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  • Agri Sales Usa, Inc., D/B/A Aden Brook v. David FriedlanderCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Agri Sales Usa, Inc., D/B/A Aden Brook v. David FriedlanderCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Agri Sales Usa, Inc., D/B/A Aden Brook v. David FriedlanderCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Agri Sales Usa, Inc., D/B/A Aden Brook v. David FriedlanderCommercial - Contract document preview


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE -------------------------------------------x Index No. EF 005398-2021 AGRI SALES USA, INC, d/b/a, ADEN BROOK, STATEMENT Plaintif FOR -against- JUDGMENT DAVID FRIEDLANDER, Defendant. Amount claimed in Complaint $9.286.43 Interest @ 9%from May 1, 202l $ 888.44 Total Damages and Interest $10,l 74.87 Costs by Statute $ 200.00 Service of Summons and Complaint 110.00 Motion fee (counsel fees) 45.00 Transcripts and Docketing 15.00 Clerk's Fees entering Judgment (Index No. & Motion Fee) 210.00 Postage 5.80 Shenfs Fees on Execution 80.00 Total of Costs taxed at $665.80 · Total Judgment with Cosis S10 840.67 ATTORNEY'S AFFIRMATION STATE OF NEw YORK, OOUNTY OF ORANGE 1he undersigned, attorney at law ofthe State of New York; attorney of recordfor th ainti erein, stat that the disbursements above specVled are correct and true and have been or will necessarily be made or incurred herein and are rea able amount: at the time of the defendant(s) to appear or answer herein has empind and that the said defendant has not appeared or answered herein. e igned gms this statement to be ince under the penalties of pequry. Dated: Msy 23, 2022 6 A ALAN VE, Esq. JUDGMENT entered the day of May, 2022 The summons and complaint in this action having been served on David Friedlander the defendant herein, pursuant to §308 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules an August 14, 2021 and the time of said defendant to appear or answer having expired, and said defendant not having appeared or answered herein, and the additional notice required by CPLR §3215(g)(4) having been served on the Defendant by mail on September 20, 2011, NOW, ON MOTION OF HOWARD ALAN KAVE, Attorney for Plaintif it is, ADJUDGED that AGRI SALES USA, INC. d/b/a ADEN BROOK, Plaintiff, located at 506 Route 416 in the Town of Montgomery, New York 12459 do recover of David Friedlander, residing 194 North Putt Corners Road in the Village of New Paltz, New York 12561, the sum of $9,286.43, the amount claimed in the summons and complaint served upon him, with interest of $888.44, and $665.80 in costs and disbursements, amounting in all to the sum of $10,840.67 and that the plaintiff have execution therefor. Clerk Filed in Orange County 05/23/2022 05:02:16 PM $45.00 Bk: 5146 Pg: 260 Index: # EF005398-2021 Clerk: DK SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE -------------------------------------------------------------x Index No. EF 005398-2021 AGRI SALES USA, INC, d/b/a, ADEN BROOK AFFIRMATION OF FACTS Plaintiff, CONSTITUTING THE CLAIM -against- THE DEFAULT AND THE AMOUNT DUE CARRIE RODRIGUEZ, a/k/a CARRIE MURPHY, Defendant. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF ORANGE)ss: HOWARD ALAN KAVE, being an attorney duly admitted to practice before the Courts of the State of New York, hereby affirms, pursuant to CPLR §2106 and under the penalty of perjury that the following is true: that the affirmant is the attorney for the Plaintiff in the within action; this action was commenced by service of the summons and complaint, on August 14, 2021, upon the Defendant pursuant to Section 308 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules and is an action for goods sold by the Plaintiff and accepted by the Defendant and also upon an account stated without objection. The Summons with Notice and Verified Complaint was served, pursuant to Section 308 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules on August 14, 2021 as aforesaid and an affidavit of such service was file th the Clerk of Orange County on August 18, 2021. The Defendant has neither appeared in the action nor ns "red the summons and complaint despite service by mail of the additional notice required by CPLR §3215 o ptember 20, 2021. Wherefore affumant demands judgment against the defendant in the sum o , 86 4 , gether with interest at 9% from May 1, 2021and the costs and disbursements of this action. H VAl VE, ESQ. Affirmed at New Windsor, New York on May 23, 2022 Information pursuant to Section 5018(c) of the Civil Practice Law and Rules Business Addess of Plaintiff: 506 Route 416, Montgomery, New York 12549 Residential Address of Defendant: 194 N. Putt Corners Road, New Paltz, New York 12561