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  • BRENT HOULIHAN VS SIMON LAVI DO ET AL Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BRENT HOULIHAN VS SIMON LAVI DO ET AL Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview


PL @ ® [NAME AND ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: ‘STATE BAR NUMBER. Reserved for Clerk's File Stamp Bruce’M. Brusavich/Alexander B. Boris 93578/313295 Received AGNEWBRUSAVICH 20355 Hawthorne Boulevard, 2nd Fl Torrance, CA 90503 TELEPHONE No.; (310) 793-1400 TAY4 Windoy252047 raxno: (10) 793-1498 E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff BRENT HOULIHAN F Supertor Court Of Caiiorn} SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Cenaty Of Los Aazelec COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: Stanley Mosk Courthouse, 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 MAY 31 2017 PLAINTIFF: bert K. Car: 9 itive Otdicer/Clerk IBRENT HOULIHAN DEFENDANT: apiilon ea, toy Depaty SIMON LAVI, D.O.; et al [PROPOSED ORDER] AND STIPULATION TO CONTINUE TRIAL. CASE NUMBER: FSC [AND RELATED MOTIONIDISCOVERY DATES] PERSONAL INJURY COURTS ONLY (CENTRAL DISTRICT) BC606185 Duga Date complaint filed: January 5, 2016 In this matter pending in Department [1] 91, (1 92, (7193, (1 97, 10 98, all parties stipulate to continue/advance: (a) the current trial date from _July 5, 2017 to November 20, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. Date (b) the Final Status Conference from _Jurie 20, 2017 to November 8, 2017 at 10:00 a.m [eight court days before trial}; and Date Date (c) that all discovery and motion cut-offs dates [7] will [] will not be based upon new trial date. (d) No more than two (2) trial continuances may be approved by stipulation; the first for a maximum of 120 days, and the second for a maximum of 60 days. This is the 1st__ continuance. Co Signature BRU! Lhe ol SHERRY GREGORIO NameiDate (print) NameiDate (print) aU 9 co roa mo dS ZA Ts mM Signature Signature i oo su oopoom To ae NamelDate (print) NameiDate (pring g IT IS SO ORDERED. Plaintiff shall give notice. aH Ye ot ad an is & 5 aye 17 a mo * Judicial Officer LACIV CTRL-242 (Rev. 2/16) LASC Approved 10/13 [PREPOSED ORDER] AND STIPULATION ROBT RAOADBELT it Pea For Optional Use 2 ao TRIAL, FSC [AND RELATED MOTION/DISCOVERY DATES}=S66 PERSONAL INJURY COURTS ONLY Of (CENTRAL DISTRICT)