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  • TODD LANMAN M D VS PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION ET AL Other Commercial/Business Tort (not fraud/ breach of contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • TODD LANMAN M D VS PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION ET AL Other Commercial/Business Tort (not fraud/ breach of contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


E. STEELE CLAYTON, IV (admitted pro hac vice) BASS, BERRY & SIMS, PLC Superior Gourt ED cna 150 Third Avenue South County nf Los Angeles Nashville, TN 37201 Telephone: (615) 742-6205 APR G3 “uid Fax: (615) 742-2705 Sherri R, tsi, cavcuuive Urticer/Clerk of Court Email: By. , Deputy DAMIAN D. CAPOZZOLA (SBN: 186412) THE LAW OFFICES OF DAMIAN D. CAPOZZOLA 633 West Fifth Street, 26th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Telephone: (213) 533-4112 10 Fax: (213) 448-2709 Email: 11 Attorneys for Defendant 12 TC3 HEALTH, INC. 13 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 14 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 15 TODD LANMAN, Case No. BC578420 (Consolidated with Case 16 Plaintiff, 90210 Surgery Medical Center, LLC v. Pacific Maritime Association, et al. Vv. Case No. BC578421) PACIFIC MARITIME ASSOCIATION, et al., SEPARATE STATEMENT OF 19 UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS IN Defendants. SUPPORT OF TC3 HEALTH INC.’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, = OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION se 23 AND RELATED CROSS-ACTION Reservation # 170522220864 79 Date: April 20, 2018 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: 52 125 Judge: Hon. Susan Bryant-Deason bd nyo 26 em 2 Defendant TC3 Health, Inc. (“TC3”) submits this Separate Statement of Undisputed 27 28 Material Facts, together with references to supporting evidence, in Support of its Motion for 1 SEPARATE STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS IN SUPPORT OF TC3 HEALTH, INC.’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION