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  • VICTOR ACHISIM VS PLX TRANSPORTATION INC Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VICTOR ACHISIM VS PLX TRANSPORTATION INC Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Be ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, slafe bar number, and address): ®@ FOR COURT USE ONLY MC-051 +s{_ Adam Rose (210880) FILED Superior Court of Californi Law Office of Robert Starr a 23901 Calabasas Rd., #2072 ‘Ounty of Los Angeles Calabasas, CA 91302 tevepHoneno: (818) 225-9040 raxno: (818) 225-9042 NOV 30 2016 ATTORNEY FOR (wamey: Plaintiff Victor Achisim erri i R. Ca, ve Officer/Clerk NAME OF COURT: Los Angeles Superior Court By, Deputy STREET ADDRESS: 111N. Hill St. MAILING ADDRESS: Z CITY AND ZIP CODE: Los Angeles 90012 RANCH NAME: Central CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: Achisim v. PLX Transportation BC621059 7 nearwne pate: 12/22/16 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION cert: 30 me: 8:30 a.m. TO BE RELIEVED AS seroreHon: Barbara Scheper COUNSEL—CIVIL pare action rien: 5/18/16 RESO: ib 24117 05-4 TRuLoate: n/a TO (name and address ofclient): Victor Achisim, 2605 Ocean Front Walk, #3, Venice, CA 90291 4 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that (name of withdrawing attomey): Law Office of Robert Starr moves under California Code of Civil Procedure section 284(2) and California Rules of Court, rule 3.1362, for an order permitting the attorney to be relieved as attorney of record in this action or proceeding. A hearing on this motion to be relieved as counsel will be held as follows: a Date: December 22, 2016 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: 30 Room: b. The address of the court: same as noted above (1) other (specify): This motion is supported by the accompanying declaration, the papers and records filed in this action or proceeding, and the following additional documents or evidence (specify): (This motion does not need to be accompanied by a memorandum of points and authorities. Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1362.) ihe client presently represented by the attorney is oe an individual. g. [_] a trustee. by () acorporation. h. [__] a personal representative. ,& (__] a partnership. i. () a probate fiduciary. ‘ie [__] an unincorporated association. j. () a guardian ad litem. ®; (__] aguardian. k. [_] other (specify): f. (_] aconservator. (Continued on reverse) Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION Code of Civil Procedure , § 284, ‘Judicial Council of Califomia Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1362 MC-051 (Rev. January 1, 2007} TO BE RELIEVED AS COUNSEL—CIVIL