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  • HTL AUTOMOTIVE INC ET AL VS. GPSI, LLC Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • HTL AUTOMOTIVE INC ET AL VS. GPSI, LLC Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division Central District, Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Department 26 BC621813 May 1, 2019 HTL AUTOMOTIVE INC ET AL VS. GPSI, LLC 8:30 AM Judge: Honorable Elaine Lu CSR: None Judicial Assistant: E. Lopez ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: B. Ly Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): Duncan James McCreary, Esq. For Defendant(s): Donald Gary Rez (Telephonic) NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Order to Show Cause Re: why the complaint should not be dismissed Matter is called for hearing. The Court has read and considered the declaration submitted on 04/26/19. Hooman Nissani's declaration filed on April 26, 2019 fails to explain the delay from January 2019 to February 2019 for HK Automotive's accountants to address the issues that were brought to Nissani's attention in January. Nissani's declaration also does not specify when in 3/19 when HK's accountants submitted the documents to the Franchise Tax Board. Nissani lacks personal knowledge as to whether HK's accountants have in fact submitted the documentation to the FTB. Significantly, there is no declaration from HK's accountant verifying submission of the documentation to the FTB. Nissani's declaration also fails to explain the delay from February 2019 to March 2019 for HK's accountants to to submit the documentation. Finally, HK has failed to submit any evidence demonstrating what if anything counsel or Nissani has done to follow up with the Franchise tax board to check on the status of HK's request for reinstatement. The declaration filed on 4/26/19 is insufficient to discharge the OSC re dismissal. No later than May 3, 2019, Plaintiff must file supplemental evidence addressing all these issues. HK Automotive’s failure to comply with this order and/or failure to submit written evidence demonstrating reinstatement of its corporate status prior to the May 3, 2019 OSC hearing will Minute Order Page 1 of 2