 15 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 16 DORITA WEKSLER, an individual; DORITA CASE NOS: SP009112 17 WEKSLER and FRED KUMETZ, as Co- [Related to BC508276] Trustees of Weksler the the Revocable Trust, 18 Successor-In-Interest for Harold Weksler, NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE ACTIONS FOR 19 Plaintiffs TRIAL, AND SUPPORTING 20 MEMORANDUM v. 21 Date: GARY WEKSLER, individually; G. SCOTT Time: 10:00 a.m. 22 1:0 21 " :{1 SOBEL aka SCOTT SOBEL, an individual; and Dept: 29 mIIni 0 -C. -4 0 rn m re -L- m m 23 DOES 1 through 10. inclusive, •-•• rn Z M (111 0 (1, m I. -1mc x.• •. •••• 24 Defendants XI 3> m •• Os (-11 •• 5).. 7Z 4* M 40 o -n 25 t_ 1,..) P..) 26 27 28 1 *it +4 14 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE ACTIONS FOR TRIAL. DECLARATION OF JI,GT(P EFUOLD, /%1D:SUPPORTING MEMORANDUM 0 0. 0 7.73 0 0 rn 0 0