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  • THE WILLIAM AND THELMA WHOCHNA FAMILY TRUST Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • THE WILLIAM AND THELMA WHOCHNA FAMILY TRUST Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview


s“ M'ZiLEB U ggumy of Los Anggggfla In- mm. AWWW MHBMJtBRYAN APR -7 2021 .0; 31351 Va magma: 204,Execumorfim/cnemucm U' rm 818mm” Wcidnlce Vivien California 91362 3695 m 805/495 3:04 Bv‘imarezx Dem, A ‘ joflkBrynrnan. [CSB#89490] M CI mmmumcmn Id m SUPERIOR CQURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA m FOR THE COUNTYOF LOS ANGELES CENTRAL DISTRICT In Re the Matter of: CASE NUMBER: 188TP303695 m3 wmwwi and mam mus'r L mm WOCHNA 'nacsoms TRUST STIPULATION FOR MODIFICATON 0F SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND ORDER THEREON DATE: ‘MnrchlLZOZI TIME: 11:00am DEPT: 44 gflaafifififigaa'fiamiufizs FACTS AND BA CKGROUND l. Mum. MERRY GUNN institutad this action by her Petition for Instructions _’ Probate Code§l7200 mgzrding the Trustee of the Decedent's Trust ofthe Willimn and Thama ' Wocfina Famiinmsl dawd October 9. 1990. The said Pefition was filed on April 19, 201 8. David Wodma the Trustee of the Decedent's Tum ofth: Wflfim 3nd Thelma Wochna Family TmSt objected to the Pafitiom’. The matter was set for hunting in Department 99 ofthe above- entitled canton July! 5. 2018. 2. Hearing on the Petifion was continued until Septcmber 4. 2018 and continued LZ/LO/VO Manner!!! Dmber 3, 2018, Febmary 25, 20] 9, May 28, 2019, August 20, 2019 and October 25. 2019. OWWHMW lt-l‘fliht