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  • Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union v. TureyCivil NR - Judgment - MDJ Transfer document preview
  • Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union v. TureyCivil NR - Judgment - MDJ Transfer document preview
  • Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union v. TureyCivil NR - Judgment - MDJ Transfer document preview
  • Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union v. TureyCivil NR - Judgment - MDJ Transfer document preview
  • Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union v. TureyCivil NR - Judgment - MDJ Transfer document preview
  • Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union v. TureyCivil NR - Judgment - MDJ Transfer document preview


SHERIFF S DEPARTMENTgomysmt 1 DELAWARE COUNTY 201 WEST FRONT STREET MEDIA PENNSYLVANIA 19063 (610) 891 4296 f,“ 15" g SHERIFF SERVICE tNStTRPCTigNSt fFOR SEIEFEIVPEdOFt PPFItOCE§S You must file one 6‘ ms ruc non s ee or eac PROCESS RECEIPT, and AFFIDAVIT OF RETURN Do Notdetach anycopies e e” 8" ease V99 1 P TlFF/S/ 2 COURT NUMBER # 3 D FENDANTfi // H: 7" ela/ MM! CK 22,222.21 I‘M I 4 TYPE OF WRIT OR COMPL INT SERVE 700’s 5 NAMEOFINDI UAL COMPANY CORPORATION ETC TO SERVICE AImL BA ,1 A I 9‘ . 6 ADDRESS (Street or RFD artment No City Bore T State and ZIP Code) I WgQLfimadWfl‘Lfioéé; 7 INDICATE UNUSUAL SERVICE 0 REG MAIL a DEPUTIZE D POST DOTHER Now 20 I SHERIFF OF DELAWARE COUNTY PA do hereby deputizethe Sheriff of County to execute this Writ and make return thereof according to law This deputation being made at the request and risk of the plaintiff swamps or oeuwme comm l. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER tNFORMATION THAT WILL ASSIST IN EXPEDITING SERVICE Deputy Sheri" \ .., Invoice No 2’ $05 q L7 Amount P 7; 0 Docket I Page [ NOTE ONLY APPUCABLE ON WRIT OF EXECUTION N a WAIVER OF WATCHMAN Any deputy sheriff levying pan or attaching anv operty under within wnt may leave same withom a watchman in custody of whomever us lound m possession atter notifying perso of levy or attachme t ithoul Inabumy on the ear! 0! such dgulx or the sheriff lo aux Elamt-tt herein tor an loss destruction or removal 0! 9n such ”to rt betore sherntts sale tn eat 9 PRINT/TYPE NAME AND ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY/ORIGINATOR 10 TELEPHONE NUMBER 11 DAT / Grggoni J Allard £52 410 506’ 9500 W 9} l H ’1 FA fl 12 SI TUBE 2 SPACE BELOW FOR USE OF SHERIFF ONLY DO NOT W ITE BELOW THIS LINE 13 | acknowledge receipt of the w,” SIGNATURE of A ”horned DCSD Deputy or Clerk an T e 0 I9 1' cone!» /Heanhg date or complaint as Indicated above ‘ 99/ . 03. ‘ . . ' 3 T0 §E_ OMPLETED 9V SHEEN: 16 Served and made known to .5”: ( Defen nt(s) at !Z-/ ‘ 1 [”17” AW”, Street County of Delaware Commonwea h of Pennsylvama m the manna: described below D Detendant(s) personalty served D Adult family member with whom said Defendant(s) reside(s) Relatoonship is [3 Adult an charge of Defendant s resadence Manager/Cterk of place of lodging in Much Detendant(s) reams) Agent or person in charge of Detendant 5 office or usual place of businessk D Posted D Other 0n the day of 20 at o clock M Defendant not found because C) Moved 0 Unknown D No Answer D Vacant D Other REMARKS RETURNED / 80 ANSWER 17 AFFIRMED 0nd subscribed to before me this to s ‘ a / /./1 19 2° .0. 2° W” k i 12 n gu- ' Wm M“ W_i' V SHERIFF OF DELA AR oumv 1'" m coumsssou EXPIRES / I 2‘ I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE SHENFF'S RETURN SIGNATURE ‘gv w or A T am - v um A monnv AND TITLE ELALIA/AUWZJ ‘ ’ ‘ A 0650 I me I '. ’ 1 ISSUING AUTHORITY WRIT OF FXECU l ION (MONFY JUDGMEN'I S) Rules P R C P 3101 to 3149 COMMONWFAI TH 0F PFNNSYLVANIA FRANKLIN MINI FEDFIML COURT OF COMMON PLITAS CR1 DIT UNION OF DIET AWARE COUN FY 5 Hillman Drive, 9m 100 Chadds 1‘0rd PA 19317 vs '23 KALII A TURFY .—: 90 Jackson Street Apt 2 i? Clifion Heights PA 19018 : SSN XXX XX 7845 J 0 and 1D BANK N A 42 East Baltimme Pike 0, Media PA 19063 NO CV 2022 005811 0 COMMONWFALTH 014 PF NNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF 10 THE SHERIFF 0F DEI AWARE COUNTY, PLNNA lo satisfy the judgement, intelcst and com against Kalifa Jurey , I)cfcndant(s); ( 1) You are directed to levy upon the property of the defendant(s) and to sell his, hex (or their) interest therein; (inquisition and Exemption laws waived and Condemnation agreed to) (2) You are directed to attach the property of the defendant not levied upon in the possession of 11) Bank, N A 42 Fast Baltlmme Pike, Media, PA 19063 Garnishccs, (Specifically describe property) All checking accounts, savings accounts, monies on deposit, safety deposit boxes, and any other realty or personalty which may be in the possession of the Garnishee belonging to the Defendants and to notify the Garnishec(s) that (a) and attachment has been issued, (b) that the garnishee is enjoined from paying any debt to or for the account of the defendant and from delivering any property of the defendant or otherwise disposing thereof (3) 11“ property of the defendant not levied upon and subject to attachment is found in the possession of anyone other than the named garnishee, you are directed to notify him/hcr that hc/shc has been added as a garnishcc and is enjoined as above stated Amount due $ 1571 36 Interest from 8/10/2022 1‘otal Plus costs ncluding service 1d filing of Wxit d Dated 8! :3 I 4% (Seal) Office of Ju it, pport, Court of Common Pleas of Dclawar ounty, Penna COSTS By 0J8 $34: 5p JUDG FEE s 51,1 '26— SAT $ /D 019 ISSUED 08 31 2022 02 24 PM 1 . ’ {a OS ml << H> AA '0 E *5; a 3 5% g ZZ A Z P ct: = a O 0 Z 3 '5 <1) H 00 [—1 E 3 Q4 0.) : 294 O; LU Q O 2% 01"“ O D 0 0 Q NS N m 3 F: 27:": “x 00 UH “1 ** :12 H :2 ©8900 é aa W NZ D“ <98 N "'> S“ Dc“ : m 0 0 OD Ed fiv—4 << [=1 >4 0&8 2‘ k H 73‘ ?Hoaz<>45°< ram \Eew gag“ 5?}o m0 p 20%: H$21.3 EO‘” £3 OZowggnm [-1 O "2 ms: §¢> \ V a0 2S <20 w 05 EEDS Ba? 2 a ~s£g afi a 2 Zwa 5 :; ggfim “8,3 ‘- goo EHOBE’EODQ 6&83530 Obso—‘OON gefiifgoqt <©BNOOE