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  • JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A v. JohnsonCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A v. JohnsonCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview


. ' _ Jr. SHERIFF 8 DEPARTMENT V541 DELAWARE COUNTY 201 WEST FRONT STREET MEDIA PENNSYLVANIA 19063 (610) 891 4296 \ ‘ ‘3 SHERIFF SERVICE JNStTRtLJCTiE‘JNS‘ 1EOFt SE%V;CEdOFt PSOCE§S You must file one PROCESS RECEIPT and AFFIDAVIT OF RETURN ins ruc ion 5 ee or eac Do Notdetach any copies e en an s ea 9 We 1 PLAINTIFF/S/ 2 COURT NUMBER fi @fifimflgfi Quota: 3 DEFENDANT/S/ v 20 chrzm 4 TYPE OF WRiT20R COMPLAtNT SERVE M { 5 NAMEOFINDIVIQUAL COMPANY CORPORATION ETC T0 senvacs I . l QbDrfi ,bbnSQD n i e A . WM; 6 ADDRESS (Street or RFD Apartment No City Bore Twp State and ZIP Co ) 7 lNDtCATE UNUSUAL SERVICE D REG wag D DEPUTIZE Cl POST 00mm Now 20 I SHERIFF OF DELAWARE COUNTY PA do hereby deputizethe Sheriff of WW County to execute this Writ and make return thereof according to law This deputation being made at the request and risk of the plaintiff W 3. SPECIAL INSTEUCTIONS OR OTHER INFORIIATION THAT VliLL ASSIST IN EXPEDITING SERVICE Deputy Shun" Invoice No 48 5 O 2 9 Amount Pd #177— 4/ Docket a 60 Page NOTE ONLY APPLICABLE 0N WRIT OF EXECUTION N B WAIVER OF WATCHHAN Any deputy Sheri" levying upon or attaching anv property under “g” within writ may leave same without a watchman in custody of whomever is tound in possession after notifying person of levy or attachment without liability on the gun at such dggutx or the Sheri" to a"! 9mm." herein for an loss destruction or removal 0! an such uro rt before sheriffs sale thereof 9. PRINT/TYPE NAME AND ADDR7SS OF ATTORNEY/ORIzNATOR 10 TELEPHONE NUMBER 11 D T 2504 65 é; 01731“) $3776 $50643 ' Q 0 96/7" /2 5? ZULU c. age? W760i; la? / Mbéhm val w 10A / 0315 A SPACE BELOW F0 USE OF SHERIFF ONLY DO NOT WRITE BELOW THI LINE ,3 . acknowmdge mm. 0, the w," SIGNATURE of Authorized ocso Deputy m ang Title 14 Dateje C 01 complaint as Indicitegigove } E f x.) Z U0 b ‘ . 19. gg EOMPLETED BY SHERIF: / 16 Served and made known to Detendant(s) on the day of 20 at o clock M at M Street County 0! Delaware Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. in the manner described below [3 Detendant(s) personally sewed D Adult tamiiy member with whom said Detendant(s) reside(s) Retatnonship is D Adult an charge of Defendant s res:dence D Manager/Clerk ct piece of lodging in which Detendant(s) residets) 0 Agent or person in charge at Defendant 5 office or usual place of business D Med W D Otheir I S; ~ / On the M— day of L 20 52$ at #ociock A M Defendant not tound because 0 Moved D Unknown 0 No Answer 0 Vacant ficther REMARKS A QM“ t’BQK 8 0kg RETURNED P M1+\P\L “mks flchsj \ 91/ Lo blag '- Mr [flatnh‘nc g, 80 ANSWER 17 AFFIRMED and subscribed to below me this a s a ' 20 0. ea 71% 2 I n WOO ’ 1 do “0“" “‘5‘“ N SHERIFF OF DELAWARE COUNTY 22 One MY COMMISStON EXPIRES 24 I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE SHERIFF‘S RETURN SIGNATUR 25 Date Received OF A THORIZED ISSUiN AUTHORITY AND TITLE L m I "'l 7 I V ' ocsmmo I . I’M A, , I 1 ISSUING AUTHORITY