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  • Muniz Rodriguez et al -v- Command Delivery Systems, Inc et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Muniz Rodriguez et al -v- Command Delivery Systems, Inc et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Muniz Rodriguez et al -v- Command Delivery Systems, Inc et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Muniz Rodriguez et al -v- Command Delivery Systems, Inc et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


\a ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY Sm BlrMImbor, Wm): (Numa. COURT USE ONL Y Julian C. Sonnega, Esq. [SBN 325370] BD&J, P C . . 9701 Wilshire Boulevard, 12:h Floor Beverly Hills, Californi TELEPHONENo.-(310) 887 - 1818 FAXNO.(Opach).-(310) 887 — 1880 ATTORNEY FOR (Nome; Plaintiffs SUPENORFCOIUIfiTgFD SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARD'NO DISTR’CT STREET ADDRESS 2 4 7 West 3rd Street MAILING ADDRESS 2 4 7 West 3 rd St ree t AUG 04 2023 CWYANDZPCODESan Bernardino, CA 92415 BRANCHNAME San Bernardino Justice Center ?F- BY SmuufihGudeqmw pmNnFF(5yperlno~ER(5). Danie] Muniz Rodriguez, an individual; cLERx'susEouLv Marco Antonio Muniz Del Toro, an individual; DEFENDANT(5)/RESPONDENT(S) Command Delivery Systems, Inc.; John Doe, an individual; CASENUMBER. AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT CIVSB2204 6.79 FICT1110US NAME (No order required) Upon filing the complaint herein, plaintiff(s) being ignorant of the true name of a defendant. and having designated said defendant in the complaint by the fictitious name of: John Doe, an individual and having discovered the true name of the said defendant to be: Gerardo Yovani Leon, an individual hereby amends the complaint by inserting such true name in place and stead of such fictitious name wherever it appears in said complaim. August 3, 2023 Julian C. 60mm Date Declarant’s Signature INCORRECT NAME (Order required) Plaintiff(s) having designated a defendant in the complaint by the incorrect name of: and having discovered the true name of the said defendant to be: hereby amends the complaint by inserting such true name in place and stead of such fictitious name wherever it appears in said complaint. Dam Declarant's Signature ORDER Proper cause appearing. the above amendment to the complaint is allowed Dated Judge/Commissioner $515773. Rev. M2014 0mm: AMENDMENT TO COMPLAINT mam QB fincfid Muniz Rodriguez, Daniel PROOF 0F SERVICE Daniel Mum'z Rodriguez, et al v. Command Delivery Systems, Inc., et al. San Bernardino County Superior Court Case No. CIVSB2204679 I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of 1 8 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 9701 Wilshirc Boulevard, 12m Floor, Beverly Hills. California 90212. On August 3, 2023, I served the foregoing document described as AMENDMENT T0 COMPLAINT - Gerardo Yovani Leon (JOHN DOE) on the interested parties in this action as set forth on the attached service list in the following manner: D BY MAIL: I am familiar with this firm’s practice of collection and processing conespondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited with U.S. postal service 0n that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Beverly Hills, California in 10 the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of thc pany, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day ll after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. 12 E BY ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION. I caused a true copy of the foregoing l3 document(s) to be transmitted by email to each of the parties designated herein and as last given by that person on any document which he or she has filed in this action and 14 served upon this office Dun'ng the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, this office will be working remotely, not ablc to scnd physical mail as usual, and is therefore using only 15 electronic mail. N0 electronic message or other indication that the transmission was 16 unsuccessful was received within a reasonable time‘ after the transmission. 17 D BY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: By depositing copies Ofthc above document(s) in a 18 box or other facility regularly maintained by FEDEX. in an envelope or package designed by FEDEX with delivery fees paid 0r provided for and sent to the person(s) 19 named above [C.C.P. §1013, 2015.5]. 20 D BY MESSENGER SERVICE: I served the documents by providing them to a 21 professional messenger service for same—day service to the addressce(s) listed on the service list. 22 E (STATE) I declare under penalty of perj ury under the laws of the State 0f California 23 that the above is true and correct. 24 Electronic service is MANDATORY by emergency order and C.C.P. §1010.6; service to the 25 firm must include Failure to include during service will render the service of documents as INVALID. 26 27 28 Dated: August 3, 2023 M Mary Ma o hana PROOF OF SERVICE