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  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • PVC CONCEPTS, INC. DBA v. COPPOLA, ANTHONYM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


DCVAS DON ALAO ~ 5 PVC CONCEPTS, INC. d/b/a SUPERIOR COURT PVC SOLUTIONS, INC. J.D. OF DANBURY as Plaintiff Vv. ANTHONY COPPOLA, as Defendant JUNE 27, 2023 PLAINTIFF’S APPLICATION FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF TO ENJOIN DEFENDANT FROM FURTHER BREACHING HIS EMPLOYEE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT AND ABSCONDING WITH OR OTHERWISE USING PLAINTIFF’S CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR PROPRIETARY DATA Plaintiff, PVC CONCEPTS, INC. d/b/a PVC. SOLUTIONS, INC. (“PVC”), by and through the undersigned Counsel, hereby makes an application pursuant to General Statutes §52- 47\ et seq. to immediately enjoin its former Vice President Defendant, ANTHONY COPPOLA (Mr. Coppola”), from further breaching a certain employee confidentiality agreement and absconding with or otherwise using PVC’s confidential information and proprietary data, and says: 1 In support of this Application, PVC includes the following a. Summons and Verified Complaint; b. Order to Show Cause and Summons for Hearing; and c. Request for Bond Waiver? 2. As alleged in further detail in the Verified Complaint included herein, PVC is a construction materials supplier located out of 15 Great Pasture Rd., Unit #2, Danbiiry, GTPBIO §go2 aa aoa 3! ae E 'PVC’s President DANY LETOURNEAU has Verified the Complaint in conformanep an General Statutes §52-473(b). a & Hos 7If a bond is required by this Court, PVC respectfully requests that it be allowed to eG Cinisd 3§ z Application/Verified Complaint first, and then obtain a bond, as this is an =e sifudtion" 5 and obtaining a bond can be time consuming. a 1 FILED — JUN 28 2023 SUPERIOR co JUDICIAL DISTRIC F DANBURYIG.A 3 (Verified Complaint; 41) and has been providing affordable PVC products to contractors and owners alike throughout the State of Connecticut for many years (Verified Complaint; 2). 3 On or before August 14", 2019, Mr. Coppola was offered employment at PVC as the Vice President of Operations (Verified Complaint; §4). 4 As the Vice President of Operations, Mr. Coppola had access to certain confidential business information and proprietary data belonging to PVC including client lists, contact points and other information such as PVC’s pricing, inter alia (Verified Complaint; 5). 5 As a condition of his employment at PVC, Mr. Coppola was furnished with and signed an Employee Confidentiality Agreement on August 14%, 2019 (Verified Complaint; {{6- 7). A true copy of PVC’s Employee Confidentiality Agreement, which is fully signed and executed by PVC and Mr. Coppola on August 5, 2019 and August 14", 2019 respectfully, is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 6 From on or about August 14", 2019, to on or about June 14", 2023, Mr. Coppola was employed as the Vice President of Operations until he abruptly and unexpectedly resigned on or about June 14", 2023 (Verified Complaint; 19). 7 While Mr. Coppola offered to stay on at PVC for the industry standard two weeks after his resignation, PVC was concerned about safeguarding its confidential employment information and proprietary data. Now, PVC knows that it was right to be concerned about Mr. Coppola’s departure (Verified Complaint; {{10-12). 8 On Wednesday, June 14", 2023, at 3:56 p.m., Mr. Coppola, by and through his PVC email ( and on PVC property, emailed PVC’s “All Contacts.vcf” file to himself at “acoop911” which is believed to be his personal email address (ie.: “acoop” a/k/a Anthony Coppola) (Verified Complaint; §12). A copy of Mr. Coppola’s June 14", 2023 email, excluding the confidential attachment itself, is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 9. PVC submits that Mr. Coppola absconding with its client contacts list (Exhibit 2) is a clear and obvious breach of the Employee Confidentiality Agreement (see Exhibit 1 at Article 1 at Sections A-F define what is confidential information and proprietary data). 10. Very importantly, as Verified by DANY LETOURNEAU, the President of PVC, almost immediately after Mr. Coppola’s departure from PVC, its customer call volume dropped significantly (Verified Complaint; 16). At this time, PVC does not know how much damage Mr. Coppola has done (Verified Complaint; {{[18-19), but knows that this is a very time sensitive emergency issue. ll. Accordingly, PVC seeks an ex parte order to temporarily or permanently enjoin Mr. Coppola from: 1) Further violating the Employee Confidentiality Agreement; 2) Misappropriating PVC’s client(s); and 3) Absconding with, ‘sharing or otherwise using any confidential information or proprietary data belonging to PVC (i.e. Exhibit 2). 12. Unless immediate temporary or permanent relief is awarded to PVC by this Court to enjoin Mr. Coppola as set forth in Paragraph 11 herein, Plaintiff will suffer immediate irreparable harm as more fully set forth as follows: a. Mr. Coppola has already or will soon use PVC’s confidential information and proprietary data for his own benefit; and/or b. Mr. Coppola has already or will soon use PVC’s confidential information or proprietary data for the benefit of third parties such as a competitor (which, again, would also be to his own benefit). 13. PVC asks for immediate ex parte relief from the Court because there is no adequate remedy at law. Once Mr. Coppola acts, to the extent he has not acted already, the damage to PVC cannot be undone, and immediate and irreparable harm will occur to PVC unless and until the Court exercises its equitable powers to temporarily enjoin the action(s) of Mr. Coppola until a hearing may be held thereon. 14. A prior application for injunctive relief has not been made in this matter. 15. PVC believes it has a strong likelihood of prevailing on the merits of its claims because it has a fully signed and executed Employee Confidentiality Agreement with Mr. Coppola (Exhibit 1) and evidence of Mr. Coppola breaching same in writing gathered right from PVC property (Exhibit 2). 16. Unless the Court grants immediate ex parte injunctive relief to PVC to enjoin Mr. Coppola as set forth herein at Paragraph 11, Mr. Coppola will be permitted to cause irreparable harm to PVC. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff/Applicant, PVC CONCEPTS, INC. d/b/a PVC SOLUTIONS, INC., moves for the following ex parte order(s) until an emergency hearing can be had: 1 That Defendant ANTHONY COPPOLA be temporarily and, if applicable, permanently enjoined from violating or further violating Plaintiff's Employee Confidentiality Agreement (Exhibit 1); That Defendant ANTHONY COPPOLA be temporarily and, if applicable, permanently enjoined from misappropriating or further misappropriating Plaintiffs PVC CONCEPTS, INC. d/b/a PVC SOLUTIONS, INC. client(s); and On That Defendant ANTHONY COPPOLA be temporarily and, if applicable, permanently enjoined from using, publishing or otherwise sharing Plaintiff's Confidential Information and Proprietary Data (as defined in Exhibit 1; Article 1 Sections A-F); That Defendant ANTHONY COPPOLA pay Plaintiff's attorney’s fees, costs and disbursements in connection with initiating this Action and filing this Application; and Any other relief the court may deem just and proper in equity. THE APPLICANT/PLAINTIFF PVC SOLUTIONS, INC., By: ustin & Brown, Austin S. Brown, Esq. Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP 11 Martine Ave., 15" Floor White Plains, NY 10606 Juris No. 440872 (914) 428-2100 EXHIBIT 1 ANA SOLUTIONS EMPLOYEE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT This Confidentiality Agreementis entered into between: Gp Hhoacj Copa ole and and PVC Solutions,Inc. RECITALS: A. The success of an Employer's business depends on Employe! rs possession of confidential, proprietary , information, not generally known to others, including specialized information about research, development production, marketing, and managemen tin Employer's chosen fields. agree to B. Employer wishes to protect its confidential proprietary information and ensure that all employees maintain the confidentiality of this information. that C. Employee acknowledges that Employer desires to protect its confidential proprietary information, hisher employment creates a duty of trust and confidentiality to Employer with respect to its confidential with Employer, Employee proprietary information and, as a condition of employment or continued employment agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. AGREEMENT: WHEREFORE, Employer and Employee agree as follows: ARTICLE I: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION data not generally known A. The terms “Confidential Information and “Proprietary Data" mean information and ‘outside the company concerning Employer or its businesses and the Employer's business and technical information, including but not limited to, patent applications, information relating to inventions, discoveries, products, plans, calculations, concepts, desi ign sheets, design data, system design, blueprints, computer programs, algorithms, software, firmware, hard) ware, manuals, drawings, photographs, devices, samples, and models, processes, specifications, instructions, research, test procedures and results, equipment, identity description of computerized recot rds, customer lists, supplier identity, marketing and sales plans, financial information, business plans, costs, pricing information, and all other concepts or ideas involving or reasonably as to related to the business or prospective business of Employer, or information received by the Employer which there is a bona fide obligation, contractual or otherwise, on Employer's part, not to disclose same. constitute trade B. Employee understands and agrees that the Confidential Information and Proprietary Data secrets of Employer and that at all times material to this Agreement, Employer has taken all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of this information. other C. Employee agrees not to use Confidential Information and/or Proprietary Data for the benefit of any person, corporation or entity, other than the Employer, during the term of employee's employment with Employer, or any time thereafter . For purposes of this Agreement, the period of Employee's employment shall include any time during which Employee was retained as a consultant by Employer. and remain the exclusive D. Employee agrees that the Confidential Information and Proprietary Data shall be property of Employer and shall not be removed from the premises of Employer under any circumstances to whatsoever without the prior written consent of Employer, and if removed, shall be immediately réturned may be kept by Employee. Employer upon any termination of Employee's employment, and no copies thereof containing E. Alfnotes, notebooks, memorandums, computer disks and other similar repositories of information or relating in any way to Confidential Information and/or Proprietary Data shall be the property of Employer. All such items made or compiled by Employee or made available to Employee during the period of employment, including all copies thereof, shall be held by Employee in trust and solely for the benefit of Employer and shall be delivered to the Employer by Employee upon termiriation of employment with Employer, or at any other time upon the request of the Employer. F, Employee agrees that Employee shall not disclose to any other person or entity, either directly or indirectly,’ the Confidential Information and/or Praprietary Data, Employee understands that the use or disclosure of any of the Confidential Information and/or Proprietary Data may be cause for an action at law or in equity in an Appropriate court of the State of Connecticut or of any state of the United States, or in any federal court, and that without waiving the right to collect damages from Employee, Employer shall be entitled to an injunction prohibiting the use or disclosure of the Confidential Information and Proprietary Data, ARTICLE II: INVENTIONS A. Employee shall promptly disclose to Employer, in writing, all inventions, ideas, discoveries, and improvements whether or not patentable or registrable under Copyright or similar statutes, made or conceived or reduced to practice or learned by Employee, either alone or jointly with others, during the period of employment with Employer. Employee agrees that all such inventions (intellectual, visual of material) are the sole property of Employer. B. Employee assigns to Employer all right, title and interest in and to any and all inventions, ideas, discoveries, and improvements, with the exception of inventions, ideas, discoveries, and improvements that qualify for protection under Section C below. C. This Agreement does not require assignment of an invention that is fully qualified for protection under relevant state labor code(s), which may provide as follows: Any provision in an employment agreerrient which provides that an employee shall assign or offerto assign any of his or her rights in an invention to his or her employer shall not apply to an invention for which no equipment, supplies, facility or trade secret information of the employer was used and which was developed entirely on the employee's time, and (a) which does not relate (1) to the business of the employer or (2) to the employer's actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or (b) which does not result from any work performed by the employee for the employer. D. Any inventions, ideas, discoveries, and improvements conceived or made by Employee prior to the execution of this Agreement and not intended to be included within its provisions are listed or described on Exhibit "A" attached to this Agreement, and the absence of any such list or description indicates that there are no such inventions, ideas, discoveries, or improvements not covered by this Agreement. ARTICLE Ill: COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE t Employer, Employee agrees not to engage in any business competitive A. During Employée’s employmenwith with any business of Employer without Employer's prior written consent. B. After termination of employment with Employer, Employee agrees that if he/she engages in employment or other activities independently or in association with others in any business competitive with any business of Employer or any businéss which may reasonably be expected to compete with any business of Employer, Employee is required to inform the prospective employer of association that Employee cannot divulge any secrets or Confidential or Proprietary Information that Employee may have learned during Employee's employmenwith t Employer. “In association with others" shall include accepting any employment with, or rendering, directly or indirectly, advice or assistance of any kind to any person, partnership, corporation, association, or other organization. ARTICLE IV: NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP Itis expressly understood and agreed that this Agreement does not create or define the terms of any contract of employment, whether expressed or implied, nor does this Agreement create any guarantee of continuing employment between Employer and Employee. The parties understand and agree that Employee's relationship with Employer is terminable “at will," such that either Employer or Employee may terminate the relationship with or without cause or prior notice to the other party. ARTICLE VI: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Employer, and shall be binding upon the Employee's heirs, assigns, administrators and representatives. B.A provisions of this Agreement shall be severable for purposes of enforcement. If any provision or clause of this Agreement is unenforceable at law or in equity, such clause or provision shall be severed from the remainder of this Agreement, and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue to be enforceable, according to its terms. C. This Agreement shall be interpreted under and governed by the laws of the State of California as applied to an agreement made and wholly performed within said State. D. This Agreement sets forth the entire Agreement as to its subject matter. No modification, amendment, termination or waiver of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of Employer. Failure of Employer to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such terms, covenants or conditions. E. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any previous agreements between the parties relating to inventions and confidentiality. F. In the event of any dispute related to this Agreement, the prevailing party in that dispute shall recover its attorney fees. G. This Agreement shall be effective on the date last written below. ! rte See Capp ole PVC SOLUTIONS, INC Employee Employer (ey Cy be (Q Signature oF Employee Signature of Employer Representative President Title BYES 4/5 [\ Date Date EXHIBIT 2 a All Contacts Tresh x 2 a2 G °® PVC Anthony © Jun 14, 2023, 3:34 PM (8 days age) Sent irom my iPhone oe PVC Anthony © Jun 14, 2023, 3:36PM (8 days ago) Sent from my iPhone 3 Anthony Coppola ® Jun 14, 2023, 3:56PM {8 days ago) a to-acopp9it + On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 3:36 PM PVC Anthony wrote: : Sent from my iPhone One attachment - Scanned by Gmail © & All Contactsivef v coe ene