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  • In the matter of: Leone, Carolyn W. Formal Adjudication of Intestacy and Appointment of Personal Representative document preview
  • In the matter of: Leone, Carolyn W. Formal Adjudication of Intestacy and Appointment of Personal Representative document preview


Middlesex Probate and Family Court Date Filed:A: 7/15/2022 9:06 AM MI22P2485EA ASSENT AND WAIVER OF NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts Docket No. The Trial Court C1 RENUNCIATION [1 NOMINATION Probate and Family Court & WAIVER OF SURETIES Middlesex Division Estate of Carolyn W. Leone Case Name As a person interested in the above-captioned case: (Check all that apply.) SECTION I. ASSENT AND WAIVER OF NOTICE &] I hereby assent to the Petition for Formal Probate Appointment of Personal Representative Name of Pleading filed with the Court and | waive my right to any statutory notice related to that specific pleading. | request that the relief requested in that pleading be allowed. FOR ESTATE AND ADMINISTRATION CASES ONLY: SECTION If. RENUNCIATION/NOMINATION (Select ONE of the appropriate boxes below.) (A) [] | renounce my right to appointment as Personal Representative and my right to nominate, if any. (B) (] | renounce my right to appointment as Personal Representative and nominate: Name: to serve in my place. First Name Tast Name (C) [) lassent to the nomination of: Name to serve as Personal Representative with First Name MI. TastRame me or to apply for appointment. SECTION Ill. WAIVER OF SURETIES &] | assent to the Personal Representative(s) serving without sureties on the bond SIGNED UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY | certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing statements , true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: [:QA 129. Lelbils. (tte Seay of Interested Person Aaliyah Correa Printramey 9 Jack Rabbit Run Tadaressy STURT Neal Hampstead NH 03841 TCiyiTowny Wile) Tpy Primary Phone #: Go3 yb 7834 MPC 455 (10/23/12) AWR 4 nf 1 7/15/2022