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  • Ajeigbe -v- City of Big Bear Lake Print Administrative Agency Review  document preview
  • Ajeigbe -v- City of Big Bear Lake Print Administrative Agency Review  document preview
  • Ajeigbe -v- City of Big Bear Lake Print Administrative Agency Review  document preview
  • Ajeigbe -v- City of Big Bear Lake Print Administrative Agency Review  document preview


\u ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT (Name, State Bar Number, and address): COURT USE ONLY DANIEL AJEIGBE, (STATE BAR # 281086) H, r. 1060 MISSION GROVE PARKWAY NORTH, u RIVERSIDE, CA 92506 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDiNO CIVIL DIVISION Telephone No.:951-805-7414 Fax No. (Optional); A'I'I'ORNEY FOR (Name):APPELLANT Bar No.: 281 O86 APR 29 2022 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREET ADDRESS: 247 W 3rd St MAILING ADDRESS:247 W 3rd St CITY AND ZIP CODE: SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 S ‘VIA GUAJA O‘DEPUTY BRANCH NAME SAN BERNARDINO CIVIL DIVISION APPEAL OF (NAME); DANIEL AJEIGBE RESONDENTS: CITY OF BIG BEAR LAKE CASE NUMBER: NOTICE OF APPEAL (CODE ENFORCEMENT) CIVSB 2207735 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. This form must be filed with the Court within 20 calendar days after the date of mailing of the final decision on the administrative review by the local agency. It must be personally delivered or mailed to the Court, and must be received by the Court, with the required filing fee, within the 20 day period. A copy of the citation and the Administrative Ruling shall be filed with this form. .wN There is a $25.00 fee for filing the Notice oprpeal. The fee must accompany this form. Make checks or money orders payable to: San Bernardino Superior Court. If your check is returned unpaid, your appeal may be void and a returned check fee will be charged. 4. After filing this form with the Court, a copy must be served by personal delivery or by First Class mail on the local agency. 5. The Proof of Service must be completed and returned for filing with the Court at least 5 days prior to the hearing. | appeal to the Superior Court, as provided by law, from the final decision of the local agency on the Administrative Review of my citation. DANIEL AJEIGBE RAC-2022—001 24 Appellant’s Name 4/28/2022 Date NOTICE OF APPEAL (CODE ENFORCEMENT) 13-1 9890-360, Rev. 04-2014 Optional " ( ’in rgf‘lfig licm' [aim 72721113172 Mcmagc’mml Dcymrfmmz A1331INIS'I‘RI‘K'TWE (TITANON {3 WAKNWG ONLY » 2:” that hm 5:, cisecked, {he penalty cxr wms’zzas wéii be wa ‘5' ALL viaiations have beam mnacied by time date bawn £3 (IE‘ATSQN DATE 0F VIOLAnoN 01/132022 ] mm: 12:00 ‘ [ munch: n; KAC—Zozzmlzet VACAnon RENTAL Guesr j TENANT Pnopavm OWNER >3 AGENT orownea OTHER nsspamssm mm (First, Middla, Last) AIEmBEpmmL I l [ mums Awasss 3060 MIsSION GROVE 910w N cm 51m zip cone Rivhxsmr: .(tA 92506 Locnmow or Vloumoms) 649 £3LM sr. m0 BEAR LAKE, CA 923 15 ) ,.- I M “ H -L01 . ()MH . V acatwn Rental Cmenor ~-, 515:1 Requmd penys wplayan‘ exterior Sign pcm‘omfioj orthc City ofBig Bear Lake Municipal Code in accordance with City of Big Bea: Lake Administrative Policy Number 202 I ~0l4 TOTAL CITATION PENAL’I'Y DUE: 3500.00 M Ml siolatioms) must be corrected by: 1 James Mussengill Issuing Officer i’n'mcd Name Q C“, a. b Officer ID Number «\M—w—N figfii‘ W—mw x “w \. 9' 1/18/2022 lssfi'm'g'fifficcr Sigmww Date of Serv§ce "x. Responsibfic Party Signature Type of Service DISTRIBUTION: White ~ Agency Pink | Officer Yellow 1 * Defendant Wm WW - City of Big Bear Lake Municipal Code Section IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY 17‘03.315.L(2)(3)(4) provides for the issuance 0f administrative ciwtions for City of Big Bear Lake Municipal Code violations, Section 4.0mm) pmvides for the issuance of administrative citations for City of Big Bear Lake Municipal Code. violations and describes the penalties relating to vacation rental violatians. These penaidcs range from $500 to $10,600. Penaitics for non-Vacation Rental violations of the Municipal Cnde range from $100 - SIUOO. These penalties are cumulative, and citations may be issued each day the violation exists. A warning (ifissuea) dues not incur a penalty um! is not appealable. If a warning citatitm inciudes a compliance deadfine, then tho vialatiuu(s) must be corrected by that date to avoid citations and penalties. Em — ?nynwnt must be made in fun within 30 calendar days of the issuance of the citation. Payment may be mnde 011mm at Esm- g’T‘Mflgmgmyggggggg‘gptemgm. To find your citation online. choose “Administrative Cimtion”, choose “Citation and Date”. When entering the citation number, d0 not inciude spaces or dashes. The date is the “Date of Service“ provided near signature line above. Payments also be to the may mailed address below. Do not send cash. Make checks payable to the City of Big Bear Lake. Please indicate the citation number on ynur check and enclose a copy of the citation. Mail payment and citation lo the following address: City of Big Bear Lake c/o Citation Processing Center P.0. Box 7275 Newport Beach. CA 92658-7275 gmggg 1g ahgtg Vigigtigns a The Responsible Party is hereby ordered m abate violation“) listeé above. Vlolationfi) must be abated immediately uniess a specific correction date has been provided above. ‘ ’ . . ' - If payment is not received within 30 caiendar days of the issuance of the citation. an additional MW late fee 0f mutant entered at m1 $25 t u will ’ro -~ An ‘siu ,‘i be added to the amount due. * n 1‘ administrative citation city staff requesting a citation be dismissed ' “ may appeal the citation by filing an appeal! within 30 calendar days of the issuance of the citation. Please d3 not or argue your side of the case. To file an appeal, a Notice of Appeal and deposit payment must be to ar mafied to the address above within 30 calendar days of the issuance of the effusion. The s v . Notice of Apnea! must inciude tine reasaus for the appeal. Except as provided below, the faiium to deposit 25% of the amount of the citation penalty shall render the appeal incomplete. The Responsible Party shall then be responsible fur the total amount of the penalty. A notice of hearing date will ire issued upon processing of the appeal request. Note: AI the hearing, the City may seek recovery of the. administrative citation penalty and adminisn'axive com associated with the I‘age 1 of 2