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  • Guardianship of MASON MORRISSETTE,AUBREE MORRISSETTE,KAYLEE MORRISSETTE Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of MASON MORRISSETTE,AUBREE MORRISSETTE,KAYLEE MORRISSETTE Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of MASON MORRISSETTE,AUBREE MORRISSETTE,KAYLEE MORRISSETTE Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview
  • Guardianship of MASON MORRISSETTE,AUBREE MORRISSETTE,KAYLEE MORRISSETTE Print Guardianship of Person Only  document preview


SHELBY T. PHILLIPS, ESQ. (SBN 31865 1) WILLIAM M. NASSAR & ASSOCIATES ‘ . F I L E L; 3%‘5EIRCT35 COURT 0F CAUFORW 1461 Ford Street, Suite 203 SAN BE§;A%%7NE}§§NARDINO ' Redlands, CA 92373 J‘STR'CT ' ’ Tel: (909) 307-2000 MAY 1 7 2023 \OOONONKII#UJN>—- Guardian Ad Litem for KAYLEE MORRISSETTE BY ‘ “‘ MARIAMA PERRYMA . Depufix‘ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Case No.: GARSBZZOOI 18 GUARDIANSHIP OF ORDER AFTER HEARING APPOINTING MASON MORRISSETTE ET AL. GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR KAYLEE vvvvvvvv MORRISSETTE; AND GRANTING Minors. AUTHORITY TO GUARDIAN AD LITEM (Probate Code §1003) On February 23, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., in Department 837, the matter of the Petition for Appointment of Guardian came before the court, before the Honorable Judge Candice Garcia- NNNNNNNNNrdt—tr—nr—Ip—tr—‘w—nr—Ir—n Rodrigo. The following persons were present at said hearing, Attorney DAVID CHON present for ADAM LOOMAN, NICOLE LOOMAN; ADAM LOOMAN present; NICOLE LOOMAN LENITA SKORETZ present for REGINA M. LUNGER, JAMES OOQQUIAUJNHOKOOOQQMAUJNfi—‘O present; Attorney T. LUNGER; REGINA M. LUNGER present; JAMES T. LUNGER present; Attorney WALTER MOORE appearing as Guardian Ad Litem for CHRISTINA MORRISSETTE; CHRISTINA MORRISSETTE present; and Attorney BREANNA DOMINGUEZ appearing as Guardian Ad Litem for SHAUN LUNGER. SHAUN LUNGER was not present. On February 23, 2023, the Court Found that: 1. A11 notices required by law have been given. 2. The Court would receive beneficial assistance toward the resolution of this matter by the appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem. 3. To protect the rights of KAYLEE MORRISSETTE, it is reasonable and necessary ORDER GRANTING AUTHORITY TO GUARDIAN AD LITEM - 1 to appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for KAYLEE MORRISSETTE. On February 23, 2023, the Court ORDERED that SHELBY T. PHILLIPS be appointed as Guardian Ad Litem for KAYLEE MORRISSETTE for the purpose of protecting the rights of KAYLEE MORRISSETTE, and to be of assistance to the court in resolution of this matter. \OOOVO‘xhhhbJNH In order to allow the Guardian Ad Litem to properly protect the rights of KAYLEE MORRISSETTE and to be of assistance to the court, the Guardian Ad Litem is granted the following powers and authority: 1. The right to reasonable access to KAYLEE MORRISSETTE with adequate notice. The right to Notice of any proceeding to which KAYLEE MORRISSETTE is entitled to notice. The right to assert any privilege on behalf of KAYLEE MORRISSETTE. The right to waive or disclaim any substantial rights of KAYLEE MORRISSETTE without further order of this court. Full access to daycare providers, home health care providers, school districts, and any other individual who, in the Guardian Ad Litem’s opinion, has information, which would be beneficial to the Guardian Ad Litem in representing the best interest of KAYLEE MORRISSETTE. oouowm-hwm—‘oxoooucxu‘AmNHo The right to obtain any and all Educational Information regarding KAYLEE NNNNNNNNN-~H--- MORRISSETTE, including but not limited to any Assessments, Assessment plans, testing, reports, Individualized Education Plans, Attendance Records, School Medical Records (including immunizations, testing and care plans), Special Education Records. The right to attend and participate in any meetings which relate to KAYLEE MORRISSETTE, including but not limited to any IEP, Assessment plan meetings and/or other meeting regarding KAYLEE MORRISSETTE to and program(s) operated for KAYLEE MORRISSETTE. ORDER GRANTING AUTHORITY TO GUARDIAN AD LITEM - 2