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  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview
  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview
  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview
  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview
  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview
  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview
  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview
  • Louis Montano, Jr., et al. vs Ngochao Nguyen, et al.Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited (23) document preview


RA-010 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NUMBER: NAME: Cynthia Shambaugh SBN 122866 Chandrani Mandal SBN 321149 FIRM NAME:LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP STREET ADDRESS: 2185 North California Boulevard, Suite 300 CITY: Walnut Creek STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 94596 TELEPHONE NO.: 925.357.3456 FAX NO.: 925.478.3260 EMAIL ADDRESS:; ATTORNEY FOR (name): Defs/X-Defs Gino's Restaurant, Inc. & Ngochao Thi Nguyen SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MONTEREY STREET ADDRESS: 1200 Aguajito Road MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: Monterey, CA 93940 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: LOUIS MONTANO, JR., et al. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: CITY OF SALINAS, et al. OTHER CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: 21CV003635 NOTICE OF REMOTE APPEARANCE [Consolidated with 22CV002531; 22CV003206; 22CV003261; 22CV003443; and 22CV003598] You must use this form to tell the court you intend to appear remotely in a civil case, unless the court's website describes an online process for giving notice. You may also use it to give the required notice to all other parties in the case. (Do not use this form in a juvenile dependency proceeding.) Check the court's website for information about how to appear remotely, including the departments and types of cases or proceedings that allow remote appearances and ways to appear remotely in their departments for such appearances. See page 3 of this form for more information, including deadlines for giving notice and for opposing a remote appearance if this notice is for an evidentiary hearing or trial. A person appearing remotely should conduct themselves as though appearing in court in person. 1. The person who intends to appear remotely is (check and complete all that apply): Plaintiff/Petitioner (name): Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner (name): Defendant/Respondent (name): Attorney for Defendant/Respondent (name): Cynthia Shambaugh and Chandrani Mandal, Counsel for Defs/X-Defs Gino's Restaurant, Inc. and Ngochao Thi Nguyen Other (name and role in case): 2. The person or persons in 1 intends to appear remotely (check one): a. Throughout the case. b. At the proceeding described below, including on any later dates if the proceeding is continued (describe): Type of proceeding: Set on (date): at (time): in (department): Before (name of judicial officer, if known): Page 2 of 3 RA-010 [New January 1, 2022] NOTICE OF REMOTE APPEARANCE [page 3 need not be filed] RA-010 3. The person intends to appear by (check court's website for method that may be used): Videoconference Audio only (including telephone) 4. For evidentiary hearing or trial only (where testimony may be given): the party requests the following additional aspects of the proceeding be conducted remotely (describe what the party wants to be done remotely and why; attach form MC-25 if more space is needed): Page 1 of 3 Date: August 16, 2023 Chandrani Mandal  (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE) Notice to Other Parties Anyone intending to appear remotely must provide notice to all other parties by the deadlines stated in Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.672, and described on the next page. Notice may be provided orally, electronically, or by giving the other parties this form in a way to ensure it is received by the applicable deadline. The party must tell the court this was done either by filing a proof of service (this may be done on forms POS-040 or POS-050 for electronic service) or by completing and signing the declaration below. Declaration of Notice I gave notice that I intend to appear remotely to the other parties or persons entitled to receive notice in this case as stated below. Complete one item below for each person notice was given to, and enter one of the following options for "Method of notice" in c.  Mail: By mailing them a copy of this form (write the mailing address in d.)  Overnight delivery: By having a copy of this form delivered overnight (write the delivery address in d.)  Electronic notice: By e-mail or text message (write the e-mail or phone number in d.)  Phone: By telling them over the telephone or leaving them voice mail (write the phone number in d.), or  In person: By giving them a copy of this form in person, or by telling them orally in person (write the address in d.) 1. Plaintiff/Petitioner 2. Attorney for: a. Name: a. Name: b. Date of notice: b. Date of notice: c. Method of notice: c. Method of notice: d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) or phone number: d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) or phone number: 3. Defendant/Respondent 4. Attorney for: a. Name: a. Name: b. Date of notice: b. Date of notice: c. Method of notice: c. Method of notice: d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) or phone number: d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) phone number: 5. Other (specify): 6. Attorney for: a. Name: a. Name: b. Date of notice: b. Date of notice: c. Method of notice: c. Method of notice: d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) or phone number: d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) phone number: 7. Other (specify): 7. Other (specify): a. Name: a. Name: b. Date of notice: b. Date of notice: c. Method of notice: c. Method of notice: Page 2 of 3 RA-010 [New January 1, 2022] NOTICE OF REMOTE APPEARANCE [page 3 need not be filed] RA-010 d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) or phone number: d. Address (mailing, in-person, or email) or phone number: If more people were given notice, check here, attach form MC-025, titled as Attachment Notice, and add the information about how and when notice was given to each person. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date:  (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE) Page 2 of 3 RA-010 [New January 1, 2022] NOTICE OF REMOTE APPEARANCE [page 3 need not be filed] RA-010 Instructions for Giving Notice of Remote Appearance (This page does not need to be filed.) 1. Court online procedures. Before using this form, check the court's website to see if that court has an online procedure for providing notice to the court of your intent to appear remotely instead. You can find a link to the website for each court at: 2. How to use this form. This form is intended for use in civil cases only (any cases not criminal or petitions for habeas corpus, other than petitions under Welf. & Inst. Code, § 5000 et seq.), to provide written notice of intent to appear remotely, to a court and the parties, as described in Code of Civil Procedure section 367.75. It is not needed in juvenile dependency hearings. Check the court's website to determine how remote appearances work in that court before completing this form. If the court does not have an online procedure for giving notice to the court of intent to appear remotely, complete and file this form to give the court notice. If you intend to appear remotely throughout the case, you only need to file it once (check item 2a). 3. Notice to others. You may also use this form to show that you gave notice to other parties. You must give notice of your intent to appear remotely to all parties and other persons who are entitled to notice of the proceeding. (If you checked item 2a, you only need to give notice once. Otherwise, give notice to the court and others before each proceeding you intend to appear at remotely.) You can describe how and when you gave notice in the Declaration of Notice on page 2, or by filing a proof of service with the court. 4. When to file and give notice to others. California Rules of Court, rule 3.672(g) and (h) state the deadlines by which you have to give notice of intent to appear remotely to the other parties and the court. (You can give notice earlier.) There are different deadlines: For motions and proceedings in which people cannot testify If a party gives or receives at least 3 court days' notice of the proceeding (including all regularly noticed motions): • At least 2 court days before the proceeding. If a party gives or receives less than 3 court days' notice of the proceeding (including ex parte applications): • With the moving papers, if the notice to appear remotely is by the party that is asking for the hearing; or • By 2 p.m. the court day before the hearing if the notice to appear remotely is by any other party. Note: If a party misses these deadlines, they may still ask the court for permission to appear remotely. For trials, including small claims trials, and hearings in which people may testify (evidentiary hearings) If a party gives or receives at least 15 court days' notice of a trial or hearing date, and for all small claims trials: • At least 10 court days before the trial or hearing date. If a party gives or receives less than 15 days' notice of the trial or hearing (including hearings on protective orders): • With the moving papers or at least 5 court days before the hearing, if the notice to appear remotely is by the party that is asking for the hearing; or • By 2 p.m. the court day before the hearing if the notice to appear remotely is by any other party. Note: If a party misses these deadlines, they may still ask thecourt for permission to appear remotely. 5. Opposition to remote appearances at trial or evidentiary hearing. If a party or witness has given notice of intent to appear remotely at a trial or evidentiary hearing (hearing at which people may testify), other parties in the action may oppose the remote appearance by filing Opposition to Remote Proceeding at Evidentiary Hearing or Trial (form RA-015). The opposition must be served on parties and other persons entitled to receive notice of the proceedings, by the deadlines summarized on that form. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.672(h)(3).) 6. In-person appearance. A court may require any person to appear in person instead of remotely. (Code Civ. Proc., § 367.75(b).) 7. Recordings. No person may record a proceeding without first getting approval from the judge. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 1.150(c).) 8. Accommodations for disability. If a party needs an accommodation for a disability, use form MC-410, Disability Accommodations Request, to tell the court about their needs. See form MC-410-INFO for more information. 9. Request for interpreter. If a party does do not speak English well, ask the court clerk as soon as possible for a court-provided interpreter. Form INT-300, Request for an Interpreter, or a local court form may be used to request an interpreter. If no court interpreter is available, it may be necessary to reschedule the hearing or trial. RA-010 [New January 1, 2022] NOTICE OF REMOTE APPEARANCE Page 3 of 3 1 CALIFORNIA STATE COURT PROOF OF SERVICE Louis Montano, Jr., et al. v. City of Salinas, et al. 2 Monterey County Superior Court Case No. 21CV003635 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MONTEREY 4 At the time of service, I was over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. My business address is 2185 North California Boulevard, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. 5 On August 17, 2023, I served true copies of the following document(s): 6 NOTICE OF REMOTE APPEARANCE 7 I served the documents on the following persons at the following addresses (including fax 8 numbers and e-mail addresses, if applicable): 9 SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST 10 The documents were served by the following means: 11  (BY E-MAIL OR ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION) Based on a court order or an agreement of the parties to accept service by e-mail or electronic transmission, I caused the 12 documents to be sent from e-mail address to the persons at the e-mail addresses listed above. I did not receive, within a reasonable time after the 13 transmission, any electronic message or other indication that the transmission was unsuccessful. 14 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 15 foregoing is true and correct. 16 Executed on August 17, 2023, at Walnut Creek, California. 17 18 Izie M. Hudson 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 1 SERVICE LIST 2 Louis Montano, Jr., et al. v. City of Salinas, et al. Monterey County Superior Court Case No. 21CV003635 3 Emily Ruby. Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs 4 Sergio Cardenas, Esq. LOUIS MONTANO, JR., LOUIE MONTANO GREENBERG AND RUBY III, AND MICHAEL MONTANO 5 6100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1170 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Tel: 323.782.0535 6 Fax: 323.782.0543 Email: 7 8 9 Richard C. Alpers Attorneys for Plaintiffs 10 ALBERS LAW GROUP, INC. LOUIS MONTANO, JR., LOUIE MONTANO PO Box 1540 III, AND MICHAEL MONTANO 11 Aptos, CA 95001 Tel: 855.808.1174 12 Fax: 855.870.1129 Email: 13 14 Joseph J. Babich Attorneys for Plaintiff MARIA ARELLANO Sean D. Wiseman 15 Dreyer Babich Buccola Wood Campora, LLP 20 Bicentennial Circle P: (916) 379-3500 • F: (916) 379-3599 16 Sacramento, CA 95826 Emails:;; 17 Christopher A. Callihan, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant 18 CITY OF SALINAS, OFFICE OF THE CITY CITY OF SALINAS ATTORNEY 19 200 Lincoln Avenue Tel: (831) 758-7073 (direct) Salinas, CA 93901-2639 Fax: (831) 758-7257 20 Email: 21 William R. Price, Esq. Co Counsel for Defendant Lisa Shaw, Paralegal CITY OF SALINAS 22 LAW OFFICES OF WILLIAM R. PRICE 12636 High Bluff Dr., Suite 400 Tel: (858) 888-0588 23 San Diego, CA 92130 Emails:; 24 25 26 27 28 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 1 James J. Cook, Esq. Attorneys for Defendants HORAN | LLOYD, APC. RALPH BOZZO; BLFA PROPERTIES, LLC; 2 26385 Carmel Rancho Blvd., Suite 200 AND GINO'S FINE ITALIAN FOOD, INC. Carmel, CA 93923 3 Tel: (831) 373-4131 Fax: (831) 373-8302 4 Email: 5 Rodney N. Mayr, Esq. Attorneys for Defendants MAYR LAW FIRM AUSTIN ALARCON AND ROSAURA 6 1010 W. Taylor St. ARCOS PANIAGUA San Jose, CA 95126 7 Tel: (408) 331-7606 Fax: (669) 266-5612 8 Email: 9 Cornelo V. Dilag, Esq.: Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant 10 Matthew M. Spolsky, Esq. AUSTIN ALARCON FORD, WALKER, HAGGERTY & BEHAR, 11 LLP Tel: (562) 983-2579 One World Trade Center, 27th Floor Fax: (562) 590-3571 12 Long Beach, CA 90831 Email:; 13 Neil P. Berman, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff DIANE MIDDAUGH 14 RUCKA, O’BOYLE, LOMBARDO & MCKENNA Tel: (831) 443-1051 15 245 W. Laurel Dr. Fax: (831) 443-6419 Salinas, CA 93906 Email:; 16 17 Shanin “Shawn” Kahroba, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff ROBERT ROSETT SHERIDAN & RUND, KAHROBA PC 18 270 Coral Circle Tel: (310) 640-1200 El Segundo, CA 90245 Fax: (310) 640-0200 19 Email: 20 Robert D. Ponce, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff KEVIN SMITH Law Offices of Robert D. Ponce 21 400 Camino Aguajito, Suite 100 Tel: (831) 649-0515 Monterey, CA 93940 Email: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SERVICE LIST 1 Laurie J. Elza, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant NTN PROPERTIES, Maureen Merriles, Legal Assistant LLC 2 LAW OFFICES OF JOHN A. HAUSER One Pointe Drive, 6th Floor Tel: (714) 571-0407 3 Brea, CA 92821 Fax: (877) 369-5799 Direct: (714) 371-2311 4 Email:; 5 (for 6 electronic service only) 7 Owili K. Eison, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff DANIEL ORTEGA BD&J, P.C. 8 9701 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor Tel: (310) 887-1818 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Fax: (310) 887-1880 9 Email: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SERVICE LIST