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  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America Na v. Mark William DaciwOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview


FILED: WAYNE COUNTY CLERK 06/02/2021 10:40 AM INDEX NO. CV087275 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/02/2021 Exhibit A FILED: WAYNE COUNTY CLERK 06/02/2021 10:40 AM INDEX NO. CV087275 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/02/2021 BAN K OF AM E R ICA Ý custorner semice Inforniation: 1.800.421.2110 TTY: 1.800.346.3178 P.O.BOX15284 WILMINGTON,DE1985o Bank of America P.O.Box 982234 El Paso TX 79998-2234 Mail payment to: Bank of America P.O.Box 15019 Wi!mMgton DE 19886-5019 MARK WILLIAM DACIW 3377 AUTUMN WOOD DR MACEDON NY 14502-8750 September 18 - October 17, 2020 Account# 6824 Account Summary Payment Information Previous Balance $4,044.65 New Balance Total $4,108.26 Payments and Other Credits $0.00 Current Payment Due $104.00 Purchases and Adjustments $0.00 Past Due Amount $899.00 Fees Charged $0.00 Total Wnimum Papent Due ,003.00 Interest Charged $63.61 Payment Due Date 11/14/2020 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum New Balance Total $4,108.26 Payment by the date IIsted above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to Total Credit Line $3,500.00 $39.00 and your APRs may be Increased up to the Penalty APR of 29.99%. Total Credit Available $0.00 Total h''--'rrr Payment Warning: If you make only the Total M!n!mum Cash Credit Line $350.00 Payment each period, you will pay more In interest and It will take you Portion of Credit Av:!!able longer to pay off your balance. For example: for Cash $0.00 I ou make no additioÑäl Youbill payoff thex And you will end up. Statement Closing Date 10/17/2020 ch rges usIrig tlits card t balance shown on this paying an estimated Days in Billing Cycle 30 n each ÈnonthÏýob pa,y itatem¾nt In about total of Only the Total 15 years $8,164.00 Minimum Payment If you would Ilke !nfemation about credit counseling services, call 866.300.5238. BANK OF AMERICA Account Number: 6824 P.O. BOX 15019 WILMINGTON DE 19886-5019 New Balance Total $4,108.26 Total Minimum Payment Due $1,003.00 Payment Due Date 11/14/2020 MARK WILLIAM DAClW Enter payment amount $ --C 3377 AUTUMN WOOD DR MACEDON NY 14502-8750 Forcharge of address/phone number see reverseside. Makeyour payment online at wnw.bankofamerica.comor Mall this couponalong with your check payableto: Bank of America FILED: WAYNE COUNTY CLERK 06/02/2021 10:40 AM INDEX NO. CV087275 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/02/2021 MARKWILLIAM DAClW | Account # 6824 | September 18 - October 17, 2020 o04- ooo- coo - G IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT PAVING INTEREST - We will not charge interest on Purchaseson the next CALCULATION OF BALANCES SUBJECT TO fNTEREST RATE statement if you pay the New Balance Total in full by the Payment Due Date, Average Daily Balance Method (including new Purchases):We calculate and you had paid in full by the previous Payment Due Date. We will begin separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Purchasesand for each charging interest on Balance Transfers and Cash Advances on the transaction !ntroducte'y or Promotiond Offer balance consisting of Purchases.We do this date. by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in the billing cycle; (2) adding all TOTAL INTEREST CHARGE COMPUTATION - Interest Charges accrue and the daily balances together; and (3) dividing the sum of the daily balances by are compounded on a daily basis. To determine the Interest Charges, we the number of days in the billing cycle. multiply each Balance Subject to Interest Rate by its applicable Daily Periodic To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: Rate and that result is met|p"ad by the number of days in the billing cycle. To (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily dêtêrmins the total Interest Charge for the billing cycle, we add the Periodic Periodic Rate =!t!p!!:d by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Rate Interest Charges together. A Daily Periodic Rate is ce!cu!ated by dividing Purchases,new Account Fees, and new Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract an Annual Percentage Rate by 365. applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat HOW WE ALLOCATE YOUR PAYMENTS - Payments are allocated to it as zero. posted balances. If your account has balances with different APRs,we will Average Balance Method (including new Balance Transfers and new Cash allocate the amount of your payment equal to the Total Minimum Payment Due Advances): We calculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for to the lowest APRbalances first (including transactions made after this Balance Transfers, Cash Advances, and for each Introductory or Promotional statament). Payment amounts in excess of your Total Minimum Payment Due Offer balance consisting of Balance Transfers or CashAdvances.We do this by: will be applied to balances with higher APRsbefore balances with lower APRs. (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle; (2) IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PAYMENTS BY PHONE - When calculating a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle balance" - using the optional Pay-by-Phone service, you authorize us to initiate an that had a "Pre-Cycle a Pre-Cycle balance is a Balance Transfer or a electronic payment from your account at the financial Institution you design:::. CashAdvance with a transaction date prior to this statement's billing cycle but You must authorize the amount and timing of each payment. For your with a posting date within this statement's billing cycle; (3) adding all the daily protection, we will ask for security information. A fee may apply for expedited balances together; and (4) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number service. To cancel, call us before the scheduled payment date. Same-day of days in this statement's billing cycle. payments cannot be edited or canceled. To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: YOUR CREDIT LINES - The Total Credit Line is the amount of credit (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily available for the account; however, only a partlon of that is available for Bank Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new CashAdvances. The Cash Credit Line is that amount you have available for Balance Transfers, new CashAdvances and Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract Bank CashAdvances. Generally, Bank CashAdvances consist of ATM Cash applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat Advances, Over the Counter (OTC) Cash Advances, Same-Day Online Cash it as zero. Advances, Overdraft Protection Cash Advances, Cash Equivalents, and To calculate a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle applicable transaction fees. that had a Pre-Cycle balance: (1) we take the beginning balance attributable MISCELLANEOUS - PrGmotional Rate End Date: This date is based on a solely to Pre-Cycle balance (which will be zero on the transaction date of the future statement closing date. If you change your payment due date, this date first Pre-Cycle balance); (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily could change. The New Balance Total which appears on this statement is not a Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) and add only payoff amount and may be subject to additional interest charges when you pay the applicable Pre-Cycle balances and their related Tranort½n Fees. We in full after your statement closing date. Please contact the customer service exclude from this calculation all iiascifuns posted in previous billing cycles. number located on the front of this statement for a pay-off amount Virtual cards are the digital form of your eligible physical credit cards stored within a digital wallet For the complete terms and conditions of your account, consult your Credit Card Agreement. This account is issued and administered by Bank of America. © 2020 Bank of America Corporation Bank of America is a registered trademark of Bank of America Corporation. PAYMENTS - Wecreditmalledpaymentsasof the date received,If the paymentis: (1) receivedby 5 p.m.localtime at the addressshownon the remittanceportionof your monthlystatement:(2) paidwith a checkdrawnIn US dollarson a U.S.financialinstitutionor a U.S.dollar moneyorder;and (3) sentin the returnenvelopewith only the remittance portionof yourstatementaccompanyingit. Paymentsreceivedby mall after 5 p.m.localtime at the remittanceaddresson anyday includingthe PaymentDueDate,but that otherwise meet the aboverequirements,will becreditedasof the nextday.Paymentsmadeonlineor by phonewill becreditedasof the date of receiptif madeby 5 p.m.Central.Creditfor any other paymentsmay bedelayedup to five days. Cashpaymentsmadewith our tellerswill only beacceptedwith a valid identification(ID). Nopaymentshalloperateasan accordandsatisfactionwithout the priorwritten approvalof oneof our SeniorOfficers. Weprocessmostpaymentcheckselectronicallyby usingthe informationfoundonyourcheck.Eachcheckauthorizesus to createa one-timeelectronicfundstransfer(orprocessit asa checkor paperdraft). Fundsmay bewithdrawnfrom youraccountas soonas the sameday we receiveyour payment.Checksarenot returnedto you. If you haveauthorizedus to payyourcredit cardbill automaticallyfrom yoursavingsor checkingaccountwith us,you canstop the paymenton any amountyouthink is wrong.To stop payment,yourletter mustreachusat leastthreebusinessdaysbeforethe automaticpaymentis scheduledto occur. Change of Address/Phone number: Online at Please do not add any written communication in this space. AB FILED: WAYNE COUNTY CLERK 06/02/2021 10:40 AM INDEX NO. CV087275 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/02/2021 MARKWILLIAM DACIW | Account # 6824 | September 18 - October 17, 2020 Transactions Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Interest Charged 10/17 10/17 INTERESTCHARGEDON PURCHASES 63.61 10/17 10/17 INTEREST CHARGEDON BALANCETRANSFERS 0.00 10/17 10/17 INTEREST CHARGEDON DIR DEP&CHKCASHADV 0.00 10/17 10/17 INTERESTCHARGEDON BANK CASHADVANCES 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $63.61 Total fees charged In 2020 $273.00 Total Interest charged In 2020 $594.55 interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Annual Pro=ctior.a| P-o=:t'o=al Promotional Balance Interest Balance Percentage Transaction Offer ID Rate End Subject to Charges by Rate Type Date Interest Transaction Rate Type Purchases 18.99%V $ 4,075.30 $ 63.61 Balance Transfers 18.99%V $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Direct Deposit and Check Cash 21.99%V $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Advances Bank Cash Advances 24.99%V $ 0.00 $ 0.00 APRType Definitions Daily Interest Rate Type: V- Variable Rate (rate may vary) Important Messages Your statement balance exceeds the Total Credit Line. To ensure unintermpted use of your account, please make a payment to bring your balance under the Total Credit Line. There Is no fee for being over your Total Credit Line. When this statement was created, the account's Credit Line was In a restricted status and not available for use. Page3 of 4 FILED: WAYNE COUNTY CLERK 06/02/2021 10:40 AM INDEX NO. CV087275 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/02/2021 MARKWILLIAM DAClW | Account # 6824 I September 18 - October 17, 2020 What's on your mind? America* When you join the Bank of Advisory Panel. you can help us understand what you like and don't like. Enter code CACC at to learn more and Join. Inclusiononthe AdvisoryPanelsubjecttoqualifications. ssu-os20-018DB2 | 3104242 Page4 of 4