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  • Matter of THE GLORIA MOWBRAY SEPERATE PROPERTY TRUST, DATED JANUARY 4, 2001 Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE GLORIA MOWBRAY SEPERATE PROPERTY TRUST, DATED JANUARY 4, 2001 Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE GLORIA MOWBRAY SEPERATE PROPERTY TRUST, DATED JANUARY 4, 2001 Print Trust  document preview
  • Matter of THE GLORIA MOWBRAY SEPERATE PROPERTY TRUST, DATED JANUARY 4, 2001 Print Trust  document preview


EF D F H L SUPERIOR COURT CALMIORNIA JacquesPowers Cgmggsggmfifisgwao P.O. Box 3851 ‘ Lake Arrowhead, California 92352 JUL 10 2023 Telephone Number: (909) 534-4813 Facsimile Number: None ,/7/7V°‘ .43... . , BY E-Mail Address: AMéfiFzREYEgEEH .TY Jacques Powers, Petitioner and Judgment Creditor, Pro Se SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO — SAN BERNARDINO PROBATE DIVISION 10 In the Matter of: Case N0. TRUSB2100108 ll 12 The Gloria Mowbray Separate Property Trust, dated January 13 4, 2001 PETITION OF JUDGMENT CREDITOR JACQUEE‘ ) 14 POWERS FOR AN ORDER THAT TRUSTEE Jacques Powers, Petitioner and SATISFY ALL 0R PART 0F JUDGMENT FROM Judgment Creditor, AMOUNTS WHICH BENEFICIARY RICHARD l6 EDWARD MOWBRAY Is ENTITLED, AND FOR VS. SUCH OTHER RELIEF As SPECIFIED HEREIN l7 (C.C.P. SECTION 709.010; PROBATE CODE 18 Robin E. Mowbray, proposed VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV SECTION 15306.5(a),) Successor Trustee, and 19 Richard Edward Mowbray, 20 Respondent, Beneficiary and Judgment Debtor. 21 2‘7 SEP 2023 22 23 DATE: TIME; DEPT.: a 00 1 W S37 — SBJC, 10th Floor 24 JUDGE: The Honorable Candice Garcia—Rodrigo 25 26 I, Jacques Powers, hereby declares under penalty 0f perjury under the laws 0f the United 27 States 0f America, that the following is true and correct: 28 _ 1 _ PETITION PURSUANT TO CCP SECTION 709.010 BY JUDGMENT CREDITOR JACQUES POWERS 1. ThatI am the Petitioner and Judgment Creditor, Jacques Powers in the above captioned probate matter. That I submit this Declaration in Support 0f my within Petition, pursuant t0 C.C.P. Section 709.01 0, for an Order that the Trustee satisfy all or part 0f my herein mentioned judgment fro T1 amounts which the Beneficiary, Richard Edward Mowbary is entitled to pursuant t0 the trust that is already before this Court, which is The Gloria Mowbray Separate Property Trust, dated January 4, 2001, and for such further Orders as specified herein. That I make this Declaration based upon my personal knowledge of the facts and circumstances stated herein, except for those matters stated to be upon information and belief, and as t0 those matters, I verily believe them t0 be true and correct. If called upon as a witness I would testify competently as to these facts. lO JURISDICTION AND VENUE: 11 12 2. This Court presently has jurisdiction and venue over The Gloria Mowbray Separate Property Trust, dated January 4, 2001 (hereinafter referred t0 as “the Trust”), pursuant t0 a petition l3 brought before this Court for relief pursuant t0 the authority of The Estate of Heggstad, (1993) 16 Cal 14 App. 4th 943. Said petition was filed before this Court on September 15, 2021 under the aforesaid l5 Case Number by Robin E. Mowbray (hereinafter referred t0 as the “Mowbray Petition”, 0r the l6 “Heggstad Petition”), who is also requesting to be appointed as the successor trustee t0 the Trust. l7 According to the Heggstad Petition, there are three parcels of real estate that should have been 18 properly titled t0 the Trust. The Mowbray Petition is next scheduled for a hearing before this Court 19 0n July 12, 2023 at 9:00 A.M. 2O 21 3. Paragraph 1 0f the Mowbray Petition states as follows: “[T]he Court has jurisdiction over this matter under Probate Code sections 850(a)(3)(B), 17200(a), and 17200(b)(1) because the assets 22 at issue belong to THE GLORIA MOWBRAY SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST, dated January 4, 23 2001, which was validly created by the Trustor.” Additionally, this Court has jurisdiction and venue 24 over my within petition pursuant t0 C.C.P. Section 709.010 and Probate Code Section 15306.5(a). 25 26 4. It is respectfully requested that this Court maintain jurisdiction over both the Mowbray 27 Petition and also over my within petition, and that this Court not dismiss the Mowbray Petition until 28 such time as my within petition for relief, pursuant t0 C.C.P. Section 709.010, is resolved. It would ._ 2 _ PETITION PURSUANT TO CCP SECTION 709.010 BY JUDGMENT CREDITOR JACQUES POWERS