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  • JUDY MARUSZKO VS ALESSANDRA VASQUEZ AVERY Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JUDY MARUSZKO VS ALESSANDRA VASQUEZ AVERY Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


pL [NAME AND ADDRESSOF ATTORNEYOR PARTY VIITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NUMBER Received essed tor io’ Flo Sump Chad M. Slack, Esq. Slack & Associates 515 Marin Street, Suite 400 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 SEP 15294 FILED TELEPHONE NO: (805)230-2130. raxno, (805) 496-634Biling Window Superior Court of Ca lifornia E-MAIL ADDRESS: mail@slackle .com Cow nty of Los Angeles ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Defendants, Jaclyn Kerbel and Jay Kerbel SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SEP vs COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: 8 2017 Stanley Mosk Courthouse, +11 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Sh ret. Carnes, wlive icetr/Clegk o< PLAINTIFF: Sion Judy Maruszko Deput: 2S Sdmantha tievas DEFENDANT: |Alessandra Vasquez Avery, Rent A Car, Jaclyn Kerbel, Jay Kerbel, Shane Moore, PROPOSED ORDER] AND STIPULATION TO CONTINUE TRIAL, CASE NUMBER FSC [AND RELATED MOTION/DISCOVERY DATES 1BC606193 PERSONAL INJURY COURTS ONLY (CENTRAL DISTRICT) Date complaint filed: 01/05/2016 In this matter pending in Department L) 91, 92, (193, (2) 97, (98, all parties stipulate to continue/advance: (a) the current trial date from 11/02/17 to 1/02/2018 at 8:30 a.m.; Baie ae (b) the Final Status Conference from 10/23/2017. to 12/19/2017 at 10:00 a.m. [eight court days before trial]; and Date Date (c) that ail discovery and motion cut-offs dates [7] will [J] will not be based upon new trial date. (d) No more than two (2) trial continuances may be approved by stipulation; the first for a maximum of 120 days, and the second for a maximum of 60 days. This is the 2nd _ continuance. JOUNSEL FOR)PLAI FF: omen Signatuco ‘Signature dei Mahgerefteh, Esq. 09/14/2017 Chad M, Slack, Esq. 09/14/2017 Name/Date (print) Nam¢ te (print) Signature BO 2 Signature o 25 mem sau oni aeaE ~ma Name/Date (print) forint) =e ims oS o Do = ITIS SO ORDERED. Plaintiff shall give notice. “ No YOLANDA OROZCO aa2 a a AGM Date Judietol Officer Son o aH ot