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  • INES AGUILAR MORALES VS JERRY RAY FAIRALL, JR. Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • INES AGUILAR MORALES VS JERRY RAY FAIRALL, JR. Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


<5 as l o i I do E DEPT 98 Hon. Holly J. Fujie A7100 3 ‘ r - . oo PLD-Pl-001 ATTORNE_Y on PARTV wrriiour ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ON!-V Omid Khorshidi. F-Isa" SBN 220799 ( KHORSHIDI l.AW FIRM. APC Electronically ‘ 8822 W. Olvmnic Blvd. ® Beverlv Hills. CA 90211 LED E'MAILADg:l::::(o?:l’E° (3 I 3h22 il W "0" MW: (3 ' m273'224" I5"!-' ll“5=upeI1' -Jr court of I:amomia WORNEY FOR MM‘ (l’Talntl§, ies "S 3 -0 gguwarwlorales “Ur it‘-,r of Lws .-‘3r- ‘I-25 on " '3" SUPERIOR COURT or CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF L03 ANGEI-«ES O 2 16 STREET ADDRESS‘ 1 I I North Hill Street Sh eiii F:. -Iiiarter, Ex ecI.rtiI.Ie Iiivi-:er.'Clerlc MAILING ADDRESS: S _ _ n g CITYANDZIPCODEI 1 4 0g. Angel“. . 90012 EU, ;_ . .i E D_FuW E . '3"""°” NAME‘ Stanlev Mosk Courthouse Kristina Vargas E P"A'NT'FF' Ines Aguilar Morales __ _ U -- E‘ ‘ ‘ u.i DEFENDANT: Jerry Ray Fairall Jr. of ttalilornli‘ '1 ~ f;'Li(1$3i‘lt)l€ 0” “S Angeles‘ E 0 IX] DOES 1 To §_(_)_‘£(_;_|_[!_s_i\/_e_ I H -tum COMPLA|N'l'—Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death 5&9 ‘ I'“ ' 3 E] AMENDED (Numbev: ‘ Q‘ §‘3‘.1~.‘L".l-}l()'3|‘«'i.‘:‘illlcurullerV Type (check all that apply): V 5,;-1,.—.‘ ax. —..’;_;. . 2,5. ./. . g M’ )U,’.{)u1_ If [X] MOTOR VEHICLE l: OTHER (specify): y W,,§;z_... 0 Property Damage I: Wrongful Death Sally Perez. E k M [X] Personal Injury [:1 other Damages (specify): EL Jurlsdlctlon (check all that apply): CASE NUMBER: Q I::] ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE «'0' * Amount demanded [:I does not exceed $10,000 59 , I: exceeds $10,000, but does not exceed $25,000 3 1 5 IX] ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) g 1:] ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint [5 é 3’ O l:l from limited to unlimited j Z I‘ ' .5 [:1 from unlimited to limited 7 /é E 1. Plaintiff (name ornames):[,}es Aguiia, Moraies E alleges causes of action against defendant (name or names): at Jerry Ray Fairall Jr.; and Does 1 to 50, Inclusive co 9.’ 2. This pleading. including attachments and exhibits. consists of the following number of pages: 5 8 Q 3. Each plaintiff named above is a competent adult 5 g a. [:| except plaintiff (name): g -- (1) E a corporation qualied to do business in California 8 8 (2) |:] an unincorporated entity (describe): «; O (3) I: a public entity (describe): 4-‘; 3 (4) I:] a minor I:l an adult p. Q (a) |:| for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed E i . u_i F: (b) l:l other (specify): o ‘,3 (5) |:| other (specify): gr-' g b. C] except plaintiff (name): 3 E (1) 1:} a corporation qualified to do business in California Chg co (2) [::| an unincorporated entity (descn’be): 3 E (3) I: a public entity (describe): 8 ($3 (4) l:] a minor CI an adult is _O_ (a) El for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed 3); 8 (b) |:I other (specify): < U- - (5) [Z] other (specify): 0 l:l lnforiilation about additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3. Page 1 0, 3 8 Fmgggigwgggggw COMPLAINT—Peisonal Injury, Property °°"°°’°““,,';v";,f‘3.g;*J‘,’t,°;,,§,_‘g_59-1‘,",j 2 Ptcwwoi lRev- 1. 20°71 Damage, Wrongful Death . < Mil www, 0 LI (/3 (1:11; LU