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  • NEMAN BROTHERS & ASSOC INC VS DARIAN GROUP INC ET AL Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • NEMAN BROTHERS & ASSOC INC VS DARIAN GROUP INC ET AL Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview


AT-120 ATTORNEY OR PART? WiTHOUTATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY Nico N. Tabibi, Esq, (#169036) | LAW OFFICES OF NICO N. TABIBI, APC 9454 Wilshire Boulevard, Penthouse, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 TELEPHONE NO:(310) 276-1555 FAX NO, (Optionay: (310) 273-1606 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name)DI aintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ‘STREET ADDRESS: 111 N. Hill Street F mauincaooress; 111 N. Hill Street E cry anozpcove: BRANCH NAME: Los Angeles, CA 90012 Central District, Unlimited Jurisdiction “8 erlor Court of California ‘ounty of Los Angeles PLAINTIFF: NEMAN BROTHERS & ASSOCS., INC., etc. AUG 31 2018 DEFENDANT: DARIAN GROUP, INC., etc., et al. $I es PR tive Officer/Clerk CASE NUMBERS hy (J RIGHT To ATTACH ORDER AND ORDER FOR ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF Michael Rivera ATTACHMENT AFTER HEARING BC713236 (1) orDER FOR ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL WRIT OF ATTACHMENT AFTER HEARING 1. a. The application of plaintiff (name): NEMAN BROTHERS & ASSOC., INC., a California corporation for a right to attach order and order for issuance of writ of attachment (Can order for issuance of additional writ of attachment against the property of defendant (n; ; NMNY GROUP, LLC a New York limited liability company, dba came on for hearing as follows: NICOLE MILLER, dba NICOLE MILLER NY, dba NICOLE MILLER LA (1) Judge (name): Honorable > (2) Hearing date: August 31, 2018 “rime: 9: RCHEDL BRC! KLOFF, Judge (Crm: % b. The following persons were present at the hearing: (1) ) Plaintiff (name): (3) Plaintiffs attorney (name): NICD N- Tabibi (2)[_] Defendant (name): (4) Defendant's attorney (name): May N. Wellman FINDINGS 2. THE COURT FINDS. NMNY GROUP, LLC a New York limited liability a. Defendant (specify name): company, dba NICOLE MILLER, dba NICOLE MILLER NY, dba NICOLE MILLER LA isa [) natural person oO partnership (J unincorporated association ([) comoration [¥_] other (specify): a New York limited liability company b. The claim upon which the application is based is one upon which an attachment may be issued. c. Plaintiff has established the probable validity of the claim upon which the attachment is based. d. The attachment is not sought for a purpose other than the recovery on the claim upon which the attachment is based. e. The amount to be secured by the attachment is greater than zero. f. Wd Defendant failed to prove that all the property described in plaintiffs application is exempt from attachment. g. LZ] The following property of defendant, described in plaintiffs application €) Mc xt empt from attachment (specify): (2) lot exempt from attachment (specify): h. [] The following property, not described in plaintiff's application, claimed by defendant to be exempt, (1) [1] is exempt from attachment (specify): (2) [1] is not exempt from attachment (specify): * i. (2) An undertaking in the amount of $ 10,000.00 is required before a writ shall issue, and plaintiff TW has CT) has not filed an undertaking in that amou J. A Right to Attach Order was issued on (date): pAutust 34-2048 pursuant to [1] Code of Civil Procedure section 484.090 (on hearing) Co Ode of Civil Procedure section 485.220 (ex parte) k. [J other (specify): oes Wet Page 1of2 ner Form proved for tional Use RIGHT TO ATTACH ORDER AFTER HEARING AND ORDER Code of Civil Proc., §§ 482.030, 484.080; ai Jui ‘Coundof Cali ia ‘Welfare & Institutions Code, § 15657.01 ‘AT-120 (Rev. July 1, 2010], FOR ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF ATTACHMENT (Attachment) ‘www