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  • Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. -v- Ornelas Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. -v- Ornelas Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. -v- Ornelas Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. -v- Ornelas Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


V V Hunt & Henriques, LLP Donald Sherrill, Esq. #266038 7017 Realm Drive San José CA 951 19 Telephone: (408) 362—2270 F I L Facsimile: (408) 362-2299 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDONO Attorneys for Plaintiff SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT Debt collection license application pending. JUL 0 8 2822 BY 4gb“ SQ JACQU HN HARNESSDEPUTY fig.» m \OOONG SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT-CIVIL DIVISION — LIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION 10 11 Capital One Bank (USA), N.A., Case No. CIVSB2205493 12 Plaintiff, NOTICE OF TRIAL 13 vs. LLP Date: 01/03/2023 95119 362-2270 362—2299 14 JULIE A ORNELAS, Time: 1 0:00 AM Dept: Sl6 DRIVE HENRIQUES, 15 Defendant(s). CALIFORNIA (408) (408) REALM 16 & 7017 JOSE TELEPHONE: FACSIMILE: 17 SAN HUNT 18 T0: Defendant, JULIE A ORNELAS: set for 01/03/2023 at 19 Please take notice that a Trial in the above-entitled action has been District-Civil 20 10:00 AM in department Sl6, of the county 0f San Bernardino, San Bernardino 21 Division, located at 247 West Third Street, San Bemardino CA 9241 5-0210. / 22 Dated: July 6, 2022 liw 23 Nicholas Mortl Hunt & Henriques, LLP 24 Attorney for Plaintiff 25 26 27 28 Page 1 Notice of Trial 1483389001 HRG NTC S-16’S TRIAL SETTING ORDERS JUDGE JAY H ROBlNSON BENCH TRIAL ORDER: Each ordered to file with the court and exchange with side is opposing parties, the foHowing documents: [1] Trial Brief, [2] Witness Iist, and [3] Exhibit listthat is properly page numbered, tabbed and indexed, pursuant to California Rules of Court 3.110(0) and (f). The documents need to be exchanged and filed with the court ten (10) days prior to trial. days Any Code of Civil Procedure 98 declaration must be served at least thirty (30) prior to trial and in compliance with that statue. Violation of this order may result in monetary sanctions, exclusion of evidence and/or witnesses. COURT SPONSORED MEDIATION ORDER: IFHBM Mediation Request Form mailed to aH counsel of record, to set a Remote failing to request Mediation session. Failure to appear for Court Sponsored Mediation or set date will result in sanctions to vacate/continue Mediation at least 7 days prior to the of $250.00 being imposed as to each side. MANDATORY SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE (MSC) ORDER: Pursuant to CaiiforniaRuie of Court 3.1380 and Local Rule of Court 61 1, all parties and adjusters appear. No kess than five (5) days prior to the Settlement Conference, MSC Briefs are ordered to must be fired and served on opposing parties that include all four (4) elements enumerated in CRC 3.1380, inciuding, but not limited to settlement discussions. A violation of this order may result in monetary sanctions, exclusion of evidence, and/or witnesses. Counsel may submit a stipulation at least two weeks prior to MSC date directly in Department S16; to request MSG be held remotely. Stipulation must include all emails and contact information for an parties. TRIAL READINESS CONFERENCE (TRC) ORDER: At the trial readiness conference, aH trial counsel and parties are ordered to appear. it is further shall file in this ordered that n0 less than three (3) court days prior to the TRC, the parties Proposed Department (not the clerk's office) 1) Any oppositions to the Motions in Limine, 2) : CACI- approved jury instructions in 14-point font customized to the case (a numerical list of proposed instructions is not acceptable), (3) Proposed verdict forms, 4) Witness and Exhibits lists, 5) Any proposed voir dire questions and/or questionnaires, and 6) A short statement of the case to all Motions in be read to the jury, if applicable. Documents should be jointly submitted. However, Limine shall be in writing and filed with this Department and with service completed at least eight days prior to the conference. A violation of this order may result in monetary sanctions, (8) exclusion of evidence, andlor witnesses.