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  • MICHAEL RAHNI VS SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • MICHAEL RAHNI VS SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


I LOUIS R. DUMONT - State Bar No. 130198 JOHNNY RUNDELL - State Bar No. 289480 2 CARPENTER, ROTHANS & DUMONT LLP 3 500 South Grand Avenue, 19 th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 FEE EXEMPT 4 (213) 228-0400 (213) 228-0401 [Fax] GOV'T CODE§ 6103 5 I 6 Attorneys for Defendant, SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT, a public entity 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - CENTRAL DISTRICT 10 11 MICHAEL RAHN!, ) Case No. !9STCV04338 ) [Assigned to the Hon. Mel Red Recana, Dept. 12 Plaintiff, ) 45] ~ V. 13 EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE) DISTRICT, and DOES I to 25, inclusive, ) CONTINUANCE OF THE FSC AND 14 TRIAL DATES, AND RELATED DATES; ) Defendants. ) MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND 15 AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF ) ) JOHNNY RUNDELL 16 ) 17 ) Trial Date: May 4, 2020 ) Final Status Conference: April 28, 2020 18 ) ) 19 ) ) Complaint Filed: February 8, 2019 20 21 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on January 17, 2020, at 8:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as 22 counsel may be heard, in Department "45" of the above-entitled court located at 111 North Hill 23 Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, Defendant, SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 24 DISTRICT ("SMCCD"), a public entity, will apply, Ex Parte, before this Honorable Court for an 25 Order continuing the Final Status Conference [currently scheduled for April 28, 2020] and Trial 26 Date [currently scheduled for May 4, 2020] to dates convenient for this Court and the parties in 27 early October of 2020. Good cause exists for this request for the following reasons: 28 I. The present lawsuit arises out of allegations that Plaintiff, Michael Rahni, a former -I- EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR CONTINUANCE OF THE FSC AND TRIAL AND RELATED DA TES