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  • In the matter of: Henderson, Virginia F Informal Appointment of Personal Representative document preview
  • In the matter of: Henderson, Virginia F Informal Appointment of Personal Representative document preview


Affidavit M.GLL, c. 65C, § 14(a) RE: Virginia f. Henderson, a/k/a Virginia F. Chase (“Decedent”) (Name of Decedent) Jate of 180 Chickering Road, Unit 107C » North Andover »MA (Street address) (City/ Town) Date of Death: February 5, 2023 I, Karen Higgins , after first being duly sworn, do depose and say that: 1. Tam: (Check One:) x (a) the duly appointed and qualified Executor under the Will/Administrator of the Estate of the Decedent filed with the Essex County Probate Court Docket No. ES23P0B05EA or (if there is no executor or administrator of the estate of the Decedent appointed, qualified and acting within the Commonwealth of: Massachusetts) (b) a person in actual or constructive possession of property of the Decedent. 2, At the time of his/her death, the Decedent owned an interest in real estate situated at 180 Chickering Road, Unit 107C , North Andover » Essex County, Massachusetts, as more particularly described in a certain deed from Terra Properties, LLC to Virginia Henderson dated January 29, 2004 and recorded in the Essex North County Registry of Deeds at Book 8547 , Page 29 , or described by County Registry of Deeds Land Court Records Certificate of Title No. 3. (Check all that apply:) xX (a) The gross estate of the decedent does not necessitate a Federal estate tax filing. x (b) The gross estate of the decedent does not necessitate a Massachusetts estate tax filing. 4. This affidavit is given pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 65C, Section 14(a). Executed under the pains and penalties of perjury this 3 day of 20. 23 Soa € fhm June SOK r —- Baran ay © Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts (6-1-04)