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  • California Business Bureau Inc. -v- Banuelos et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • California Business Bureau Inc. -v- Banuelos et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • California Business Bureau Inc. -v- Banuelos et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • California Business Bureau Inc. -v- Banuelos et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


l» f v x CM-O10 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNE‘Y: (Name, State Bar number, and addresfl.’ FOR COURT USE 0N1. Y Calvin F. Love SB# 307493 800 South Barranca Ave., Suite 100 Covina. CA. 91723 TELEPHONE N0; (626) 653-0455 FAX N0. : F l L E D EMAIL ADDRESS: S%%§?A$$8€%§£§E§§k§é’“m J INO ‘ ‘ ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff saw rammi‘abmg msmcr SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO STREET ADDRESS: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA MAR 1 5 2322 MAILING ADDRESS: 247 W. 3RD ST cmANDz'p CODE; SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92415 BRANCH NAME; CENTRAL BRANCH BY 7 CASE NAME: MFM L CALIFORNIA BUSINESS BUREA VS JACINTO HERNANDEZ BAN CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation CASE NUMBER: E CIVIL Unlimited (Amount E Limited (Amount E F. Iled Wlth Counter . . first E appearance by defendant Joinder ‘ . v demanded demanded is JUDGE: exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) (Cal- RUIeS 0f Court. rUle 3-402) DEPT; Items 7—6 below must be completed (see Instruct/ons 0n page 2). 1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: E Auto Tort E Auto (22) E Contract E Breach of Contractharranty (06) Provisionally (Cal. Complex Rules of Coun, rules 3.400-3.403) Civil Litigation Uninsured motorist (46) Other Pl/PD/WD (Personal Injury/Property E D Rules 3.740 collections (09) Other collections (09) Antitrust/Trade regultion (O3) Construction defect (10) E Damage/Wrongfu' Death) T0” E Asbestos (04) E Insurance coverage (18) Other contract (37) DDDDDD Mass tort (40) Securities litigation (28) E E Productliability(24) Medical malpractice (45) OtherPI/PD/wmzs) D RealProperty Eminentdomain/lnverse EnvironmentaI/Toxic Insurance coverage claims arising from the tort (30) E Non-Pl/PD/WD Tort E E condemnation (14) Wrongfuleviction(33) above types (41) listed provisionally complex case E E Bysingss ClvnnghFSmg) torl/unfair business practice (O7) Other real property (26) E Enforcement of Judgment Enforcement ofjudgment E Defamation(13) E Unlawful Detainer E Commermal . (31) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint (20) E E Fraudue) Intellectual Property (19) E . ReSIdentIaI (32) DVUQ$(38) . E] E Rico (27) Othercomplaint(n0! specified above) (42) E Professionalnegligence(25) Othernon-Pl/PD/woton(35) E I J u d.ICIa IR evuew . Assetforfeiturems) E Miscellaneous Civil Petition E Employment E E M Wrongfultermination(36) Otheremployment(15) E: E E Petition re: arbitration Writofmandate(02) Otherjudicialreview(39) award (1 1) E Partnership and corporate governance (21) Other petition (not specified above) (43) 2. This case is is not comples under rule 3.400 ofthe California Rules of Court. lfthe case is compiex, mark them“ E factors requiring exceptional judicial E a. b. Large number of separately represented parties Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel management: d. e. E E Large number of witnesses Coordination with related actions pending in one or more counts 3. E c. issues that will be time-consuming to resolve Substantial amount of documentary evidence Remedies sought (check al/ that apply): a. E monetary f. b. EE In other counties, states, or countries, or In a federal court Sustantial postjudgmentjudicial supervision nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c. E punitive 4. 5. 6. E M Number This case If there are any of causes is known of action (specifld: is related cases, file 1 not a class action suit. and serve a notice of related case. ( D te: March 3, 2022 Calvin F. Love F (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATU OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY) \ TlCE . . . Plaintiff mustcover sheet with the first paper fileug the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases fIIed file this under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. g File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. g If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. O Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes engine” Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Cal. Rules of Court, rules 2.30, 3.220, 3.400-3.403, 3.740; Cal. Standards of Judiclal Administration, std. 3.10 CM-010 [Rev. September 1, 2021] ID: 105229 CLIENT ID: WWW. courts, cago V J§ L i; ,