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  • JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A v. JohnsonCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A v. JohnsonCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview


P SHERIFF 8 DEPARTMENT DELAWARE COUNTY 201 WEST FRONT STREET MEDIA PENNSYLVANIA 19063 (610) 891-4296 SHERIFF SERVICE tNStTRPCTICRNSt 1?OR Sfigvtl‘CEdOFt PSOCE§S You must file one unsrucxons ee or eac een an ease ype PROCESS RECEIPT and AFFIDAVIT OF RETURN Do Not detach any copies 1 PLAINTIFF/S/ 2 COURT NUMBER a DEFENDANT/S/ 0 ac K ELL L51 1.le man 4 TYPE OF WRIT OR COMPLAINT WWW SERVE 5 NAME OF |ND|V|DUAL COMPANY CORPORATION ETC To SERVICE « t LO fin ti ‘ 5931138311.“... n \SI 3 bgsbgp 2N: Agar m. gum. 19918 . 6 ADDRESS (Street or R 0 Apartment No City Bore Twp State and ZIP Co ) 7 INDICATE UNUSUAL SERVICE GREG MAI: QDEPUTIZE DPOST OTHER Now 20 I SHERIFF OF DELAWARE COUNTY PA do hereby deputize the Sheriff of County to execute this Writ and make return thereof according to law This deputation being made at the request and risk of the plaintiff SHERIFF OF DELAWARE 550““! I. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER INFORMATION THAT WILL ASSIST IN EXPEDITING SENVICE Deputy Sheri" tnvoice No; 7 93 27 Amount Pd 5 60 Docket a 0 Page NOTE ONLY APPLICABLE 094 WRIT OF EXECUTION N a WAIVER OF WATCHMAN Any deputy Sheri" levying upon or attaching anv property under within writ may leave same without a watchman in custody oi whomever «s taunt! m possession after notifying person of levy or attachment without Iiabilnty on the gun a! such degutx or the Sheri" to anx Quinn" harem for an loss destruction or removal 0! an such H10 rt before sherms sale thereof 9. PRlflT/TYPE XME‘QND ADDRESS§F ATTORNEj/ORIGINATO: 10 TELEPHONE NUMBER I Olthfirg f0” ave- A3SOCA 5 3 66 L mu \_)<~«('3 (0 [C(QQX C004} Jur€ 103 I MCQLQ I&SLJV‘S PA ’7055 SPACE BELOW FOR USE OF SHERIFF 0 Jam WRITE BELOW T IS LINE ,3 I acknowledge wow, 0. the w," SIGNATURE m A :thornzed DC - 5' pm :4 - te Filed or compIamt as mmcflfijibgye } g (f ,1 - Z E Z Z ‘ a I 1“ 3) 9; 90M? - av SHERIfF / 16 Served and made known to Detendanus) on the day of 20 at o clock M at Street County of Delaware Commonwealth 0! Pennsylvania. In the manner described below D Defendanfls) personally served Cl Adult family member with whom said Detendant(s) reside(s) Relatmship is D Mutt n charge of Defendant s madame D Manager/Clem of place at lodgmq in Which Detendant(s) resndds) [3 Agent or petson in charge of Defendant 5 office or usuat place 0! busmess 0 Med D Othet '7 On the J day 0' IV; : : 20 #2.— at _____g_>_.._...._____ o clock fl M Detendant not tound because 0 Moved 0 Unknown [3 No Answe! 0 Vacant Wet ‘7 K & (4 O REMARKS g (2 1).. Riv WMKVSQZ; g gf;§/ Co/ 5&6 pl .94 RETURNED W \n ; 430A 11/? res H/IcLQOL . c /W 190/ t ’ so ANSWER 17 AFFIRMED and subsumed to be to me this to s u ' ‘ 2., m. 2o A g“ :5 n 9'00 I 2 3%.“. a I "I II- AETJ' 2 9 2922 "WV WC I ' SHERIFF OF ‘ LAWARE COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 24 I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE SHERIFF'S RETURN SIGNATUflE 25 Data 59cm“! F A THORIZED tssutNG AUTHORITY AND TITLE ocso m 590‘4650 0 cu” bar §+M€Q W15 00‘ WW4/ 2? / 5 1 <5 ’9 [0347 1 ISSUING AUTHORITY