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  • HTV International Pvt Ltd 2 et al vs. Borille, Bruno et al Goods Sold and Delivered document preview
  • HTV International Pvt Ltd 2 et al vs. Borille, Bruno et al Goods Sold and Delivered document preview


BERS CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET Trial Court Of Massachusetts Supezior Court Depart ment County: PLAINTIFRS) DEFENDANTS) JOHN NSAMBA HTV INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD2 AVIX MINING GROUP LLC, ALACIR BORILLE AND BRUNO BORILLE JATTORNEY, FIRM NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE Board of Bar Oversacis nuier Eater Dnereerioe9, “ATTORNEY (known) Fe Geareegene Nee. Far andy are SOOT Oo 120 Reales aoa ei ty, 09 Poona Tegsrnseeeasao| Bra Origin Code Ori Complaint Suffolk Su rior Court TYOFPE ACTION AND TRACK DESIGNATION. (Gee reverse side} CODE Bet NO. TYPE OF ACTION (apedify) TRACK IS THIS A JURY CASED ® ——6) — [[]¥es No ——_—— BE1 Contract/Fraud Track B No Jury Trial ‘The following is afll and detailed statement ofthe facts on which plaintiff relies to determine eligibility into The Business Litigation Sesston , Defendants committed a breach of con tract in failin g to deliv er manganese ore as promised and committed fraud in Tepresenting that th ey had ore to deliver when they didn’ ‘t. Plaintiffs damages of $94,500 advance paymen: it for the shi suffered pment plus lost profits and additional costs @ resultof defendants’ false representations. incurred as a ae Jo *A Special Trackisig Order shall be created by the Presiding Justice ofthe Business Litigation Session at the Rule 16 Conference. PLEASE IDENTIF} , BY CASE NUMBER, NAME AND COUNTY, ANY RELATED ACTION PENDING IN THE SUPERIOR COURT : DEPARTMENT. “Thereby certify that Thave complied with the requirements of Rule of the requir that ing [ provide my clients Su cial Court Uniform Roles on Dispute Resolution (@JC Rule 148) with information about ‘court-connected disadvant pees ‘various methods.” Signature of Attomey YO (a ‘with them, DATE: of ZV. and «