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  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview


Way E-FILE Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM Superior Court - Worcester Docket Numbef ge COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WORCESTER, ss. SUPERIOR COURT | No. vO Qa MATHEW OFTEN, ANDREW P JEFFERSON, ANN MARIE FOLEY, MARK ALIMO, RAYMOND MEAD, as they are MEMBERS OF THE SELECT BOARD OF THE TOWN OF GRAFTON, Plaintiff, Vv. BRIAN WALLER, WILLIAM MCCUSKER, KAY REED, PETER ADAMS, WILLIAM YEOMANS, and JIFFY THOMAS, as they are MEMBERS OF THE GRAFTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS and NICHOLAS CAPMAN, Defendants. ly COMPLAINT Nature of the Action This is an appeal, pursuant to G.L. c. 40A, § 17 from a constructive approval by the Defendant Town of Grafton Zoning Board of.Appealsjand its above-named Members (collectively, the “Board”) filed by Defendant/Nicholas Capman (the “Applicant”) with the Grafton Town Clerk on July 5, 2623 (the “Constructive Approval”). A copy of the Notice of Constructive Approval is attached hereto as pl Exhibit A. | The Constructive Approval asserts that the ZBA failed to act within the prescribed time on the Defendant Capman’s application for aVarianee (“Appliction”) after ha Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM Superior Court - Worcester Docket Number, Capman requested an extension of time due to unavailability for the ZBA’s next scheduled meeting. The Application relates to Capman’s real property located at 3 Bridle Ridge Drive, Grafton, MA (the “Property”), at which Capman intentionally had an ! outdoor pool installed within the required rear yard set-back as set forth in Grafton’s Zoning By Law (“ZBL”). 1 Parties t Plaintiff Mathew Often is the Chair and a Member of the Grafton Select Board (“the Board”) with a mailing address of 79 Old Westboro Ra, North Grafton, MA 01536. I Plaintiff Andrew Jefferson is a Member of the Board with |a mailing address of 31 Wesson St. North Grafton, MA 01536. I Plaintiff Ann Marie Foley is a Member of the Board with ® mailing address of 45 South St. Grafton, MA 01519, mn Plaintiff Mark Alimo is a Member of the Board with! al mailing address of 16 ' Christopher Dr. Grafton, MA 01519. Plaintiff Raymond Mead is a Member of the Board wit a mailing address of 217 | Brigham Hill Rd, North Grafton, MA 01536. | i The Board is a duly organized and appointed municipal agency of the Town of 1 L Grafton, with its principal office at Town Hall at 30Providence Road, Grafton Massachusetts 01519. 10 Defendant Brian Waller the Chair and a Member of the Grafton Zoning Board of Appeals (“ZBA”) with a mailing address of 130 Keith Hill Rd., South Grafton, MA 01560. Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM Superior Court - Worcester Docket Number iL Defendant William McCusker is a Member of the ZBA with a mailing address of 40 Blanchard Rd. Grafton, MA 01519. 12 Defendant Kay Reed is a Member of the ZBA with!a' mailing address of 7 Nantucket Pl, Grafton, MA 01519. ' 13. Defendant Peter Adams is a Member of the ZBA with a mailing address of 100 Brigham Hill Rd. Grafton, MA 01519. 1 14. Defendant William Yoemans is a Member of the ZBA with a mailing address of ny 297 Providence Rd., South Grafton, MA 01560. | 15. Defendant Jiffy Thomas is an Alternate Member of the ZBA with a mailing address of 27 Valley View Drive, N. Grafton, MA 01 538. | 16 The ZBA is a duly organized and appointed municipal agency of the Town of 1 | Grafton, with its principal office at Town Hall at 30 Providence Road, Grafton Massachusetts 01519. ' ' 17. Defendant Nicholas Capman is the Applicant for a Variance with an address of 3 | Bridle Ridge Drive, Grafton MA 01519, Statement of the Facts ' 18. The real estate known and numbered 3 Bridle Ridge Drive 1 (‘the Premises”) consists of a 52,627 sq, ft. (1.208 acre) lot improved with, | single family home. 19. Pursuant to the Grafton Zoning By Law (“ZBL”), the préntises is located in an R 40 zone. 1 20. On or about January 25, 2021, Defendant Capman or his,agent submitted an application (“the January 21 Application”) with the Building Department to jt construct accessory structures on the Premises, fo wit, apool and a pool Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM ‘Superior Court - Worcester Docket Number’ house/gazebo. 21 The January 21 Application had attached thereto proposed a plan for the 1 accessory structures dated January 14, 2021. ' 22. After review of the January 21 Application and plan, the Building Department hy determined that the proposed accessory structures violated the ZBL’s requirement ' that all structures be located a minimum of 15-feet from the side-yard property boundary line. I 23 The Building Department notified Defendant Capman obits determination on or ! about February 23, 2021. 1 1 24. Thereafter, on or about July 15, 2021, Defendant Capman or his agent submitted a new application (“the July 21 Application”) with the Building Department to construct the same accessory structures on the Premises. 25 The July 2021 Application had attached thereto a revised proposed plan dated July 2021 for the accessory structures that depicted them located outside of the ry 15- foot side-yard set-back in compliance with the ZBL. ' 26 As a result, on or about July 28, 2021, the Building Depatinent issued to Defendant Capman two Building Permits, one for the poo | (P0-21-29) and one for other the pool house/gazebo (BP-21-516). 1 27 Thereafter, Defendant Capman caused the pool and gazebo to be constructed. 28, Thereafter, Defendant Capman or his agent filed anas-built plan with the Building Department that depicted both the pool and the! gazebo within the 15- foot side-yard set-back. | 29. After review of the as-built plan, by letter dated March 3 2023, the Building | Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM. Superior Court - Worcester Docket Number Department notified Defendant Capman that the pool and gazebo are located within the set-back and were not constructed in accordance with the approved documents submitted to the Town. 30. The March 3, 3023 letter ordered Defendant Capman to come into compliance with the ZBL. 1i 31 On or about March 13, 2023, Defedant Capman, through ‘ounsel, c filed an |ne application for a variance (“Variance Application”), acknowledging that the pool was constructed only 7.5 feet from the side yard boundary ine, and that the gazebo was constructed only 13.1 feet from the same boundary. it 32 The Variance Application asserted that the “unique topography of Mr. Capman’s property and the location of his home on the property isbuch that placement of the pool and gazebo area 15 feet or more from the side property line or to the rear of the home would pose a substantial hardship and diminish the value of these accessory structures.” 33. At its meeting held on April 27, 2023, the ZBA opened the public hearing on the Variance Application. 34, ZBA members noted that the shape of the Property “is not! unique” and that “[soil. 3 1 shape, and topography do not apply in this instance.” 35, A member of the ZBA repeatedly stated that, in his opinion, the Premises did not “come even close” to meeting the standard for a variance. , 36 Defendant Capman, through counsel, thereafter requested that the ZBA continue the hearing to June 15, 2023. 37. The ZBA informed the Defendant that if he needed additional time beyond June Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM Superior Court - Worcester Docket Number" 15, he should request same from the ZBA administrator. 38. On May 23, 2023, defendant, through counsel sent an email to the ZBA administrator stating: fa Following up on [the Variance Application], we are,exploring other options for this property. While we do that, we would' like to keep the | ZBA application open and will grant continuances for the time for a decision, 39. Through counsel, Defendant Chapman then submitted a fuer written request to continue the hearing. I | 40. By email dated July 5, 2023, the ZBA Administrator informed Defendant Capman’s counsel that the ZBA could hold a further hearing on the Variance Application at its meeting on July 27, 2023. At 4l Later that same day, July 5, 2023, the Defendant through counsel filed a Notice of Constructive Approval. Ma Count I -- Constructive Approval '' 42. The Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allegations in all above paragraphs and incorporate the same herein by reference. , 43 The accessory structures were constructed in violation ofithe ZBL’s set back |t || | requirements. 44. Although Defendant Capman filed a VarianceApplicatioti,|he failed to establish that the Property meets the statutory requirements for the felief requested. 45 Thus Defendant Capman has not and can not establish that| he is meets the legal requirements for a variance pursuant to G.L. c. 40A, § 17, 46 The Applicant is therefore not entitled to a variance. 47. The Board is aggrieved by the Notice of Constructive Approval because the Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM Superior Court- Worcester Docket Number Defendant did not and can not establish that he is eligible for a variance under the t General Laws i, WHEREFORE, the Plaintiffs respectfully request that this Court énter judgment annulling the Constructive Approval. Prayer for Relief I; For the reasons set forth above, the Plaintiffs pray that this Honorable Court grant the following relief; I Order that the Constructive Approval be annulled: | Determine that Constructive Approval is arbitrary mn capricious, erroneous, and/or in excess of the authority of the ZBA. Award the Plaintiff its costs and attorney’s fees. Enter such other relief as may be just and appropriate. it |: ' Plaintiffs, The Town ofGrafton! Date HN, l 123 i THA elk mer, BBO No. 629147 ‘Town Counsel Kremer Law, LLC! 9 Damonmill Squaie, Suite 4A4 Concord, Massachusetts 01742 ginny @kremerlaw.tiet | ra it Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM ‘Superior Court - Worcester Docket Number - RECEIVER bs 4OLCRs SEARTY 4 Date: July5, 2023 To Kandy Lavallee, Town Clerk ‘93 JUL -5 PHU 06 Town of Grafton 30 Providence Road | Grafton, MA OF519 A TRUE COPY ATTEST From: Brian R. Falk, Esq. Mirick O'Connell 100 Front Street oq TOWN CLERK: ‘ 1 1 Worcester, MA 01608 RE: NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTIVE APPROVAL |: ZBA Case #894, Variance Application for 3 Bridle Ridge Drive, Grafton CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE AND MAILING I, Brian R. Falk, counsel for the Petitioner, Nicholas Capman, hereby, certify that a true copy of the Notice of Constructive Approval, dated July 5, 2023 (the “Clerk’s'Notice”), concerning the Petitioner seeking constructive approval of the above-referenced Variance application case, was delivered in hand to (a) the Grafton Town Clerk, and (b) theGrafton Planning Board, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, § 15,rhe on July 5, 2023. I further certify that a true copy of the Notice of Constructive Approval, dated July 5, 2023 (the “Notice to Interested Parties”), concerning the Petitioner seeking constructive approval of the above-referenced Variance application case, was served upon allParties ini Interest, as defined under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, § 11, by certified mal postage prepaid, on July 5, 2023, and include the following persons and entities: 4 All persons and entities set forth on the Assessors Certified Li: | of Abutters, attached 2. Exhibit A; | The Planning Boards of the following abutting cities and towns: (a) Worcester; (b) Shrewsbury; (c) Westborough; (d) Upton; (e) Northbridge; ® Sutton; and (g) Millbury. Copies of the Clerk’s Notice and Notice to Interested Parties, bothwithout exhibits, are attached hereto respectively as Exhibit B and Exhiblt C for reference Purposes only. Signed under the penalties of perjury on this Sth day of July 2023 ' hy \ eS Brian R- Falk, Esq. {Client Matter 27223100002/A8359493.000%} Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM Superior Court - Worcester Docket Numbér - Exhibit A - Abutters List 1 L, (Client Matter 27223/00002/48356493.00Cx) Date Filed 7/24/2023 4:13 PM SuperiorCourt- Worcester Cocket Number Sto GR. AtRyDQ % RECENWF % TOWN OF GRAFTON 1 AY GRAFTON MEMORIAL MUNICIPAL CENTER Ax xB FER ts Oz