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STEPHANIE PENADebt Claim document preview
STEPHANIE PENADebt Claim document preview


August 18, 20 Re: Cause 2-JDC21-14817 Judg ark Gibson Com Ssioner’ ourt, Precinct 2 Fort B d Co Tx Your Honor, | am aware of the debt | owe Ma of their agent) and | intend to pay that debt. | have been working with Start New Financial for, oximate 10 oqths and they are in the process ofjhelping me contact all my debtors and work out payment plafis with Ne , including the money owed to lacy’s. The situation is causing me a great de l of stress, but/ have been somewhat relieved that Start New Financial has already been able to Nel me getsomiear N X{ off. Unfortunately, we just haven't been able to address the Macy’s acco But it i qd in the list of accounts] for which | have requested help. During a divorce, subsequent job loss, and move to g Older) home 66 required repairs/updates, | began to acquire debt. Although, | was able to obta a new job pay rate was les§ than | formerly made, and a restructuring of hours at my job made overtip Z rs (Ww ere helping me manage my debt) difficult to obtain. Then, | was diagnosed with an awédimm) diSorde ‘at worsens with stress and causes a high level of fatigue. When my health became an issue, | began to feel the pressure o} bts. | dé ged that | wanted the help of a group like Start New Financial because | do want to get my debts olved n be, allowed more time, Macy’s can expect to receive payment for the money that | ow 1 = SINCERELY, AQm mo STEPHANIE PENA ihc ]Olo mt- F<) ti(-1(0m BY YT ole gm ery Dat)