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  • FREEDMAN + TAITLEMAN, LLP VS SHAHRAM ELYASZADEH, ET AL., Other Breach of Contract/Warranty (not fraud or negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • FREEDMAN + TAITLEMAN, LLP VS SHAHRAM ELYASZADEH, ET AL., Other Breach of Contract/Warranty (not fraud or negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


E o E ‘ ‘ CIV-110 'oo ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State 3 . number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY Michael A. Taitelman 156254 Freedman + Taitelman, LLP 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90067 TELEPHONE NO: 3 10-201-0005 FAX NO. (Optional): 310-201-0045 EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional): LED ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff Superior Court of Camomia SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS Angeles County of Los Angeles STREET ADDRESS: 1725 Main Street MAILING ADDRESS: 0 3 CITY AND ZIP CODE: Los Angeles, CA 90401 _ , BRANCH NAME: WEST Sherri R. Caner, EGCLIIIVG Officer/Clerk PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: Freeman + Taitelman, LLP BV Dem’ DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: Elyaszadeh, et al. CASE NUMBER: A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) 1. TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows: a. (1) D With prejudice (2) [2 Without prejudice o. (1) [Z] Complaint (2) [3 Petition (3) D Cross-complaint led by (name): on (date): (4) CI Cross-complaint led by (name): on (date): (5) CI Entire action of all par1.ies and all causes of action (6) E Other (specify):" DOES I through 25 ONLY 2. (Complete in all cases except family law cases.) The court Ddid mdid not waive court fees and costs for a party in this case. (This information may be obtained from the clenk. If court fees and costs were waived, the declaration on the back of this fonn must b completed). Date. December 3, 2018 ,\ Michael.A-Ia.itelma11........................................................ V 2 2 E (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF E A‘|'|'ORNE‘{ D PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) ‘ If dismissal requested is of specied parties only, of spe_cied_causes ofaction Attorney or party without attorney for: °”'* °’ °l 5"i‘i§ll‘°é‘r%l%§21%%'pl1°l2l'll§?é"le%‘l§n?éZ§§° '‘‘‘’”‘''V ‘'‘e "We" causes ° ac ’ . . .. E Plaintiff/Petitioner D Defendant/Respondent D Cross-Complainant 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the (above dismissal is hereby given.“ Date: > (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF Q ATTORNEEYD PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) " lfa cross-complaint - or Response (Family law) seeking affirmative Attorney or party without attorney for: ;?$‘S'in'§é’8n?§ii1l‘Fr§§8il2%’J$83§e°3?55it’E>“l2l§é’2iLlé ;%%:Ft’igpid§8n1t)(i;nust CI Plaintiff/Petitioner CI Defendant/Respondent or 0)’ D Cross-Complainant (To be co Ieted by clerk) 4. Epmissal entered as requested on (date): 0 3 5. D Dismissal entered on (date): as to only (name): 6. D Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons (specify): 7. a. IE/Attorney or party without attorney notied on (date): 0 3 D Attorney or party without attorney not notied. Filing party fail a pro - 2 \ D a copy to be conformed CI means to return conform f Q» " l Date: Clerk. by 5 . L ,L P:_'gI2?[3fL1gy +4%umL F%h"l £%?%S3iSl“£?82l8PliE‘° “Mom CIV-110[Rev. Jan. 1, 2013] C53 l [§?E°n-ns- E ential REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL Gov. Code, §ea§3%‘lZi?l;‘éIYltSl§§?,?%§t§,‘ :3le°é.$336