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  • City of Needles -v- Cusson et al Print Other Complaint (Not Spec) Unlimited  document preview
  • City of Needles -v- Cusson et al Print Other Complaint (Not Spec) Unlimited  document preview
  • City of Needles -v- Cusson et al Print Other Complaint (Not Spec) Unlimited  document preview
  • City of Needles -v- Cusson et al Print Other Complaint (Not Spec) Unlimited  document preview


ORIGINAL / JOHN O. PINKNEY, Bar No. 162586 EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES PURSUANT LENA D. WADE, Bar No. 258356 TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 6103 SLOVAK BARON EMPEY MURPHY & PINKNEY LLP 74785 Highway 111, Suite 105 Indian Wells, CA 92210 F I L E D Telephgne: (760) 322-9240 COURT COUNfiJEER‘I/QS ©WQ&UIBU)NH Facsgmxle: (760) 565-1189 'sm BERNAfimfi {wad Ema11: DEC 1;; 2021 Attorneys for Plaintiff CITY OF NEEDLES " BY C ‘vgkr‘kfiw-‘v t- E'PUT'? ‘ SULMA TO. 8E8. D SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO — SAN BERNARDINO DIVISION LLP Pinkney CITY OF NEEDLES, a Charter City, Case No.2 CIVSB21 16938 105 Assigned for A11 Purposes to: & Suite 92210 Plaintiff; Hon. Lynn Poncin Murphy 111, CA V. Empey Highway Wells, LORRAINE L. CUSSON, a Jomt Tenant; . @591_ ABATEMENT ORDER AWARDING STAFF TIME COSTS’ Indian WILLIAM SCHMIDT, a Joint Tenant; Baron 74—785 COUNTRYWIDE TITLE CORPORATION, CHARGES AND ATTORNEY’S FEES Slovak Beneficiary; and DOES through 10, 1 inclusive, Warrant Issued June 22, 2021 ooqam-RWNchooleUI-kmNy—tc Date: December 16, 2021 NNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHH Defendants- Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: $28 The hearing on the City’s application for an award of abatement costs, staff time and attomey’s fees incurred by the City t0 abate the public nuisances on the Property came regularly for hearing on December 16, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in Department $28 of this Court, the Honorable Lynn Poncin presiding. Attorney Lena D. Wade of Slovak Baron Empey Murphy & Pinkney LLP appeared on behalf of Plaintiff City 0f Needles. 1 ORDER AWARDING ABATEMENT COSTS, STAFF TIME CHARGES AND ATTORNEY’S FEES . k a