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  • Steele -v- Steel Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Steele -v- Steel Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Steele -v- Steel Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Steele -v- Steel Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


ATTQRNEY OR éARTY Wfi'HO UT ATfORNEY (Name, Starebrumber, and address): p FOR COURT USE ONLY ~— TONETTE STEELE C/O SUSAN PAOLETTO 13393 MARIPOSA ROAD, SPA CE 20 VICTORVILLE, CALIFORNIA 923 95 f 3UPER'O g). E g- E E} (760) 241 ~2802 FAX No.(0ptional): TELEPHONE N0: C043347§8F0U§g ggézhfliFQP nx‘ l d‘2RN«A':'-'U!NO {Iléiégfiwfl E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): IN PRO PER ATrORNEY F0R(Name): HSU PER IOR COU RT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO MAR. 0 r3 2322 STREET ADDRESS: 247 WEST THIRD STREET MAILING ADDRESS: SAME AS ABOVE SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92415 -. RY J CITY AND ZIP CODE: l" -~ I SAN BERNARDINO JUSTICE CENTER “.mérfixhé‘: BRANCH NAME: MEQSSA psq PLAINTIFF: TONETTE STEELE DEFENDANT: CHARLES STEELE ______ D DOES To _______________ 1 COMPLAINT-Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death D AMENDED Type (check all that apply): (Number): DD MOTOR VEHICLE mD OTHER(specify): Wrongful Death Property Damage E Personal Injury INTENTIONAL/NEGLECT INFLICTIO N OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS E Other Damages (specify): CASE NUMBER: 'Jurisdiction (check all that apply): D ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded a does not exceed $10,000 D exceeds $1 0,000, but does not exce ed $25,000 CIVSB 220198“) W D ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint D D from limited to unlimited from unIimited to Iimited L 1. Plaintiff (name or names): TONETTE STEELE instdefendant (name or names): CHARLES STEELE alleges causes of action a'ga wing number of pages: 3 This pleading, including attachme nts and exhibits, consists of the follo t adult Each plaintiff named above is a competen 5”!” a. D a except (1) plaintiff ‘a (name): corporation qualified to do business in California D D (2) an unincorporated a entity (describe): public entity (describe).- D (3) a minor D an adult has been appointed (4) (a) (b) D D for whom other (specify): a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad Iitem D (5) other (specify): b. D D except (1) plaintiff (name): a corporation qualified to do business in California D D (2) an unincorporated a entity (describe): public entity (describe): D (3) a minor D an adult has been appointed (4) (a) (b) D D for whom a guardian or conservator of the other (specify): estate or a guardian ad litem D (5) other(specify): shown Attachment 3. D Information about additional plaint iffs who are not competent adults is COMPLAINT-Personal Injury, Property in Code Page of Civil Procedure, www.courfln \o§§ Q g. 12 u Form Approved for Op‘ional Use Judicial Council of Califor nia CEB' ‘ Essential Damage, Wrongful Death STEELE, TONETTE ccbmm EFonns- PLD-Pl-001 (Rev. January 1, 2007] J 1 m x" LI. L‘ZSJN n3 "o KM 03 h:<«* .‘ » W > f’ - a-‘L; ' I ‘ ' v‘ 131?. ‘ V.‘-‘,>‘)'u\} :rf-IA '5') \‘\’\\\)‘\ I