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  • ALAL, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS JINKI HIGA, AS TRUSTEE OF THE HIGA FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 8, 2004, ET AL. Other Breach of Contract/Warranty (not fraud or negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • ALAL, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS JINKI HIGA, AS TRUSTEE OF THE HIGA FAMILY TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 8, 2004, ET AL. Other Breach of Contract/Warranty (not fraud or negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


AT-138/EJ-125 ATTORNEY OR PARTY MTHOUT STATEBAR NO. TYSVOD vane: Adam L, Salamo' fresq FOR COURT USE ONLY prune EH IASTE HARVEY WILSON & SALAMOFF, LLP cnet aomeres 1221 . Dyer Ra., Suite 200 jerry: anta Ana stare CA 21 cope: 92705 revePHone no,: (714) 289-7070 raxno, (714) 269-7071 E-Ma aooress; FILED Superior Court of California arToRNeYFoR ame, ALAL, LLC dba KEI-Al LOS ANGELES, etc. County of Los Angeles SUPERIOR COURTOF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGECES street aooress. 111 North Hill Street JAN 18 2021 MaiunG aooress: 111 North Hill Street city ano zip cove: LOS Angeles, 90012 Sher lerk of Court prance name Stanley Mosk Courthouse By. Deputy PLAINTIFF ALAL, LLC dba KEI-AI LOS ANGELES, etc. DEFENDANTYINKI HIGA, etc., et al. APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPEARANCE AND EXAMINATION CASE NUMBER: (75) ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT (__] ATTACHMENT (Third Person) 19STCVO6696 () Judgment Debtor (J Third Person ORDER TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION Reservation ID No. 994396253588 1. TO (name): Irene Higa 2. YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR personally before this court, or before a referee appointed by the court, to a. [_] furnish information to aid in enforcement of a money judgment against you. b. [-%) answer concerning property of the judgment debtor in your possession or control or concerning a debt you owe the judgment debtor. c. [__] answer concerning property of the defendant in your possession or control or concerning a debt you owe the defendant that is subject to attachment. Date: February 4, 202T Time: 6:30 a.m. Dept. or Div.: 12 Rm.: 646 Address of court (X] is shown above i) is: 3. This order may be served by a sheriff, marshal, registered process server, or, the following specially appointed person (name): Date: Ye i. 2/ “Y LE This order must be served not less than 10 days before the date set for the examination. ‘Lf Han Po arhara. Ae Rolain IMPORTANT NOTICES ON REVERSE APPLICATION FOR ORDER TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION (2X) Original judgment creditor applies for an order requiring Fer Assignee of record (name); rene Higa “| Plaintiff who has a right to attach order to appear and furnish information to aid in enforcement of the money judgment or to answer concerning property or debt. The person to be examinedis a. [__] the judgment debtor. b. (X] a third person (1) who has possession or control of property belongingto the judgment debtoror the defendantor (2) who owes the judgment debtor or the defendant more than $250. An affidavit supporting this application under Code of Civil Procedure section 491.110 or 708.120 is attached. 6. The person to be examined resides or has a place of business in this county or within 150 miles of the place of examination. 7, () This court is not the court in which the money judgment is entered or (attachment only) the court that issued the writ of attachment. An affidavit supporting an application under Code of Civil Procedure section 491.150 or 708.160 is attached. 8, [) The judgment debtor has been examined within the past 120 days. An affidavit showing good cause for another examination is attached. 1G. | declare under pet of perjury under the laws of the State of California th the Fors joing is true a correct. Date: November 2020 Adam L. Salamoff, Esq. _- za (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) (Continued on reverse) Page 1 of2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR Code of Civil Procedure, Judicial Council of Caitoreia ‘$6 491.110, 708.110, 708.120, 708.170 [AT-438/6J-125 (Rev. Janvary 1, 2017) APPEARANCE AND EXAMINATION (Attachment—Enforcement of Judgment) Westlaw Doc & Form Builder