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  • Farzinpour, Peyman vs. Alali, Mina et al Defamation document preview
  • Farzinpour, Peyman vs. Alali, Mina et al Defamation document preview


Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Court of the Commonwealth Superior Court Department Peyman Farzinpour., ) Civil Docket No. 2084CV01654 . Plaintiff P= Mina Alali, et al. Sr 2r- oe! Xe Za Pm Qe Defendant B= ao oS Do a AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Bz 30 = Se ms rie : 3 oy I, Bruce K. Hammond, hereby solemnly affirm under penalties of perjury upon personal knowledge that the contents of the following document are true and do affirm I am a competent person over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to this action. That on September 11, 2020 at 10:14 AM at 701 Pamp! lona Ave, Davis, CA 95616-0160, I served the within Summons, Complaint, on Mina Alali'through the following manner: SUBSTITUTE SERVICE: Served on Alborz Alali, father, at the Defendant’s place of residence. Description: GENDER: Male RACE: Middle Eastern AGE:65 HEIGHT: 5710” WEIGHT: 200 HAIR: Black/Gray EYES: Brown Tdeclare under penalties of perjury that the information contained herein is correct to the best of my knowledge. SubsCribed a sworn to fefore ine, notary public, on this SS __ day of _¢ Sateen bern 2020, My Commission Expires: () S loloce Cc: Py é JESSICA LOPEZ PINEDA g 8 OMM. # 96790 a “Nene FANOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO COUNTY ‘COMM, EXPIRES MAY 12, 20215 ID: WL1S770 WRIT LEGAL, LLC + P.O, Box 2249, Rockville, MD 20847 > (888) 667-2038