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  • OCEAN INVESTMENTS LLC VS LIFE BLESSINGS INC ET AL Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • OCEAN INVESTMENTS LLC VS LIFE BLESSINGS INC ET AL Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview


% @ Alexander Chen, Esq., SBN 245798 alexc William Walz, Esq., SBN 136995 Theodore Lee, Esq. SBN 281475 t of Galiforn ia tlee Sup evior tyCour af Los Angeles Count (OUSE CO. LAW FIRM 7700 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 800 AUG 02 2018 Irvine, CA 92618 Carter, exccuuve VIN scierk of Court Shei rei R, Phone: 949-250-1555 Deputy Fax: 714-882-7770 y. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ocean Investments, LLC COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES OCEAN INVESTMENTS, LLC, a California 12 limited liability company ) Case No BC 69 7347 13 Fuji 1e 6 Plaintiffs, FIRST ee ED COMPLAINT FOR 14 DAMAGES 15 Negligence (Against Tan Ping Chen and God Blessing, Inc.) 16 LIFE BLESSINGS INC., a California Negligence (Against Tan Ping Chen 17 Corporation; GOD BLESSING, INC., a and Life Blessing, Inc.) California Corporation; TAN PING CHEN an Negligence (Against Central Escrow 18 Group, Inc.) individual; CENTRAL ESCROW GROUP, INC., a California Corporation; and DOES 1-10. Fraud 19 Breach of Contract Defendants. Breach of Implied Covenant of Good 20 Faith and Fair Dealing 21 Violation of California Business and Professions Code § 17200, et seq. 22 8. Breach of Fiduciary Duty 23 9. Conspiracy 10. Intentional Misrepresentation 24 11. Negligent Misrepresentation 12. Unjust Enrichment 25 266 Jury Trial Demanded 275] 28 -1 OCEAN INVESTMENTS LLC’S FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES