Motion to Disqualify Counsel

On October 1, 2018 an intentional bodily injury/property damage/wrongful death (e.g., assault, vandalism, etc.) (general jurisdiction) case was filed by Doe Jane Cl, and Tiffanie K. Lee, represented by Jessner Gregory W., and Lee Tiffanie Kumhye, against Yim Charles Kwangsoo, represented by Zech Eugene V, in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge Mark C. Kim presiding.

_ ,. I Q Orgnal . 1 EUGENE V. ZECH, ESQ., SBN 73274 LAW OFFICE OF EUGENE V. ZECH EEMEQ 2 1301 DOVE STREET, SUITE 1050 Su :9 en" '”"’~ . 9_l‘_C9urt ofmlaforniz Cminhr n9‘F,nc 3 AIWQIQR TELEPHONE: (949) 851-8036 NQV 28 29:5 4 FACSIMILE. (949) 851-8954 she", R 5 eVzeCh1aWa01_COm ‘é CUE iJ.'ECl.|11'v'e …

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