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  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview
  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview
  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview
  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview
  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview
  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview
  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview
  • FESTA, MICHAEL E v. WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Et AlC90 - Contracts - All other document preview


DOCKET NO: UWY-CV23-6068806-S RETURN DATE 01/24/2023 SUPERIOR COURT MICHAEL FESTA JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY TOWN OF WATERTOWN WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT; and WATERTOWN POLICE CHIEF BERNEGGER, In his official capacity JUNE 8, 2023 MOTION TO AMIMEND MOTION FOR TEMPORY INJUNCTIVE RELIEF The Plaintiff in the above entitle action hereby respectfully requests this Honorable Court grant its permission to amend his Motion for Temporary Injunctive Relief, based on the following: 1. On April 20, 2023, the Defendants filed a Request to Revise, indicating their need for revisions to more accurately respond to the allegations of the Plaintiff, 2. On May 26, 2023, the Plaintiff filed a Revised Complaint, which provides a comprehensive account of the complete circumstances, including the time periods from January 27, 2023, to the present. The Revised Complaint highlights numerous additional actions orchestrated by the Defendants against him, which were not originally utilized or pleaded in the original Complaint or Request for Temporary injunctive Relief. 3. This amendment is crucial to ensure that all relevant information is presented before the Court, allowing for a fair and complete evaluatian of the Motion for Temporary Injunctive Relief. Moreover, no party involved in this case will be aggrieved by the proposed amendment. All parties will have an opportunity to respond to the revised allegations and present their respective arguments, Granting this amendment will serve the interests of justice by ensuring equal treatment and a thorough examination of all relevant facts, which is essential to protect the rights of all interested parties. Based on the above, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court grants the Plaintiff permission to amend its Motion for Temporary Injunctive Relief. This amendment will enabie a more accurate and comprehensive presentation of the circumstances surrounding thls case, thereby assisting the Court in reaching a just and equitable resolution. Although this case has been set for a hearing, the Defendants will not be prejudiced by this Amendment. A copy of the Proposed Amended Motion for Injunctive Relief is attached hereto. THE PLAINTIFF, fh ael E Festa 690 Main Street Oakville, CF 06779 {203)-463-4723 festa. CERTIFICATION | hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing was electronically transmitted by email, fax or mailed, postage prepaid, on this 8th day of June 2023 ta: James H Golicz esq GORDON & REES LLP 9S Glastonbury Boulevard Suite 206 Glastonbury, CT 06033 THE PLAINTIFF, Michael E Festa 690 Main Street Oakville, CT 06779 (203}-463-4723 DOCKET NO: UWY-CV23-6068206-S RETURN DATE 01/24/2023 SUPERIOR COURT MICHAEL FESTA JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY TOWN OF WATERTOWN WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT; and WATERTOWN POLICE CHIEF BERNEGGER, In his official capacity June 8, 2023 AMMENDED MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Pursuant to CT Practice Book § 17-41 the Plaintiff in the above captioned action hereby moves the this Honorable Court grant a Pretiminary injunction Restraining and Enjoining the Defendant Town of Watertown, Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Berenger, their agents, servants, and or employees from ordering or requiring the Plaintiff to Release Motor Vehicles towed by Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat, § 14-145, or by interjecting In the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 {b) (b} of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145, by specifically demanding that the Plaintiff accept an open Title, and/ or a Title and Bil of Sale, and/or the release of a vehicle with an active registration to someone other than the registered owner that held an open Title and/ or a Title and Bill of Sale, and/or a simple auto finance agreement listing individuals name and corresponding VIN number of the subject vehicle, and/or in the cases of Rental Cars to someone other than the owner or the authorized representative or face personal arrest for larceny for the reasons set forth below and in the attached Memorandum of Law. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Plaintiff, Michael Festa, is the sole member and the managing member of LLC, a used car dealer authorized to do nonconsensual towing in the State of Connecticut. The Plaintiff is also a bailee of motor vehicles towed pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 {b) (b}, which are in the care, custody, and control of LLC. LLC is a Connecticut Limited Liability Corporation that had, by Resolution, adopted an Operating Agreement. The Operating Agreement outlines the structure, management, and operation of a Limited Liability Company {LLC}. The purpose of the operating agreement is to establish the rights and responsibilities of the members, as well as to provide a framework for the operation of the LLC and in this case, specifically that of LLC. In accordance with Paragraph 5. Powers of Member (iii), “the Manager shall have the right to file suit on behalf of the company in its name. However, the Managing Member shail also have the right to file suit on behalf of the company in their own name, and any and all proceeds from such suit shall be given to the company. 3. The Plaintiff maintains a Commercial General Liability Policy (CGL) for his business operations, but the CGL does not provide satisfactory coverage for the care, custody, and control exposure created by a bailee to a bailor. Defendant Town of Watertown is a municipality located in Litchfield County, Connecticut. Defendant Watertown Police Department is the Police Department for the Defendant Town of Watertown. Defendant Watertown Police Chief Joshua Sernegger is the Chief of Police for the Defendant Watertown Police Department There have been controversies between the Plaintiff and the Defendants Tawn of Watertown, Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger since May 8, 2015, subject to and highlighted in CT Civil Case UWY-CV21-6062791-S. 8. The basis of this lawsuit stems from threats of arrest made by the defendants, specifically agents, servants, employees and representatives of the defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Town of Watertown Police Chief, Joshua Bernegger. These threats were directed towards the Plaintiff, in his individual capacity, regarding the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 {b) (b) of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145. The actions and conduct of the defendants have directly affected and implicated the personal rights and liabilities of the Plaintiff, necessitating this legal action in his own name. On or about April 20, 2023 the Defendants filed a Request for the Plaintiff to Revise his complaint to “request that the Plaintiff revise the Complaint to specify how each Count relates to a specific Defendant”. 10 On or about May 26, 2023, the Plaintiff revised his complaint. 11 As recent as May 12, 2023 a Watertown Folice Sergent required the Plaintiff to Release a 2017 Maserati to someone other than the registered owner after that person presented a Bank Statement with his name and the corresponding VIN Number to the vehicle. The vehicle had no recorded lien, pusuant to CGS 42a-9-303 “Law governing perfection and priority of security interests in goods covered by a certificate of title. The actual lienholder, which was recorded on DMV Records, and which is not the company listed on the Bank Statement the Sergent directed us to accept as “proof of ownership” is actively looking for that vehicle. 12. This Amended Motion for Temporary Injunctive Relief more accurately addresses the Revised Complaint while considering the interests of justice and the efficient adjudication of ail claims and controversies, 13. After the Plaintiff served the Writ, Summons, and Complaint against the Defendants, the Defendants, through their agents, began the creation of a manufactured crisis in the form of a campaign of personal persecution against the Plaintiff. The campaign included personally attacking the Plaintiff individually by interjecting in the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b} (b) of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn, Gen, Stat, § 14-145, by specifically demanding that the Plaintiff accept an open Title, and/ or a Title and Bill of Sale, and/or the release of a vehicle with an active registration to someone other than the registered owner that held an open Title and/ or a Title and Bill of Sale, and/or a simple auto finance agreement listing individuals name and corresponding VIN number of the subject vehicle, and/or in the cases of Rental Cars to someone other than the owner or the authorized representative or face personal arrest for larceny. 14. The manufactured crisis in the form of a campaign of personal persecution against the Plaintiff by the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertawn Police Chief Joshua Bernegger by interjecting personally against the Plaintiff in the Release pursuant te Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b} (b} of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 had and continues to have the potential of exposing the Plaintiff to a Criminal and Civil Tort Liability by forcing the Plaintiff to violate State Statue under the threat of personal arrest by the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger of the Plaintiff. 15. The Plaintiff, in an attempt to defuse this manufactured crisis in the form of a campaign of personal persecution against the Plaintiff by the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger by interjecting in the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b) (b} of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145, caused the Plaintiff on March 15, 2021, ta seek approval by the Department of Motor Vehicles of certain Release Procedures to address the “constructed concerns” of the Defendants. (See Attached Schedule A) 16. In response to the Plaintiff's request for approval, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, by letter, dated March 25, 2021; advised tie Plaintiff that he was expected to “abide by current towing statues (e.g., 14-145, at. Seq. and 14-150) to release vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn, Gen. Stat. § 14-145. (See Attached Schedule B) 17, The Plaintiff, in an attempt to defuse this manufactured crisis in the form of a campaign of personal persecution against the Plaintiff by the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger by interjecting in the Release pursuant to Cann. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b} (b) of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant te Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145, caused the Plaintiff on March 23, 2021, to send the Defendant Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger certain Release Procedures to address the *constructed concerns" of the Defendants. (See Attached Schedule C} 18. In response to the Plaintiff's letter, the Defendant Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger, by letter, dated May 10, 2021; advised the Plaintiff in part that the release policies contradicted CGS 145 {(b) (b) to release vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145. (See Attached Schedule D) 19. The manufactured crisis in the form of a campaign of personal Persecution against the Plaintiff by the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown 4 Police Chief Joshua Bernegger through their agents to interject in the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b) {b} of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 continued, becoming increasingly aggressive, burdensome, and a consumer of vast amounts of time energy and at a great emotional cost for the Plaintiff. 20. As a result of the actions of the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger and their agents, the Plaintiff has suffered economic damages and has suffered irreparable emotional and financial injury, harm, and public goodwill. 21 The campaign by the Defendant Town of Watertown, the Defendant Watertown Police Department, and the Defendant Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger through their agents, was in whole ar in part constructed to place the Plaintiff in a false light by causing him to violate State Statue under the threat of personal arrest with the purpose of leveraging a positive position as defendants in the other Case in which he is a Co-Piaintiff. ; 22. The actlons of the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger caused the Plaintiff to suffer significant reputational harm because he was forced to violate State Statue under the threat of arrest in contradiction to the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b) (b) of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 thereby damaging his goodwill, standing and reputation within the community. 23 The Defendant Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief joshua Bernegger actions were intentional, and they knew or should have known that their actions would piace the Plaintiff in a false light, cause the Plaintiff to suffer significant reputational harm, damage his goad will, standing and reputation within the community, and cause him great emotiona/ harm and business harm, As a result of the Defendant Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger’s actions, the Plaintiff has suffered significant emotional distress and financial harm and is entitled to damages as a result. 24 The Plaintiff after unsuccessfully being able to mediate or prevent the further escalation of this manufactured crisis in the form of a campaign of personal persecution against the Plaintiff by the Defendants Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department, and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger , sought a declaratory ruling from the State of Connecticut States 5 Ethics Commission. The States Ethics Commission notified the Plaintiff by letter stating it lacked jurisdiction over the matter. (See Attached Schedule E) 25 At all times relevant hereto, the Plaintiff continued to attempt to resolve the personal attacks against the Plaintiff in the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b) (b) of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Conn, Gen, Stat. § 14-145. with various representatives, agents and servants of the Defendant Town of Watertown, Town of Watertown Police Department and Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger , imploring no interjection or deprivation of his Statutory Rights, but to no avail. 26. On September 28, 2022, during a meeting with Defendant Watertown Police Chief toshua Bernegger, the Plaintiff discussed case law and on the same day emailed Defendant Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger supporting the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b) (b} vehicles Towed by LEC pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145., which defines “owner” as any person having title to a motor vehicle. 27. Directly after that meeting, the manufactured crisis in the form of a campaign of personal persecution against the Plaintiff regarding the Release pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145 (b} (b) of vehicles Towed by LLC pursuant to Cenn, Gen. Stat. § 14-145. the Defendant Town of Watertown, acting in concert with the Defendant Watertown Police Department and Defendant Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger, continued to escalate the relentless interjection by personally attacking the Plaintiff, of civil matters in a manner so intense, any reasonable person would take offense to such political actions and police abuse of discretionary authority, both of which were and continue to be contrary to public policy and legislative intent. 28. As a result of the actions of the Defendants and their employees, servants and agents, the Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer econamic damages and has suffered and continues to suffer irreparable emotional, financial injury, harm, and public goodwill. FACTS 29. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-165 Definitions (6) describes Owner as “a person, other than a lienholder, having the property in or title to a vehicle. The term includes a person entitled to the use and possession of a vehicle subject to a security interest by another person but excludes a lessee under a lease not intended as security,” 30. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-169 provides when a Certificate is Required “(a) Except as provided in section 14-166, the provisions of this chapter shall apply to all motor vehicles at the time of initial registration or when a change of registration is required under the provisions of section 14-16 by reason of a sale for consideration.” 31. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-169 further provides that “(c) The commissioner shall note on the face of the registration of each vehicle for which a certificate of title has been issued a statement to that effect”. 32. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14- 171 provides the manner, methad and forms that the Application fora Certificate of Title require, including but not limited to “{a) The application for 2 certificate of title of a vehicle in this state shal! be on a form prescribed by the commissioner and contain information provided by the owner or acquired through one or more databases used by the commissioner. Such application shall include: (1) The name, residence and mail address of the owner;” 23. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-173 provides for the after effect of the Issuance of the Certificate “(a) The commissioner shall file each application received and, when satisfied as to its genuineness and regularity and that the applicant is entitled to the issuance of a certificate of title, shall issue a certificate of title of the vehicle. (b) The commissioner shall maintain at his central office a record of all certificates of title issued by him: (1) Under a distinctive title number assigned to the vehicle; (2) under the identification number of the vehicle; (3) alphabetically, under the name of the owner; and, in the discretion of the commissioner, by any other method he determines.” 34 Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14- 174 provides for Information in Certificate. Prima facie evidence {a) Each certificate of title issued by the commissioner shail contain: (1) The date issued; (2) the name and address of the owner; (3} the names and addresses of any lienhalders, in the order of priority as shown on the application or, if the application is based on a certificate of title, as shown on the certificate; {4} the title number assigned to the vehicle; (5) a description of the vehicle including, so far as the following data exists, its make, model, identification number, type of body, number of cylinders, whether new or used, and, if a new vehicle, the date of the first sale of the vehicle for use; (6) the mileage reading as shown on the application; and {7} any other data the commissioner prescribes. 35. Cann. Gen. Stat. § 14-145b. references the Storage and release of motor vehicles that have been towed or rendered immovable states (b} When a vehicle has been towed or removed pursuant to sections 14-145 to 14-145¢, inclusive, it shall be released to its owner, a lending institution or a person authorized by the owner or lending institution to regain possession, upon demand, provided the demand is made between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or at a reasonable time an Saturday, Sunday or holidays and the owner or authorized person presents proof of registration and pays the costs of towing or removal and of storage. 36. Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-1(a)(60} defines "owner" as any person having title to a motor vehicle. 37 Section 246 1 (74), the definition of “registration” includes the Certificate of Motor Vehicle Registration and the number plates or plates used in cannection with such registration”. 38. Individuals that do not comply with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-145b, do not have a Statutory Right to gain possession of a Motor Vehicle that was towed pursuant te Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-66. 39. The Defendant Town of Watertown, the Defendant Watertown Police Department and the Defendant Watertown Police Chief Joshua Bernegger or their agents do not have Statutory Authority to determine and or record ownership of a Motor Vehicle that do not comply with Conn, Gen. Stat. § 14-145b. 40. The Watertown Police Department's incorrect interpretation of a statute is causing Plaintiff significant irreparable harm, including fear of arrest or prosecution, loss of income and opportunities, damage to reputation, and severe emotional distress. Specifically, the Defendants are giving the Plaintiff a choice of either following State Statue and facing arrest and/or prosecution or avoiding the threat of arrest and/or prosecution for violating a State statute. This has created a significant amount of stress and anxiety and has had a chilling effect on Plaintiff's exercise of his Constitutional Rights. Additionally, this harm has jed to the loss of income and loss business opportunities, damage to Plaintiff's reputation, and significant and severe emotional duress. 41 The threat of arrest or prosecution for violating State Statutes governing the Release of Motor Vehicles towed pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14 -145 et seq has damaged the Plaintiff's reputation in the community, even if Plaintiff is ultimately vindicated in court. This damage to reputation can have long-lasting effects on Plaintiff's personal and professional life, including potential harm to Plaintiff's ability to obtain future employment or other business opportunities. Furthermore, the fear of arrest or prosecution, combined with the other forms of harm listed above, has caused Plaintiff significant and severe emotiona! duress that cannot be easily quantified or compensated with money. This emotional harm ts not easily reversible and could have long-lasting effects on Plaintiff's mental health and well-being, requiring ongoing medical treatment. 42 Given the urgency of the situation and the potential for angoing harm, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this court grant a preliminary injunction to prevent the Watertown Police Department from continuing to threaten Plaintiff with arrest or prosecution for following State statute. Such an injunction would help to alleviate Plaintiff's fear of arrest or prosecution, prevent further loss of incame and opportunities, and protect Plaintiff's reputation, emotional well-being and Constitutional Rights as fully set forth in the attached Memorandum of Law and Affidavit. THE PLAINTIFF, Michael E Festa 690 Main Street Oakville CT 06779 Office: (203) 463-4723 ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED/TESTIMONY REQUIRED Schedule A 1LC — U82607 690 Main Street Oakville, CT 06779 Telephone: 203-528-0324 Facsimile: 860-540-1063 March 15, 2021 ‘ ‘on: inner of Motor Vehicles agtbiur: & ve of Cararecticat Deparincal of Merer Vehicles: GD) State Street Wethersfield, CF (6081 Dear Cummissioner Magubane. The purpose of this letter #5 to tequest formal adoption of the following procedure for the Release of Motor Vehiwles, wich have been impounied a st result of a non-consensual tow by our firm. My! .C eontinaes to grow in the Private Property enforcement aspect of towing. which is auhorized pursuant 1a CC 5 14-145 Section 3. AAs a result, we have and continue to recover stolen vehicles. On several occasions, these vehicles were par Motan. days and weeks aft : the impoundment. On one specific occasion, the person who had the stolen vehicie in pis pussessta empted te rely ve it, Qn another occasion, a vehicle sat in our impoundment for several months whee it was epurieil stolen ine ate juristiction that was notified pursuant to the aforementioned Title Law and Subsevtion newer zniered the: notification in te NMVTIS (National Motor vehicle Title Information System. which as yor are avaire. tg ad protect coulsumers [rum Dieud and unsafe vehicles and to kvep stolea vehicles fram being zesolil. We have at accel ai wpliek in fabricecenl und counterfeit temporary plates, ‘Asa result, sur Birra requests wo have the following forrually accepted ax our siandardin place. Bs required for Release af a Mator Vehicle: t, A valid Registration alang with the Motor Vehicle bearing said plate, or 22 The sanic owner: pip documents required for Registration of a Motor Vehicle in the State 0.4 ater Vite and accompanying supplenents verifying chain of ownership. One standard fas always cen the above. Often times however, there is 5 segment of the population vs hice kes say ei guimentative with our Rel ise Requirements which adds additional labor to our company, Ihe DMY by liliny congplainis, and Molice Juri ictions; all of which we believe is un-necessary. We now farmaliy reyues) the Department of Motor Vehicle approve this request as we believe by formally adapting: wis standard. the vehicle wil! pltunately be retumed to the rightful owner and the standard is cut and dry, nun bh bike the alterlwurs release fee that wa: wthotized by your office on October 1, 2020. IF you should need to conuser ine my direct line is (203) - 463 — 4723. Respectfully, RECEIVED Myboupgycom LLC hal B AIS Mon TOR VEHICLES vy ie event S$ OFFICE NGCOEN: syPi 1 Bewniia Schehule & 8. STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES 60 State Street, Wethersfield, CT 0616! Btip:// ae Some sce March 25, 2021 LLC 690 Main St Oakville, CT 06779 Re: Release of Motor Vehictes for Non-Consensual Tows Dear Michael Festa, Thank you for contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Your request has been reviewed by our Legal Department and we provide the following reply: The DMV Commissioner cannot approve your ‘procedures’, We also remind you that you must abide by current towing statutes (¢.g., 14-145, et. Seq. and 14-150) and all applicable regulations. If you seek advice on the law and regulations as they are written, you should contact your own attorney for guidance. Thankyou, 1O} iné Dominique rogram Coordinator Dealers and Repairers Unit cc. DMV Commissioner’s Office encl; Initial Request Seat Belts Do Save Lives Additionally, we believe the Departments interference has & continues to undermine our ability to meet our contractual obligations to ertforce the parking regulations of the complexes in the toughest neighborhoods due to repeated bad judgement calls of the Watertown Police Department. This cmboldens some peopleto assume the right to breakrules. Las well as my staffhave been subjected to violence and outbursts. This violence and outbursts have been supported by these individuals using the Watertown Police Department as leverage in a Civil dispute. This subsequently places the complex representatives, our employees, and the Watertown Police in which respond, at an un-necessary risk. It also places the Town atan un-necessary liability. This should be highly disturbingto amy reasonable person or entity. To avoid un-necessary civil liability under HB6004 to you, and/or our fine officers that haye earned our respect, please advise them of our policy and train them to not engage in matters that are Civil in nature at cur facility. Our office has no interest whatsoever in the Watertows PoliceDepartment arbitrating civil calls at our facility. Our Attomeys utilize the American Arbitration Association on our behalf for that purpose. Notwithstanding the above, should the Watertown Police Department decide to conduct a criminal investigation of LLC or its employees, please contact Attomey Peter C Bowman at 203-562-0900 or Attorney John Kaloidis 203-597-0010 as they are our representatives in such matters and could advise your department accordingly. Respectfully, LLC B Ce: file Attorney Peter C Bowman, Attorney John Kaloidis Schebule C LLC -U8207 690 Main Street Oakville, CT 06779 Telephone: 203-528-0124 Facsimile: 860-540-1063 Town of Watertown March 23,2025 Police Department 424 French Street Watertown, CT 06795 Attention: Joshua Bernegger Dear Mr Bernegger, As you are aware, multiple disputes, which have been Civil in nature, have caused numerous calls for service by individuals to the Watertown Police Department for service at our facility, whichis private property. The purpose of this letter is to advise you, as a Representativeof the Watertown Police Department, and forewam your employees in writing; of our formal adoption of the following procedure for the Release of Motor Vehicles, which have been impounded as a result of a non-consensual towby ow fim. Documents required to substantiate ownership for Release of a Motor Vehicle: o A valid Permanent Registration along with the Motor Vetiicle bearing said plate (hereinafter referred to as registration), or The same ownership documents required for Registration of a Motor Vehicle in the State of Connecticut, ie Title and accompanying supplements verifying chain of ownership (hereinafter cofeired to as Title Documents). in mirror of the State of Connecticut Department of Maior Vehicles, we do not accept photos or copits of any of the ownership documents, only originals. Acceptable forms of identification to substantiate the person whe is the registrant and or ewner via Titled Bocuments: ° A Valid & Unexpired US or State Government issued form of identification: ie a valid Drivers License, State ID oc US Passport In mirror of the State of Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, we do not accept photos or copies of any of the above, except in cases where the State of Connecticut has issued 4 paper copy, pending the driver receipt of their re- newed license, Furthermore, we will no longer discuss with representatives of the Watertown Police Department matters which are civil and which they do not have jurisdiction over. As you are aware, on June 3, 2020, at the “alleged hearing” that was conducted via zoom, you expressed “great concern” with the number of Police Calls to our Private Propetty for matters that were again Civil im nature. Because of that you should welcome this. ees Schektule D ele x ree pera WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT cA x 195 FRENCH STREET cA — Ey ‘J WATERTOWN, CT 06795 i Ch at 860-945-5200 yaa Joshua N. Bernegger Chief of Police a May 10, 2021 LLC Attn: Michael Festa 690 Main Street Oakville, CT 06779 aa RE: LLC and Watertown Police Department Dear Mr. Festa: Please be advised that this Department is in receipt of your correspondence dated March 23, 2021 (“Letter”). Your Letter (1) “forewarns” the Watertown Police Department (Department”) of your new policies regarding releasing towed vehicles; (2) claims that you will refuse to cooperate with the Department for matters that you consider “civil:” (3) alleges that the Department supports violence; and (4) threatens to use a House Bill against myself and members of this Department. According to your Letier, LLC will only release vehicles upon presentation of a “valid permanent registration along with the motor vehicle bearing said plate” or “the same ownership documents required for Registration of a Motor Vehicle in the State of Connecticut, i.e. Title and accompanying supplements verifying chain of ownership.” Further, it appears you will only accept identification from the “registrant and or owner” which is “valid and unexpired.” Your new policy contradicts Connecticut General Statute §14-145b(b) and Governor Lamont’s Executive Orders, extending identification credentials. A copy of Statute §14-145b(b) is attached here for your convenience: (b) When a vehicle has been towed or removed pursuant to sections 14-145 to 14-145c. inclusive. it shall be released to its owner. a lending institution or a person authorized by the owner or lending institution to regain possession, upon demand, provided the demand is made between the hours of 8:60 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday throu Friday or at a reasonable time on Saturday, Sunday or holidays and the owner or authorized person presents proof of registration and pays the costs of towing or removal and of storage. Insofar as your letter states that you will refuse to cooperate with the Department for matters that you consider “civil,” I must caution you that if the Watertown Police Department Teceives a call to your establishment, we will, in the interest of proper police policy, continue to Sears rargy WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT eyes Pata WA A rr 195 FRENCH STREET 4 EN aS a WATERTOWN, CT 06795 -. Co asi 860-945-5200 Joshua N. Bernegger Chief of Police dispatch officer(s). We expect that, in the interest of being a good corporate citizen, you will cooperate with the officer(s) on scene. The on-scene officer(s) will ultimately determine whether a matter is purely civil, and that determination will control the on-scene disposition of the case, subject to later review. To the extent that you claim that you and your staff have been subjected to violence and outbursts, 7 would strongly urge that you contact the Department if any such interactions should occur. Self-help in those situations is seldom the best course of action. Regarding the claims, allegations, and threais in the remainder of your letter, this Department categorically denies them. The Department will in all cases act in accordance with longstanding Departmental policies. Regarding the police tow list, please be advised that the Watertown Police Commission has reinstated to the Town of Watertown Towing List for the limited purpose of receiving the revised Regulations and Procedures for Governing Police Towing of Certain Motor Vehicles (“Regulations”), and the opportunity to voluntarily apply to the new Towing List under these revised Regulations. The revised Regulations will be sent by the Police Commission to al! businesses on the Towing List along with an application. Regards, Joshua N. “y megger Chieflof Police Watertown Police Department Schedule € STATE OF CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF STATE ETHICS -- BEFORE THE CITIZEN’S ETHICS ADVISORY BOARD In the matter of the petition fora declaratory ruling of: § § § No. § (Assigned by OSE} Michael E Festa Petitioner § P ION FOR DECLARATORY RULING Michael E Festa Petitions the Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board to issue a declaratory ruling in this matter, The faclual background of the issue is as follows: Note: if you require additions space you may attach separate pages wal ay supperthig docmicetation to the pettian, This Petition is filed regarding release of a Motor Vehicle towed pursuant to CGS 14-145 as Release Authority within accompanying statues are ambiguous lending to an unclear interpretation of what is required for the release of the same, There is a conflict of interpretation between 14-145h, the definition of a “Registration Credential” as referenced in CGS 14-145b, CGS 14-63-37, and 246-1 (74). The statues are contradictory, and do not state if the custodian tower ofa vehicle towed pursuant to CGS 14- 145 (1), (2), (3) is entitled to judge who is the person legally entitled to custody of a towed vehicle, if said person is someone other than the registered owner. Absent this information, Connecticut Towers may be placed in a Tort Liability for the wrongful release of 4 Motor Vehicle. The question upon which Petitioner sacks a ruling is as follows: Note: Fyouraquére additional spnce vor may attach separate pages and any supporting docuatertiticn to the petizon form. 1) Definition of "Registration Credential” including what determines that Registration : Credential ta be Valid. 2) Definition ofa “Credential” as stated ih CGS 14-63-37 3) Declaratory Ruling on whatis considered a valid registration for purposes of releasing a vehicle as quoted in CGS 246-1-(74} 4) Declaratory Ruling on if the custodian tower ofa vehicle towed pursnantto CGS 14- 145 (3), (2), (3) is entitled to judge who is the person legally entitled to custody ofa towed vehicle, if said person is someone other than the registered owner. Phone (860) 263-2400 Fax (860) 263-2402 143 Capito) Avcnwy, Suite 1200 - Harrfard, Connecticut 06106 ww wt goiel liios sla Equal Gnportininy Suyptayer Petitionfar Declaratory Ruling Page 2 af 3 Petitioner's position with the question is as follows: Note: [fyou require additional space you muy attach separste pages sed aay supporting documentation 10 the petition form. Questions 1&2 A Registration Cradentlal Is the ottly valid document as an ownership credential witen the registration is made with the Department of Motar Vehicle Registry and is the only wayte establish ownership under Connecticut Law. If an owner does not comply with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 14-16 by registering a certificate of title thet had been transferred to them with the department of motor vehictes, the owner fails to establish that they are, in fact, the "owner" of the Vehicle; therefore, they would lack standing to redeem a vehicle from a tower's custody, Question 3 An expired registration is a valid credential as the owner's vehide, being unregistered by virtue of the expired registration, could not be lawfully operated on the public highways, however the ownership of sald vehicle did not end with the expiration of the registration credentials, onty the rightto operate that vehicle on Connecticut Highways has terminated, Question 4 The custodian tower of a vehicle towed pursuant to CGS 14-145 (1), (2b (3) ts entitled to judge who is the person legally entitled to custedy of a towed vehicle, if said person is someone other than the registered owner, Petitioner’s argument (if any) in support of his or her position (with such legal citations as are considered appropriate) is as follows: Nato: Ifyou require additionot svace you may attach sapanate payres end oy sapportiag documentationto tie petition forut. [ Hiestion 1. Gadbout v. Price-Bekech, 2012 Conn. Super. LEXIS 402, 2012 WL595490 The court found, inter alia, that the owner did not comply with Conn. Gan. Stat. § 14-16 by registering a cartificata of title that had bean transferred to him with the department of motor vehicles. Therefore, ha failed to establish that he was, in fact, the “owner” of the vehicle. State v. Smale The registration certificate is for purpose of identification and revenue. In the contextof vehicle ownership, our courts have noted that while vehicle registration and title are the clearest indica of ownership; see Budris v, Allstate insurance Company, supra, 44 Conn.App. 58 {noting persuasive evidentiary value of vehicle registration and tite recards [n establishing ownership); tion 1-4 Central Auto & Transport v Luxury Limo Bux, ELC 2069 Conn. Super LEXIS 2420 Phows (860) 263-2408 Fax (860) 263-2402 163 Capitol Ayonua, Sulta 1200- Hartford, Connection 06106. ue Euat Dppormty Epler Petition for Declaratory Rating Page 3 af 3 General Statutes § 14-145 ef seq provides thai if a vehicle is towed pursuant to the statue the towing company is to release the car only upon verification of the owner's registration and after recelpt of payment for the towing and storage costs. The rights and obligations of LLC are governed by General Statutes § 14-145 et seg. provides that if a vehicle is towed pursuant to the statue the towing company is to release the car only upon verification of the owner's registration and after receipt of payment for the towing and storage costs. Wherefore, petitioner requests that the Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board grant this petition and issue a declaratory ruling in this matter. _— k —— joner’s Signaty re bine 15,2022 Date 690 Main Street Matling Address Oakville, CT 06779 City, State, Zip Code 203-463-4723 Daytime Phone No. Deliver or Mail bo: Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board Office of State Ethics 165 Capitol Avenue, Suite 1200 Hartford, CT 06106 Phone (880) 263-2400 Fax (860) 263-2402 165 Capitol Avcauc. Sustc |200—Hartfasel Connecticut 06] 06 An Equal a ‘Enployer DOCKET NO: UWY-CV23-6068806-S RETURN DATE 01/24/2023 SUPERIOR COURT MICHAEL FESTA JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY TOWN OF WATERTOWN WATERTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT; and WATERTOWN POLICE CHIEF BERNEGGER, In his official capacity June8s, 2023 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUCTION The Plaintiff in the above captioned matter respectfully files the attached Affidavit pursuant to C.G.S. § 52-471 (b) in support of his Motion for Preliminary Injunction. THE PLAINTIFF,