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  • NELSON CABRERA, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RENA COLNER, AN INDIVIDUAL Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • NELSON CABRERA, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RENA COLNER, AN INDIVIDUAL Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


ctv-110 i:'ialRf{EY CR I'ARTY WllflOLrT AITOR|iEY itvaae State Bar number and a{rdress} Rachel E. Fishenfeld, Esq. SBN: 270310tAshley G. Soto, Esq. SBN: 303319 FoF COiJFi us6 o{ry 12711 Ventura Blvd.. Suite 220, Studio City, CA 91604 TELEPHQ|JE lro 323-930-2020 rax No roor,orarr 323-930-2225 e,MArL aDDREss (otr?o4a| RaChel@daglaWapc. COm ATIORNEY FOR if'Jafiej Dl.ihliff SUpERIOR coURT oF cALtFoRNlA, CouNw 6p LOS ANGELES .TREETADDRES' 312 N. Spring Street lrArrNGADDREss 312 N, Spring Street ory ANp rrF coDs Los Angeles. CA 90012 BRAricH ruAME Spring Street Courthouse PLAINTIFFlPETITIONER : NELSON CABRERA DEF EN OANTIRESPONDENT: RENA COLNER REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL cAsENUMBER 19STCV06593 A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. This form may not be used for dismiseal of a derlvatlve action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action. (Cal. Rules of Courl, rules 3.760 and 3.270.) 1 TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows; a {1) TZI Wthprejudice (2) T-l Wthoutprejudice b. (1) T-l Complaint {2) T-l Petition (3) on (date): (4) T-l Cross-complaint fited by (name). on (date). (5) T7l Entire action of all pailes and a[ causes of action (6)n Other (specify/:. -,1tl (Complete rn a// cases except family law cases.) ,' " The court [-_l OiO F] OiO not waive court fees and costs for a party in this infarmlation may be obtained from the clerk. lf court fees and cosls were waived. the declaralion on the back:of Daie. r\ugust 18. :0 l9 Itnr^l.rel. 8.. [islrenti.l.d. . I;sjt . ^ rryFE oR FRlf]r NAME CF lJ-l orton*er l**l p*nry wrHour AnGRNEY.! 'ildismrssal requested rs of specifed parties only of spectred causes of acten attorney for: only. or ol specafed cross-complatnts only. so 'state'and idenlity lhe parttes. causes of actron. or crcss-comDlatnts to be-dtsmtssed [f DefendanURespondenl [--l Cross-Complainant 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.*' Date ) trypE oR pRu{r NAME oF [-l erronrurr' l*_-l paert urrHour ATToRN€Y] {SIGNATURET " lf a crossromplaint - or Response (Family Lawl se€king aftrmative Attorney or party without attomey for: reliet - is on file. the ettomey for crosgcomplainant (regFondent) must srgn this consenl it required by Code of Civil Procedure sectbn SB1 (i) or (J) n Pbintiff/Petfiioner l-**l Defencant/Respondent [-_l Cross-Complainant {To be completed by clerk) 4. TDismissal entered as requested on (date): 5 l--l Dismissal entered on fdafe): as to onty pame) 6. T*l Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons (spectty)' r a. [-l A$orney or party without attorney notified on {date): b. T-l Attorney or party without attorney not notified. Filing party failed to provide f-l a copy to be coniormed [-J means to retum confiormeo copy Date: Clerk, by Deputy Prge I of 2 Fsm Adapled tor Mandattry Use Cod€ of Crst Pr6edure q 581 et s€ Judrciai Cofcil ol Cslifoara REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL Gov Code S 68637tc, Cal Fu,es ot Cut rute 3 1300 UIV-t1i,, iRev ,tar 1 :C13i \htw cotrls ca gAv