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  • HTL AUTOMOTIVE INC ET AL VS. GPSI, LLC Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • HTL AUTOMOTIVE INC ET AL VS. GPSI, LLC Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview


e e FILED Duncan J. McCreary (SBN 225034) COUNTY OF Toe AN cLES Andrew L. Howard (SBN 250678) FEBO8 2017 LINER LLP SheriR. ive Officer/Clerk 1100 Glendon Avenue, 14" Floor By, Los Angeles, California 90024.3518 ve Deputy Telephone: (310) 500-3500 Facsimile: (310) 500-3501 Attorneys for Plaintiffs and Cross-Defendants, HTL Automotive, Inc.; HNL Automotive, Inc; HC Automotive, Inc.; and H K Automotive, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT 10 il HTL AUTOMOTIVE, INC., a California Case No. BC621813 Corporation; HNL AUTOMOTIVE, INC., a Lo 12 California Corporation; HC AUTOMOTIVE, CROSS-DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO re ek INC., a California Corporation; and H K CROSS-COMPLAINT 378 13 AUTOMOTIVE, INC., a California 2 3a Corporation;, The Hon. Holly E. Kendig, Dept. 42 Li 8 14 “Hse Plaintiffs, Action Filed: May 26, 2016 —_—l 2 g 15 238 es vs. 16 GPSI, LLC, a Michigan Corporation, dba 17 Guidepoint Systems; and DOES 1 through 99, inclusive, 18 Defendants. 19 20 AND RELATED CROSS ACTION. 21 = 22 i 23 2 24 i md 25 26 27 28 50102.002-3814413v1 CROSS-DEFENDANTS’ ANSWER TO CROSS-COMPLAINT