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  • TODD LANMAN M D VS PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION ET AL Other Commercial/Business Tort (not fraud/ breach of contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • TODD LANMAN M D VS PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION ET AL Other Commercial/Business Tort (not fraud/ breach of contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


© ORIGINAL ® FI D Superior Court of California C ‘ountv nF Ins Anneles PRINDLE, AMARO, GOETZ, HILLYARI ARNES.& REINHOLTZ LLP’ NOV 22 2016 Jack R. Reinholtz, Esq. (Bar No.,149884) Sherri R. Ca, ve Officer/Clerk CynthiaA. Palin,-Fsq, (Bar No; 143486): By. 310:Gold ore; Fourth Floor puty ‘Long:-Beach, G: ifornia, 90802 Telephone: 36-3946, Facsimi 95-0564 jreinhaltz@p cpaliti@prindlelaw: com IRON® 1004: Attomeys for'Deéfendant, INNOVATIVE:-CARE. MANAGEMENT; INC. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF LOS:ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT lt 12 TODD: LANMAN, M.D. CASE NO, BC578420 [Related to: 902/0:Surgery Medical Center; LLC y. 13 Plaintiffs, Pacific Maritime Association, Case'No, BC578421] 14 (Case‘ Judge Susan. Bryant-Deason — Dept. 5 15 PACIFIC nINe ASSOGIATON, inits: capaci ee. f the wise Indemnity. DEFENDANT INNOVATIVE CARE 16 an, SOLUTI (ENT, INC'S: REPLY TO Cs -4.cOrpo ALT! Ca /AIN FE -GANMAN MD 17 rporati EC OSITI ¥O THE MOTI MANAGMENT;INC :-COKpOraug, Ay JUDGMENT ON THE. PLEADINGS: 18 ING:,-a corporation and ‘DOES 1. through 1:00," inclusive ‘Reserved Hearing-Date 19 Date: January 8,.2016 Defendants Time: 8:30'p.m. 20 Dept: 52 21 Complaint Filed: April. 10, 2015 5 Date: None 22 > A 23 N 24 TO THE HONORABLE COURT, FO-ALL PARTIES AND THEIR COUNSEL: Defendant: INNOVATIVE-CARE MANAGEMNET, INC, (“Intiovative”) hereby submits the ea 26ft following reply-to:Plaintiff's: Opposition to,its. Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 2 cr be 28 REPLY TO PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION TO: THE MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS IRA-animany/Plaaai JEMoriby:iniefPrcanaitine: