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  • JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. v. PhillipsCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. v. PhillipsCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview


SHERIFF 8 DEPARTMENT 03’0” DELAWARE COUNTY 3) ,7 ,f 201 WEST FRONT STREET MEDIA PENNSYLVANIA 19063 (610) 891 4296 SHERIFF SERVICE JNStTRPCTIgNSt FOR Str51t3V;CEdOFt PQOCE§S You must file one PROCESS RECEIPT, and AFFIDAVIT OF RETURN Do Notdetach any coeJ——-—pies e e n a n ease ”’9 [HS rue ton S ee 01' a 1 PLAINTIFF/S/ 2 COURT NUMBER 3 P m0? ‘\ Chase. Q)0L.h‘€ CV i911_og4_-§3g0 3 OEFENDANT/S/ 4 TYPE OF wan OR COMPLAINT Brunch)“ J Em‘lups CV“ SERVE 5 NAME OF INDIVIDUAL COMPANY coaponpmon ETC TO SERVICE gfimgh 5) ?bdh 52$ 6 ADDRESS (Street or RFD Apartment No ity Bore Twp State and ZIP Code) AT \’L\ n It MWL 7 INDICATE UNUSUAL SERVICE a REG MAIL C] DEPUTIZE a POST DOTHER Now 20 I SHERIFF OF DELAWARE COUNTY PA do hereby deputize the Sheriff of Gaunty to execute this Writ and make return thereof according to law This deputation being made at the request and risk of the plaintiff W l. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR OTHER INFORMATION THAT WILL ASSIST IN EXPEDITING SERVICE Deputy Sham Invoice No 77860 Am0unt Pd 99'6 5 Docket a Page NOTE ONLY APPLICABLE ON WRIT OF EXECUTION N B WAIVER OF WATCHMAN Any deputy Sheri" levying upon or attaching anv property under witmn writ may leave same without a watchman in custody of whomever is tound In possession atter notitying person 0! levy or attachment without liability on the an 01 such de-ut or the shentt to an ulaunt-H harem for an loss destruction or removal 0! an such to rt below Sheri": sate thereof 9. PRINT/TYPE NflE AND ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY/ORIASGINATOZ 10 TELEPrNE NitiéER 11 D TE , «mcS A HO 3,2140?» SLOH‘” 5°C)“ 5 7(7- (0’ {L 7 Q Lotu c» kthfw , 3N0 v 03 M0(L’Jvu c. (ANS, A [7.055 SPACE BELOW FOR USE OF SHERIFF ONLY DO NOT W ITE BELO THIS LINE 13 I acknowledge receipt cg the wnt SIGNATURE of A :thonzed DCSD Deputy o r a T N 1-3 F‘o 15 xp 3 eanng date 0r complamt as Indtcated above } m o ‘ . '' I I E) 9? EOMPLETED BY SHERIfiE 16 Served and jade known to . tendant(s) on the ?- '\ day of v “3 20 L‘— at_._L1._ 36 octock j _._. _ M at M Street County of Delaware Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. in the manner described below %ofendant(s) personally sewed duh tamin member with whom said Detendant(s) reside(s) Relationship is [3 Adult In charge of Defendant s mdenoe D Manager/Clerk 0! place of Iodgmg in which Detendant(s) residets) 0 Agent or person in charge 0! Defendant 5 office or usuat place of busaness D Posted 0 Other On the day of 20 at oclock M Defendant not tound because 0 Moved 0 Unknown C] No Answer [3 Vacant D Other REMARKS RETURNED 80 ANSWER 17 AFFIRMED ma subscribed to below me thus “s ‘ l mm 2o MM’ "°"' ab ' WW:- Ah 0 4 20 2 22 0 Notary mom; I' ” H a D fAWARE COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES . 2‘ I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE SHERIFF'S RETURN SIGNATURE 25 0|" New“! OF A THORIZED ISSUING AUTHORITY AND TITLE °°‘° ”' 7/;1j21 7/1111! 1m. Célla/‘A o 4/ Mm bull Pt I ; 1 ISSUING AUTHORITY