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  • TODD LANMAN M D VS PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION ET AL Other Commercial/Business Tort (not fraud/ breach of contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • TODD LANMAN M D VS PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION ET AL Other Commercial/Business Tort (not fraud/ breach of contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


4 C. MARK HUMBERT (SBN 111093) Humbert Law Offices 2 The Mills Tower wot eae 220 Montgomery Street Suite 1068 jan 26 2018 San Francisco, California 94104 quccttte ths nidyerh Telephone: (415) 837-5433 herti . Curber Facsimile: (415) 837-0127 Mpuaes Fn! Yann Fm itrrenta Kew ae Attorneys for Defendant Zenith American Solutions, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 TODD LANMAN, M_D., an individual, Case No. BC578420 Consolidated with 11 Plaintiff, Case No. BC578421 12 Vv. ZENITH AMERICAN SOLUTIONS, INC.’S NOTICE OF MOTION AND 13 PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT et al., AND/OR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION 1 Defendants. Date: April 20, 2018 15 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: 52 16 Judge: Hon. Susan Bryant-Deason 17 Reservation # 171207272640 18 TO THE COURT, ALL PARTIES, AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 19 (PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on April 20, 2018, at 8:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the > 20 = matter may be heard by the Honorable Judge Bryant-Deason in Department 52 of the Los Angeles 21 ~ bo Superior Court, 111 Hill Street, defendant Zenith American Solutions, Inc. will, and hereby does, 22 move the Court for an Order granting summary judgment and/or summary adjudication to 23 defendant with respect to the claims for relief set forth in plaintiffs Second Amended Complaints 24 1 ZENITH AMERICAN SOLUTIONS, INC.’S NOTICE. No. BC578420 OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT