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  • CHENG, XIXI VS MARTIN, LINA AUTO (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CHENG, XIXI VS MARTIN, LINA AUTO (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


. O O ”* ' EJT-O20 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR N0-= 249486 FOR counr use ONLY NAME: Jonathan M. Pennell FIRM NAME: LAW OFFICE OF JONATHAN M. PENNELL STREETADDRES5= 11111 Santa Monica Blvd.. Suite 100 cm: Los Anaeles STATE: (3 ZIP CODE: 90025 TELEPHONE N04 (310) 933-5370 FAX N04 (310) 975-1294 E-MA|LADDRESS= ion(d> Su or Court of California moawev For: (me): Plaintiff. XiXi Chena gceauntv 0* L05 A"9°'°5 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Los Anaeles STREETADDRESS: 111 North Hill Street MAILINGADDRESS: 111 North Hill Street . . (C /me cmr AND ZIP cooe: L05 Anqejes 90012 - Shem Fl. Carte 9' BRANCH NAME: Stanlev Mosk. Central District By - Dewy Rosa 8. onzalez PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: XlXl CHENG DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: LINA MARTIN [PROPOSED] CONSENT ORDER FOR “SE “UMBER VOLUNTARY EXPEDITED JURY TRIAL 15K15167 This form is to be signed by all parties and their attorneys of record consenting to a voluntary expedited jury trial under California Code of Civil Procedure sections 630.01-630.12 and rules 3.1545—3.1553 of the California Rules of Court. Before completing this form. all parties should review Expedited Jury Trial Information Sheet (form EJT-001-INFO). EACH PARTY AGREES AS FOLLOWS: 1. The parties to the action. each of whom has the authority to consent to an expedited jury trial (EJT), are: a. Plaintiff (name): XiXi Cheno b. Defendant (name): Lina Martin c. Other party (name and party): 2. a. |Z] Plaintiff is represented by an attorney who has advised plaintiff about the EJT procedures and provided plaintiff with an Expedited Jury Trial Information Sheet (form EJT-001-INFO). b. [Z] Defendant is represented by an attorney who has advised defendant about the EJT procedures and provided defendant with an Expedited Jury Trial Information Sheet (form EJT-001-INFO). c. [::| I (name): am representing myself and understand the voluntary expedited jury trial procedures as set forth in Code of Civil Procedure sections 630.01—630.12 and rules 3.1545—3.1553 of the California Rules of Court. cl. [Z] Insurance carriers responsible for providing coverage or defense for the following parties have been informed of the EJT procedures and provided with an Expedited Jury Trial Infonnation Sheet (form EJT-010) and do not object to the procedures: * 8 7 (1) E] Insurance carrier (name of carrier) for (name of party): NA’ W . (2) [:| insurance carrier (name of carrier): for (name of party): (3) |:I Additional insurance carriers and parties are listed on attached form MC-025. 3. A party to this action :| is |:] is not a minor, an incompetent person, or a person for whom a conservator has been appointed. _ 4. Each party understands and agrees to the voluntary expedited jury trial procedures, as follows: a. That all parties waive all rights to appeal, to move for directed verdict. or to make any posttrial motions, except as provided in Code of Civil Procedure sections 630.08 and 630.09; b. That each side will have up to five hours in which to complete jury voir dire and present its case; c. That the jury will be composed of eight or fewer jurors with no alternates; d. That each side will be limited to three peremptory challenges, unless the court permits an additional challenge in cases with more than two sides as provided in Code of Civil Procedure section 630.04; and _ e. That the trial and pretrial matters will proceed under a—d above and, unless the parties expressly agree otherwise in this agreement or the attachment to it. under all other provisions for voluntary expedited jury trials (Code Civ. Proc.. § 630.01 et 1:232?! seq.) and the rules of court for voluntary expedited jury trials (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.1545—3.1553). u.-.-ll R, Page1 ol'2 Fon'n‘Approved loroptiond Use Code otclvil Procedure. §§ 630.01-‘€30.12; ; :;j é”n“'.°$‘:'o"[‘§”.".?'lL’ly°1",‘2"3'."éi’ ‘ EXPEDITED JURY TRIAL °""' ““°‘ °'°°“"' ”'EZf4.liZ’ns.i.?.§Z€ I,['.i!I